It's Gonna Be Okay (Lust x Horror)

Ship: Lust x Horror


‘Lust was having an anxiety attack and was having trouble thinking straight, which caused him to do something irrational. Horror happened to come back home while this was happening and found his poor Lust like this and tried to help.’

3rd POV

It was late close to midnight and it was softly storming outside. Lust was at the house alone again while Horror was at Nightmare’s castle. Lust didn’t really like being alone but he had to deal with it. He would clean the house, cook, decorate and practice pole dancing. Other then that he would sit on the couch alone, just thinking on it. Right now he was sitting next to his window in his shared bedroom with Horror, staring at the outside. He had hot cocoa on his hands, snuggled in a fluffy blanket. He liked it when it rained, it calmed him but he would get scared if it was a thunder storm. But he was enjoying the sight he was seeing. He took a sip of his hot drink and sighed.

“I wonder when Horror will come back..” He questioned himself. He covered his head with the blanket like a hoodie. Suddenly, a lightning strike then the thunder came right behind it. Lust jumped out of where he was sitting. When he had jumped he knocked down a glass cup that was on a desk next to him. His eyes widen as he started having flashbacks…


The sound of a glass bottle getting broken. Lust was on his knees, hands on his head. Fell had smashed a alcohol bottle on Lust’s head. Fell was drunk and out of control. He was angry for no exact reason. Lust was shaking and crying on the ground.

“F-FELL PLEASE Y-Y-YOU’RE DRUNK RIGHT NOW P-PLEASE STOP!” Lust cried out. Fell growled darkly at Lust with pure annoyance. He lowered his hand and grabbed Lust’s chin and forcefully made Lust look up at him.

“I do what I want to you so stay there and DON’T ARGUE!” Fell grabbed another bottle and smashed it on Lust’s head. Lust was on the edge of fainting. “Don't you dare black out on me!” Fell slapped Lust on his face, real hard. Lust was just crying even more. At the same night Lust kept getting abused and had gotten raped by his own boyfriend.

/End of Flashback/

Lust was crying on the floor now. He was wrapped up on his blanket. He was whispering harsh words to himself.

“I’m useless, I’m worthless, I’m not loved...I’m nothing… one would care about me….I’m a WHORE..I’M A FUCKING SLUT!” Lust screamed, crying rapidly now. He got up and ran to the bathroom. He looked under the cabinets on the bottom of the sink and grabbed something from all the way in the back. It was a bag. He untied it and grabbed a knife, exacto knife and scissors. He laid it down on the sink and grabbed the exacto knife. He lifted up his sleeve and started cutting deep cuts on his bones. He kept repeating the bad words he had said about himself. 

While this Horror was coming home. He had his fluffy hoodie up because of the rain. He was speed walking to get to the house to get out the rain. Horror had finally made it and he was about to get his keys when he heard a yell. He panicked, he got his keys, unlocked the door and quickly got in. He put his stuff on the floor and took off his sweater. 

“Lusty? Sweetheart, are you ok?” Horror asked as he slowly went upstairs. He was upstairs and he heard crying and talking from his and Lust’s room. Horror opened the door to his and Lust’s room and looked around the room. He saw the bathroom door slightly opened. He walked in the room while he closes the door behind him. He walks to the bathroom door slowly and listens closely to the door. He hears Lust sobbing and talking to himself.

“I hate m-m-myself..*hics* why a-am I even h-here….I’m j-just a s-s-slut..” Horror frowns at the words his lover was saying to himself and started talking quietly.

“Lusty..? Are you ok...?” Lust jumps as he quietly starts putting everything back into the cabinets. He pulls down his sleeves and wiped his tears. He slowly opens the door and looks at Horror.

“H-hey honey..What are you doing here s-so early..” Lust smiled, trying to keep himself together. Horror slightly smiled but still knew Lust was faking all of it.

“Lusty it’s 12:40 am..It’s almost 1:00 am, what are you doing up?” Horror asked opening the door more. Lust looked down at the floor.

“I-I wasn’t that t-tired..” Lust answered as he looked at Horror in the eyes. Lust held onto his arm where he cut. Horror put his hand on Lust’s left shoulder which caused Lust to hiss at the sudden touch to where his cuts lay. Horror frowned again.

“Lust what happened?” Lust smiled but sweated a little.

“W-w-what are y-you talking about?” Horror gave a straight and serious look at Lust.

“Lust. You know exactly what I mean.” Horror said as his one red eye glowed red. Lust looked down, shaking and feeling guilty.

“I-I’m sorry p-p-please don't hit m-me..” Lust closes his eyes shut, Horror looks away feeling guilty as well.

“Listen I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be that rude and I’m not gonna hit you my love, I would never.” Horror looks at Lust and kisses his forehead. Lust blushes a little and looks up at Horror. “So you wanna show me what you did, sweetheart?” Lust shook his head, slowly. “Please?” Horror asked again, more softly. Lust finally gave in and lifted up his sleeves. There was a lot of smudged blood and there was still blood leaking out of his arm. Lust couldn’t look at his arm nor Horror, he felt way too ashamed of it. Horror frowned and started cleaning the cuts. 

/Few minutes Pass/

Horror cleaned and wrapped the wounds, of course Lust was hissing the whole time but he tried to stay still just for Horror. Horror carried Lust to the bed and laid him there. Horror then laid down right on top of him and started cuddling him, making sure to not touch his cuts.

“Lusty I’m always here if you need to talk or for anything you need..” Horror reassured Lust. Lust nodded.

“I’m sorry Horror, I didn’t mean to worry you…” Horror shook his head.

“I know you didn’t Lusty, you just did it without thinking, I know you sweetheart. We’ll work through this.” Horror cuddled into Lust’s neck as Lust purred snuggling on Horror’s head. Lust wrapped his arms around Horror and both Horror and Lust closed their eyes.

“Thanks puppy..” Lust smiled as Horror blushed.

“No problem Lusty, it’s gonna be okay.”


{1,208 words}

Hope you enjoyed this angst one shot! My first time doing one to.

P.S. Requests are coming in soon.
