Heyy guys!
It's so good to see that many people are liking my book. I am thankful to you guys for reading it through. This is one of the books I wrote without any planning so it is sure to be wonky. But the love you guys showered made me feel gratefull.

So with the same feelings I would like to announce to you guys my upcoming series - Love you series.
It is a story of six wonderfully people divided into 3 books. It is something I have been planning for a year now and I would love it if you guys become a part of it.

The first book is about a Taylor Swift fan falling in love, second book is about a BTS fan who is trying to figure out her life, Third book is about a reader who is also a writer- who is trying to know who she actually is- a journey of self discovery I would call it.
I really hope you guys check out once the books are out.  It would be lovely!!!
The first book - "Swear to be over dramatic and true" (I revealed the title for you guys) Will be out on March 3rd of 2024. Mark the date guys. Please check the book out!!
Lots of love!!!

