Part 1 - Chapter 1 - Greenie

Song - Whatever It Takes (Imagine Dragons)


Eternal, consuming black swallowed me whole. The disgusting screech of metal against metal ate away at my brain, my hands immediately finding my ears trying to block out the noise. Sweat dripped down my forehead and onto the bridge of my nose, before sliding onto the growing puddle sitting under my bent body.

The squeal of some sort of creature broke my trance.

I snapped my head up and registered the sudden red flashing lights, and my kneeling position on the ground. A cage, a cage falling. No, not falling. Rising. At a too-fast speed. A sudden jolt brought me all the way to my stomach, and I crawled to the corner of the metal box, shuffling to have my back to the metal wall. I tried to calm the rapid rising and falling of my chest as I clung to the metal bars; the cold metal brought no comfort to the realization that I didn't know what this was. Where I was.

I saw the top of my journey up ahead. A concrete roof. I braced for the impact, closing my eyes for comfort.

There was a slight rickety halt. The sudden shock not as dangerous as I initially expected. The lights turned piercing green. And the once solid end to my death trap opened, flooding my eyes with blinding daylight.

It was too bright. The outlines of people were all I could make out. An eruption of murmurs and gasps filled my ears as I tried to sit up on my elbow. My other hand was on my forehead, trying to block out the daylight. Boys. They were boys. Twenty or so that I could make out. All with the same bewildered expression. Two of those boys jumped into the cage making me scramble deeper into the corner.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I screeched; the sound of my own voice sounding like a stranger's. My throat felt raw and sore.

The two boys in the box stopped in their tracks. One was blonde, skinny, and quite small, the other stocky, tall, with short brown hair, and a cold stare. The blonde one bent down to match my height.

He spoke with a British accent,

"It's okay, we don't want to hurt you."

I met his gaze, seemingly warm. He had that sort of twinkle in his eyes that would make anyone ponder what he was up to now. 

I then flicked my eyes to the other boy. He looked at me like I was the dirt underneath his shoe. In that second, I made up my mind who I could trust.

With a newfound strength, I found my feet, grasped the metal bars, and heaved myself. With two easy lunges, I was out of the cage. The number of boys was overwhelming. All surrounded me in a tight circle. A few laughed, and someone yelled,

"We've got a runner!"

Another boy took a step closer, reaching out to grab my arm but without thinking I grabbed his arm and twisted until he loosened his grip. I then proceeded to shove him into a group of boys. The laughing stopped and was replaced with shouts. I prepared for another attack, but instead, the hoard all moved to me, trying to grab my limbs.

"Leave me alone! Who are you?" I yelled, my vision became dizzy and started to spin as I tried to make out the faces of my attackers. Too many. There were too many. My shouts now only a mere whisper.

"Please. Please just leave me alone." My voice broke and the world started to slip from my grasp. As I fell to the ground, two steady hands on my waist broke my fall. The last thing I saw was the face of the stocky boy with cold eyes from the box as he lowered me to the ground. And then it all went dark.
