Chapter 13 - Love

Song - The Archer x Not Strong Enough (Spilled Pancake Batter) 

Gally rushed into the room, shutting the door behind him. He started pacing frantically. 

"Gally, what's the matter?" I asked, searching his eyes.

He stopped a few meters in front of me.

"Can you just... hear me out, okay?" He pleaded.


He inhaled a deep breath.

"I don't think I can go into this mission without talking about... us, because who knows what will happen. You heard Teresa. This is a suicide mission!"

"But I thought we were going to wait-"

"Well do you remember the last time we said we were going to wait?" he blurted out angrily.

Memories of our last night together in the maze flashed in my mind. He told me that we had time... that we didn't need to rush. Little did we know...

"Yes, Minho is our top priority right now, but that doesn't mean you should just push everything else away. I'm worried about you Ellie,"

"Why are you worried?"

"There is something you're not telling me," He murmured not breaking eye contact.

I shook my head,

"There's nothing-"

"Don't you start that!" He finally snapped before taking a deep breath,

"Okay? I know you. I know when something is wrong. Newt... he knows when something is wrong. He said he was worried about you. You haven't been yourself. You're not eating. Not talking to any of us. Thomas noticed as well-"

"What? So, you've all been talking about me behind my back?" I hissed.

"Because we care about you Ellie!" he cried.

I opened my mouth to hurl another response, but I couldn't find the words. I swallowed and looked at my feet.

"Just tell me... please," He pleaded taking a few steps closer. I whipped my head back up to look at him.

"You wanna know what's wrong? Fine!" I exploded, "Every time I close my eyes I see every person in my life who has died. Chuck. Alby. My parents. Ben. Jeff. Winston. And for a long time, you,"

His frustrated face immediately softened.

"But I couldn't afford to grieve. I had to force every single emotion down so that I could survive until the next morning. I had to learn to kill at sixteen! Learn to pull the trigger,"

My voice broke.

"Then after leaving everything, I had ever known behind, I got my memories back. And found out that one of my best friends is my brother. And that we had lost all this time together because he was stripped away from me and thrown into the fucking maze that I built! And then one of my other best friends stabs me in the fucking back the minute I let my guard down and start to trust somebody!"

Tears welled in my eyes and my hands started to tremble.

"Don't you get it? Everything is my fault! I built the maze that killed your friends. I almost killed you! I couldn't stop Newt and then Thomas from being thrown into the maze. The only reason Minho is captured in the first place is because of Teresa. Which was my mistake,"

Tears started rolling down my cheeks, but Gally didn't move to comfort me. He just watched. I couldn't even see his expression through the tears.

"And to top it all off, I thought I killed the boy I love... and I still don't even know if he loves me back but now, he is back with me, and I can't seem to bring myself to even think about the possibility of him loving me... because who could possibly love me with all the shit goes on in my fucked-up brain..."

My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath. I wiped the tears from my eyes and I could finally see Gally properly his chest was also rapidly rising up and down as he shook his head,

"Do you really think I don't love you? After everything!" he fumed.

"Well... you haven't said it! So how am I meant to know?" I raged back.

Gally stalked towards me. I stood my ground. I'm not scared of him. I'm not scared of him-

Gally grabbed the sides of my face and pressed our lips together.

All our frustration, desperation and anger melted away as we finally came together for a moment of pure bliss.

I immediately found the familiar position with my arms wrapped around his neck. He gripped my waist as he pulled me closer, his lips pushing hard in desperation.

When he pulled away he looked me dead in the eyes. I stared up into his ocean-blue eyes.

"I love you. I love you even with all that shit stuff. I love you and your brain. And I'm not ever going to let you think for a second that isn't the case for the rest of your life... okay?"

The frustration on his face melted away. He smiled softly down at me. He wiped the tears from my cheek.

"Okay," I whispered into his ear.

He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer.

"And please... never say that this is your fault. And I know me telling you to do that can't just magically wipe the thought from your mind but... just talk to me if you ever feel like that. Can you promise you will tell me?"


He gently kissed me on my lips. Before I pushed my forehead onto his, closing my eyes.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," He whispered back.

And for the first time in a very long time... there was hope in my heart that maybe I was going to be okay after all. 
