Telling the world Pref

*Your dating and this is how you guys decide to tell the world!

Louis- You and Louis had been dating for about a year, but management thought it would look bad to let your relationship out to the public. They would try and separate the two of you as much as possible, and it was putting strain on your relationship to not be able to really be with each other anymore. So finally you had enough of management, when you filed in for a radio interview you politely moved in front of Liam to sit next to Louis. Management was weary of your movements and we're cautiously watching you during the interview. You did nothing, until the interview the next day, which was filmed, so the fans could see every movement you made. Management had thought you were just being weird yesterday so they eased up a little. But when you moved next to Louis last minute again they all tensed. The interviewer was a young black haired boy who looked no older than 17, and he was American. He began to ask the questions which had become routine for you all. And then he asked the all known question, "So who's in a relationship?" The routine Liam and Zayn rose their hands, you glanced over at both management and Paul. Next you grabbed Louis hand with one of yours and rose your other, Louis face lit up. Management stormed out, knowing this was going to be everywhere and there's nothing they can do to stop it. Paul had a slight smirk on his face, knowing the restrictions had been killing you to the point where you would rant to him. "OH! (Y/N) why do you grab Louis hand? Who are the two of you dating?" With a huge grin you quickly reply, " Each other!" After the routine, how long, have you kissed, etc. The interview was over. You may have gotten hell from management, but it was all worth it to be able to spend time with Louis as a couple whenever.

Niall- You and the boys had been locked in your joined hotel rooms in Australia all yesterday because of the rain. And management was gonna try and keep you inside all day today until the concert, when ITS FREAKING SUNNY OUTSIDE!!! Yeah, no thanks, LET US OUT! Unfortunately, Paul was not going to budge on this, you managed to negotiate with him and you got to roam the hotel floor y'all were on, only because it was the VIP floor so only 1D and crew were allowed up there. But Paul even had security at the balcony doors, why couldn't we go outside! You were already mad at management, so you set out to find some way to spite them by getting outside, into the sight of your wonderful fans. You took a walk around the floor with Niall, trying to look like you're just passing the time. When you saw that there was a hallway that lead to a flight of stairs going to the roof. You smiled, trying to figure out how to get all of you up there without tipping off security. You and Niall arrived back at the hotel rooms and you went up to Louis, knowing he was always good at escaping security. Niall told the other boys what you two had found and they were all intently watching you and Louis plan your escape.
Paul had just went to the bathroom so now was your chance, you sent Liam and Zayn first. Nobody would suspect Liam of anything, and if Zayn was with anybody else it'd be suspicious. Next Niall and Louis, they watch you and Niall when you're together, and Louis and you have been known to pull pranks, so the two of them together isn't too suspicious. The last part was the hardest, because Paul had returned, and seeing Niall wasn't with you he was a little weary, but in the end he figured you were with Harry, and his pranks or plans always end up horrible so nothing too bad was going on. Once he went to check if the other boys were in the bathroom or food area you and Harry quickly walked to the stairwell, trying not to rise too much attention. Once you got up there you noticed the other boys hiding from the fans, because if security heard them screaming louder they would go and check it out. Now that you had all arrived you could walk to the edge where the fans could see you. The moment they saw that you weren't security their volume maximized by 10. You all were laughing and pointing out cute and funny signs you could see. This was just what you guys needed, then Louis brought out a football you hadn't noticed he'd been carrying. You began a nice game, not kicking too hard in fear of the ball falling off the roof. Niall came up to you, "Princess?" You looked up into his eyes,"Yes?" He nervously scratched the back of his neck, "I want to show the fans that we're dating... Like right now." Your face lit up at that, " Boys get your arses over here!" You yelled over to them. "Niall and I are going to go public, like right now, and we need your help. We're gonna go kiss by the ledge and you guys are gonna scream 'Niall and (Y/N) are dating!' K?" You questioned, they all happily agreed, knowing not being able to show your affection during interviews and concerts was hard. You heard security," There they are, get them inside!" You looked at the boys, "QUICKLY!" You all ram over to the ledge, you and Niall locked eyes before he planted his warm pink lips on your own. You heard the boys screaming the words, then the fans volume escalated, then so did security's. Paul grabbed Niall and you by the back of your shirt collars and pulled you apart, then back inside. You may have gotten I'm huge trouble, but it was worth it. The Twitter GIF's of the two of you were amazing, and the fans were tweeting 'I KNEW IT!' It was Truly, Madly, Deeply, an amazing moment!

Liam- 1 month after Laim's breakup with Danielle you two had confessed your feeling and begun dating. Both you guys and management agreed that you should wait to go public because of how his breakup was percieved. After 2 months of you two dating you went to management asking for permission to go public. Being the 'responsible' ones of the band you were going to follow whatever management told you. Surprisingly they said yes, but not really wanting to do it at a concert the two of you settled for tweeting the news.
Liam: ' I would tell you guys MEET MY WONDERFUL GIRLFRIEND... but... You already know her! @(Y/T/N) Love you!'
You: ' You might've seen his tweet first, but I'm so happy to be able to show you guys how much I truly love @Real_Liam_Payne! I'll be singing Little Things for u tonight!*xx '

Harry- The two of you were set up to 'date' a lot of people by management, him to be the ' ladies man ' and you because you were the only girl. You were known for being vocal against management both to their faces and revealing the relationship was fake through Twitter. Since you and Harry had started dating management was not very happy. Any time the band had to be split in interviews the two of you were apart, every photoshoot you two were on the ends. It was non-stop, the two of could almost never get a moment alone, or hell, even just you two in a room with the boys was hard to come by. You, being a very opinionated person, were done with  this shit! So, you had a good friend of yours make you and Harry shirts, yours said 'I'm with Styles!' and his said 'I'm with (Y/L/N)!' And at your interview in the Alan Carr show you were both wearing them under your button downs, yours tucked into a skirt, his into pants. And it was the very beginning of the interview, you had all just sat down. You on the very left of the screen, Harry on the right, per management. Ugh! "Alan!" You politely interrupted the host, " I don't mean to be rude, but I have an announcement to make." The hosts eyes widened and the boys all started to look at you confusedly, until Harry and you stood up. When the two of you began unbuttoning your shirt the audience began to wolf whistle. "NOT THAT!" Harry waved them off, knowing what some people were imagining. You both looked at Alan, "Which camera are we revealing out surprise to?" You questioned, Alan pointed to the camera and you and Harry both quickly ripped off your button downs and displayed your newly made couples shirts. He looked at you, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled closer, only to plant his lips o to yours. You were surprised at the PDA, but kissed back never the less. Let's just say the two of you were never separated in public but management again.

Zayn- Zayn is very quiet during interviews so management wasn't too worried about him telling anybody because he's a very private person. You on the other hand, are the complete opposite, which is why you two work so well together. You fill the others empty spaces, and you certainly fill in for Zayn's quiet nature with your outgoing and loud persona. Obviously you respected Zayn, so you didn't tell the public anything because he didn't want to yet. But he knew the second he told he was okay with it you wouldn't even bother thinking about management, not like you cared their opinion anyways. So, when he was ready before telling you he asked management, they told him not quite yet. Unfortunately for Zayn, his plan didn't go just as planned, he had butt dialed you during the meeting, so you heard everything. Knowing he was a horrible liar you planned on asking him if he was ready to go public, since your 6 month anniversary was coming up. So once he got home you had to do your best to not laugh when he tried to lie about where he went. "Babes?" "Hmmm?" He replied, you looked at him with the puppy face that always worked on him, he groaned knowing you were fixing to ask him for/ to do something. "What is it this time love?" You smiled, " I just wanted to see where you were on the going public thing, that's all." You said looking at him with a blank expression. He sighed, trying not to look at you at all, knowing once he did he would break, it was so hard not to burst out laughing at his horrible attempt at lieing. When you grabbed his chin, forcing him to look you in the eye, he broke! " Iwenttoaskmanagementandaskedifwecangopublictodayandtheysaidnotyet!" He blurted out, hoping that you didn't understand him, unfortunately he does that a lot, so you understood him perfectly. " Wait, so. You're ready?" You asked slowly, making sure you got that part right, because that was all you cared about. He blushed, nodding while looking down at your shoes. You smiled, " Then fu+k management babes!" At your concert the night after you waited for the Twitter portion, you bribed a tech to put a tweet you asked your sister to tweet up during the concert so you could tell the world about you and your boo. When you saw the tweet up there, the last tweet of the night, you smiled and looked over at Zayn, his eyes widened and he looked at you with a weary look, probably scared of management. Oh well! " Oh (Y/N), your sister has tweeted us! ' I know the answer, but are there any inner band romantic relationships?' (Y/N)! Answer your sister!" Liam read and then turned to you, the spotlight followed to where you were. Turns out once Liam was done with reading the tweet you had run and kissed Zayn. On stage. In front of millions of fans. And cameras. And angry management. WHO CARES! You pulled away and smiled brightly at the lipstick on Zayn's face, wiping it off with the collar of his shirt. You smirked and held your mic up to your mouth, I don't know Li. Can you answer for me?!" The fans screamed at your sarcastic personality and within second the #1 trend on Twitter was #(Your/ship/name)
