Little Things Imagine

     Lately you have been very self critical, it has caused the boys to worry, so much that they had to log off your social medias so you couldn't see all of the hate. Being the only girl in the band left you to be an easy target for haters, taking jabs at your weight, how you acted like a tomboy and not a lady, how you were a slit because you used the boys for sex. All of this was nonsense and the boys tried to remind you that, but you still took it personally. It has gotten to a point to where you and the boys good friend, Ed Sheeran, even began to worry about you.
     One day while you were taking a nap in a hotel room on your Ed had called all the boys into Louis and Zayn's room for a little meeting. When they all arrived Ed pulled out a new song he had just written for you guys' next album, 'Little Things'. After reading through the words all the boys had glossy eyes. The sing obviously reminded them all of their youngest band mate on the other side of the rooms wall. Who was currently taking a nap because she was too busy crying over all the horrible tweets written about her after their concert last night.
     The boys sat with Ed practicing the sing until they felt comfortable enough with it. They quietly snuck into (Y/N)'s room, they sat around the edge of the bed she had managed to curl up into. At the sound of a guitar (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open, she say up confused as to why the boys and Ed where surrounding her as she slept. Once the boys began to sing she covered her face, not used to having people who cared about her this much. As she listened to the meaningful lyrics of the beautiful song she began to cry happy tears. She leaned into Liam, as he was say next to her, once the boys had finished singing they all have her a group hug. She thanked them for caring as much as they do, and she complemented Ed on his amazing song.
     All day the boys have been complimenting (Y/N) with little quotes from 'Little Things', making her blush. The band ended up recording the studio version of the song two weeks after being given the song. Many fans realized who the song was about by the way the boys promoted it, and quickly more and more supportive and positive fans started to pop up on (Y/N)'s social media. She got out of her little dip in the road fairly quickly, only because of the boys, Ed, and the true fans. Now every time they preform Little Things on stage the boys look at (Y/N) while singing their solo's, and she cries at least one tear every time. The song forever reminds her why the boys and the fans love her, and that she is beautiful. Now whenever she feels down the boys will cuddle with her and sing Little Things softly to her until she feels better.
