I'll Help You Through This {Niam} By Brooke

{Niall's P.O.V}

"Thirty more minutes and your shift is done Nialler" Zayn smiled at me as I continued to take drink orders.I turned to look at Zayn and I smiled a bit, and with that I continued to serve the customers of the small bar in Wolverhampton that me and Zayn currently worked at. Zayn then gently nudged my side as he nodded his head towards the door. "Aye, Nialler! Cutie at 6 o'clock," He chimed, as he slid down to the other side of the bar to grab the other customer's orders.I made my way over to the really cute stranger to take his order,but as I got closer I noticed his eyes we're blood shot like he'd been crying for hours.What could possiably be wrong with him I thought.I took the lad's order, which seemed to be quite a lot for the boy- because he seemed very frail, but also he seemed desperate for a drink; so I did my job and served the teary-eyed lad his drink."Here you go,now would you mind telling me why a person as cute as you looks like they've been crying for hours?" I asked trying to start a converstation with the lad sitting in front of me,He took a sip of his drink and sniffed.

"Well it was me and my boyfri- erm I mean..ex Harry it was our 6 months but..lately he had been acting differently around me,Like when he looked into my eyes it wasn't the same love and caring shine it was when we first met" he paused and took another sip I nodded "He told me that there's nobody else,But I felt there was.he told me that he was home by himself,But I saw he wasn't. he looked into my eyes and pretended all he wanted.The other day I go to his house I look through the front door window right?" he said "right" I said trying to get to the point "I found him snogging in the couch with Louis" he simply said he started crying again.I checked the time 9:30PM "Hey,c'mon don't cry tell you what my shift is over i'll cheer you up" I assured him and smiled brightly at him."before we leave what's your name love?" "Liam" "I'm Niall" I smiled

Liam agreed to coming home with me, so we walked back to my flat (It was a block away, thank god), and we ended up back in no time; approximately 10 minutes. I opened the door with a chuckle, as I led him inside. "So this is my house!" I said and open my arms out at the place that was a complete mess "Sorry it's not clean" Liam had cackled it off, and he shrugged. "Aaaha, it's fine Nia-oh!" He exclaimed as he had tripped over a pile of clothes on the floor, which made me chuckle quietly; he was drunk, obviously going to have a bad hangover in the morning."Woah you ok there Li?" I held out my hand so he could reach up and get up.He almost had it but his fingers just brushed mine slightly Liam started to burst out laughing when he missed my hand. "M-M'fine," He laughed out as he finally, after several attempts, firmly grasped my hand and I pulled him up.

 "You sure mate?" I giggled,yes I Niall Horan giggled "settle down Liam" I brought him over to my couch and laid him there."Be right back" I said before heading towards my room.I grabbed some things and changed into sweats and a plain grey shirt, until I heard a thump and a loud cackle coming from downstairs, and I turned around to look at Liam, who was now on the ground, with a small frown.I rushed out of my room to Liam and put his head on my lap "You ok babe?" I said without thinking out "N-no cuddle with me?" he asked "Sure thing".I picked him up and we laid in the couch lazily.Me and Liam cuddled for a bit,and he had a continuos amount of giggles until it died down and we went to sleep in each others arms.

A/N Thanks to nialls_style to helping me write some of this i had a huge writter's block -Brooke 
