Be mine (Larry Stylinson) By stylinslut

Harry P.O.V

I woke up to hear Eleanor and Louis having sex. This was the 5th night in a row. They went out to bars, gambled, came home, and had sex.

But he didn't love her. I try to stop him, but he pushes me away. They are just bestfriends!

I fall back asleep thinking about if Louis was mine.

I wake up the next morning to find Louis next to me in bed. He looked so beautiful. But how did he get here? I saw he had a tear stained face. But why would he be crying? I scooped him up in my arms, and hugged him. I didn't like seeing my Boo sad. But why was he?

I could here him waking up. "Morning Haz." His morning voice was so sexy, so perfect.

"Morning boo, why are you crying, or were you crying last night?" I asked him, with a serious face.

"There was a thunderstorm, and Eleanor was scaring the shit out of me." He chuckled ever so lightly.

"Well you have me now." I leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Haz.... Theres something I have to tell you." he said.

Louis P.O.V

"Haz.... There's something I have to tell you." I had to tell him why i would have sex with El everynight, to hide my feelings for him.

"Yes boo?" He said smiling.

"I like you, Like I really like you. Scratch that, I love you. The only reason I'd bang El is to get you off my mind, your like my drug, I get so high off of you." I said blushing.

He sat their dumbfounded, until I realized he was leaning in to give me a kiss.

I leaned in to, our lips finally connecting. The fireworks were exploading. But it wasn't a messy kiss. It was a sweet, meaningfull, lingering kiss.

"Louis Tomlinson, I love you too. Be mine?" He said.

"I would love to be your boyfriend Haz." I said blushing.

I leaned in for another kiss, and this wasn't like anyother kiss.

It was a kiss filled with love.
