Sofia The First: Once Upon A Royal Knight Act II continues

Sofia The First: Once Upon A Royal Knight

Chapter 21: There's Nothing Like The Strong Bond of Twin Siblings' Love

Prisma went to her Royal Suite to take a nap she drifted off into a dark dank damp wetland stinking of death and decay, and steamy powers.

"Idiot woman, why should I be taught by you? You and your sister? Women will never understand men and boys."

"If you don't behave no one is going to trust you will guarding the powers of the Isle of Crystals you cannot be so reckless." Prisma hollered at Pierco. "Slow down or you're gonna hurt yourself."

"You lean to listen to us, Pierco Prisma is right we're trying to help you see the bigger picture more clearly." Azurine says coolly. "Don't do it give me the crystal, be my star pupil. Trust us. You don't know the damage you could bring."

"Where did he go?" asked Prisma.

"Somewhere this way we have to find him before some used the terra crystal against him." Azurine said. "Sister alert the protectors."

Prisma did go to alert the protectors. Chrysta came back with her. But the enemy got there first to the boy after his Father had yelled at him for stealing and threw him out of the Crystalmaster circle and Modred's servants picked him up, Prisma and Chrysta had ventured to the Blackdale lands.

"Pathetic a magicless winged fairy and a super duper young Crystal protector."

"Give back in the crystal in the name of the Protectors!" Chrysta demanded firmly.

"Why should we little fairy? You are in our world now and while our master bids you fair welcome he doesn't think you will want to handle the dark power of his castle."

The Crude Knight his armor bent and wrinkled and warped blinding light piercing at them from how well polished it was.

"Catch them and bring them to our lord unharmed." The Knight spoke. "He has a special gift and surprise for them."

"Yes, Crudo." Balor spoke. "Come along Grinda you heard our orders."

They easily did spells that sapped the fairy and Crystalmaster of their energy and caught them in cushioning spells.

"You have intruders Master Modred from the Mystic Isles their youngest Protector and newly appointed Crystalmaster trainer, Chrysta and Prisma."

"Let him go!" exclaimed Prisma gasping with shock. "He's just an immature kid he doesn't deserve this torture!"

"You are right he is just a kid and an an immature kid, but being a thief this is one punishment that cannot be corrected by the people of the Mystic Isles I cannot release or return him to you he was banned from the Mystic Isles and the Crystal Kingdom by his Father and your own, Prisma."

Pierco was wincing in pain surrounded by black evil steam Prisma was sure it was black fire only Modred could craft to wipe one's mind away. The light in the child's eyes were fading fast.

"How are we going to stop him from falling any farther if we don't have energy to fight with."

"Give me the crystal, Crudo." demanded Modred. The Knight approached his master. Prisma used her staff to make Baltor trip and Chrysta kept the wizard's apprentices distracted by her super flying.

"Lame you may have stolen the energy from my body but not from my wings or Enchantlet." chuckled Chrysta.

"Stop her!" exclaimed Modred demanding his apprentices to handle the pesky Fairy Protector. "I will deal with this Crystalmaster!"

"Crystallos grant me a shield!" Prisma chanted gritting her teeth a shield appears in her left hand and she fought with a crystal shield covering her side and giving the knight a nasty wound in the chest sweat dripping from her face and trickling down her shoulders. She hadn't moved so much in 5 years when Chyrsta first became a Protector who was now just 10 years old at the time of this fight. Chrysta all of the sudden light sparking began to appear out of her hands startling and scarring Baltor's face.

"Arrrgh how did she do that she don't even have a wand?" questioned Grinda growling immediately.

"Oh, I see the little Sorcereress sister has some wild cat like incisor teeth." Chrysta said she expertly dodged the spell casting as if she knew when it was aimed at her.

"You will stop torturing that boy thief or not I will not let him fall under your spells, Modred." Prisma exclaimed.

"I'm afraid young Crystal master lady it is too late to rescue him more than 24 hours under my painful punishment the darkness is starting to sink upon his mind and crush his heart.

"The very Crystal I convinced him to steal now corrupts him because I corrupted it, milady."

"You cannot obscure the light of the magic Crystals of the Crystal Isle crystals always find a way to shimmer once again breaking through the darkness otherwise I would not be standing here in one piece."
"You won't be standing for long nor will your friend being flying for very long her wings will tire out eventually."
Modred laughed and handed the shadow magic filled crystal to the crude knight.

"Shoot the boy with your bow my faithful Captain!" Modred demanded. Prisma gaped she swiped the wizard's leg with her staff turning it sideways.

"Master!" Grinda screamed aloud. "How dare you you little Ms. Perfect witch!"

The arrow of the Knight was loosed Prisma through her crystal shield knocking him unconscious using the magic crystal staff's she started cutting the black bars in the way as the soaked up crystal got closer.

"Check on our Wizard, Grinda my dearest sister." Baltor orders. "I'll get Prisma away in time."

Chrysta landed and warned, "Not if I have anything to say about that, Balor. Chrysta hit him with a water bolt of magic she looked as confused as he was.

"Well well seems we have a cutting edge couple of fleas in my second and only loyal boyfriend's palace." Morgana replied. "Shadow crystal divide."

The Shadow filled crystal was cutting in half!"

"Prisma look out!" Chrysta yelled. But it was too late. However Pierco heard Chrysta's voice snap him back to life he pushed her out of the way and let a piece scratch his skin and bleed a little.

"No! " Prisma said gasping. "Power of the Crystal Isle allow me to bear the weight and burden of this dark magic to alleviate his suffering."

"Your staff is broken Prisma!" Morgana stated. Prisma's staff splintered apart.

"Chrysta get out of here, now!" Prisma responded. "Leave me they won't let me go I have too much powers that they like, but they'll never be able to control it!"

Chrysta flew off, and hid but could barely here what Prisma was chanting. "Crystallos by the power of the crystals seal my mind and heart from evil doers who wish to command me! Then my heart be crystalized for the rest of my days."

She grabbed the infected crystal and plunged it into her chest making herself fall unconscious and her lovely red haired crystalmaster self disappear.

Prisma jerked up out of her bed. She was wondering if her heart was still one big crystal piece, and if that was the case she could not switch between any appearances she could have.

"Prisma are you alright?" inquired Amber.

"We heard you screaming." commented James. Amber lit a candle by her bedside. He brought her water.

"I had a nightmare, children. And a remembrance of my past I know I turned my heart into a full Crystal chunk. That's how I started to lose my way, people couldn't recognize me I lost my powers that day. I buried and concealed them far beneath me."

"Perhaps this will help, it's helped me overcome my nightmares of flying away and no one ever caring about it that I disappear one day." says Amber. "It's Cedric's Dusty Dream vision this flask isn't spelled to do anything but to give you a dreamless sleep."  James gave Prisma a cup of water.

"Thank you, young little Royals." Prisma smiled. "I'll try it, and see how it maybe works."
