Sofia The First: Once Upon A Royal Knight Act II... Chapter 25

Sofia The First: Once Upon A Royal Knight Act II
Chapter 25: Sofia Turns Into A Baby.
How will Princess Amber and Prince James handle this?

"Well Once a little bit ago on a fine summery day." James began. Amber rolled her eyes. She knew where this was going it was going back to the beginning it was a logical idea enough to make Sofia fall asleep as a little baby girl she was currently.

January 6th, 2005 0 days, 0 weeks, 0 months 0 years
February 6th, 2005: 0 days 0 weeks 1 month
March 6th 2005 2 months
April 6th 2005 3 months
May 6th 2005 4 months
June 6th 2005 5 months
July 6th 2005 6 months
August 6th 2005 7 months
September 6th 2005 8 months
October 6th 2005 9 months
November 6th 2005 10 months
December 6th 2005 11 months
January 6, 2006: 12 months or 1
January 6, 2007: 2 years
January 6, 2008: 3 years
January 6, 2009: 4 years
January 6, 2010: 5 years
January 6, 2011: 6 years
January 6, 2012: 7 years
January 6, 2013: 8 years

"In a place in the great big world there was a lovely couple who married and moved to Dunwiddie Enchancia upon that sailing trip Sofia was born named for the Star of Wisdom that lit their stormy skies abright on January 6th 2005." The couple lived happily in Dunwidde for two years and in 2006 when Sofia had turned three 1/2 her father a sailor began teaching her the ropes of how to start sailing."
After her four birthday was celebrated before the end of year Sofia lost her father at sea before he could see her turn 5 years old next month. Miranda and Sofia mourned him for a week before before Christmas in other kingdoms Wassailia in Enchancia realm and during her fifth year and her village best friends rescued a native forest girl named Holona from a rabid ravenous pack of coyotes set loose. Holona taught Sofia to stand strong despite hardships of life. Holona joined Helen's Buttercup troop as a teenager supervisor on their field trip to a bigger city where what is now called the Golden Glades Reserve was once called the Silver Glades Reserve in Silveria town and there they had their second encounter with the Royal King and his young children Princess Amber and Prince James twin Royalty while Miranda admits Roland II is a way better king than his Father was she did not agree to hangout with him during the trip. At the end of June beginning of July during Sofia's 7th year her Mother wed King Roland the second.

"Ah, Princess the Wedding March is starting, Sofia as the flower girl you get to walk the aisle first." Prince James responded. "Violete did you get everything ready?"

"Yes, here's your basket Sofia." Violet handed the brunette blue eyed girl in a laced up version of her purple village dress with a clear train Sofia wrapped her hands round the rose petal baskets as if she were holding Icecream cones sideways. Amber groaned. James pinched his sister.

"Ow! James why would you do that?" questioned Amber trying not to scream at him.

"Keep your temper in check we have to put on our best act for Daddy the King, Amber, I know you desperately want to be the flower girl again, but face it we're both passed that age." James explained. James was handed the ring box and Amber was handed the bouquet her step-mother would hold at the end of the procession. Sofia walked forward showering rose petals everywhere along the petal. Sofia sat on the first right side of the aisle. Amber and James up and went to the left row Amber not looking at Sofia yet but James smiled. Sofia smiled back.

Miranda instead of being escorted by her Father or Mother her brother Rodrigo Cordova took the escorting upon his shoulder.

"Dearly beloved please be seated." The preacher informed the congregation. "We have gathered today join this young Lady Miranda Baltahazar nee Cordova and this fine young man our King Roland the Second in union. And with this union you open the doors of the Enchancian Realm to a era of a new Queen and Princess. Miranda, please recite the Auroran Enchancia vow of loyalty."

"As I step in and bind myself to the family that has followed Aurora's footsteps since she first followed her Mother's journey into a magical portal where the Everrealm began as its new Queen and one with experience of village life I look into my village people's life and to show to my step children the unconditional loveliness I show my daughter to them as well. As a Queen I will treat everyone as beloved family and help those who are in need. For any deed is worth doing for those in need. If you have questions and concerns please consult me, I want to raise Enchancia higher just like Aurora did as its first Queen a long time ago. I Lady Miranda promise to respect the rules and organization of the castle, but will not be against correcting a troubling occurrence if it endangers the foundations of our kingdom indefinitely. I will submit to my new husband only when such things call for that otherwise as Queen I will be given half the responsibility to keep the kingdom at peace with our allies. This is a significant symbol of true love it is the courage to make great comprises and the fighting balance of what to let go and what to hold on to. I love you, King Roland though our paths were rocky when we met and I showed some disdain for your Father you are nothing like him, (she gestured to Amber) who stood up and James handed her the ring Miranda was going to give Roland. "This ring is a second symbol of my love for you gold and silver to recognize and accept every fault your family has had in the past and silver for the new and right things you may continue as long as this ring never breaks its circle this is how long I'll love and be true to you my faithfully wedded husband."

She slipped the ring on Roland's finger.

"This is a significant symbol of true love it is the courage to make great comprises and the fighting balance of what to let go and what to hold onto. I love you, Lady Miranda though our paths were rocky when we met and you showed some disdain for my Father, but you realized that I was nothing like him, (he gestured to James) who stood up and James handed him the ring Roland was going to give Miranda. "This ring is a second symbol of my love for you gold and silver to recognize and accept every fault your family has had in the past and silver for the new and right things you may continue as long as this ring never breaks its circle this is how long I'll love and be true to you my faithfully wedded wife."

"You may kiss the bride." The Preacher announces after Roland places the ring James gave him on Miranda's finger. Roland scooped Miranda into his arms, and she tilted her head back a little and he kissed her on the lips.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, All Hail Queen Miranda and King Roland II!"

"Hail to the King and new Queen Miranda of Enchancia!" everyone in the crowd shouted.

Amber gave Miranda her bouquet of flowers and left the initial ceremony the other way, Sofia and James joined her.

"Where are we?" questioned Sofia.

"Right next to June Berry Island Sofia." James informed her. Sofia's eyes went wide. "All this wedding planning was tiring Mom and Dad going on the honeymoon Baileywick will look after the two of us. But what about you?"

"No worries, James, Helen will look after me," explained Sofia. "Plus it will be good to see my village friends again before having to move to the castle a whole new scenery all together. And so it was Sofia brought her most cherished things to Helen Hanshaw's house where Miranda and Roland were going was aways away and they wouldn't be back till September. This was Sofia's first huge window with her Mom not being there all the time."

"Hey, Sofia, are you glad you're becoming a Princess you know Jade would give anything to be what you have gotten the chance to be, Sof." Ruby immediately tells her.

Amber placed a hand on James' shoulder and said, "Really James reading from her diary no wonder you made her nod off already."

"Shush, Amber don't scream you'll wake her and make her wail." James said. "And I was thinking I don't know hearing a story about herself might turn her back into her normal self, but it would also pass the time."

Sofia started screaming. Amber cringed.

"Shush, shush, little gal, dreams that you dream while asleep are dreams your heart keeps a promise to guide you forward. Let my love carry you into the night like the clouds sail across the skies
The stars are playing peek a boo and hide and seek
Dolphin's play in the silver waves under ocean's moonlight Glow
Glow my little sister with all my love I pass to thee
My love shining in thee will help you make your dreams come true
Will help you make your dreams come true.
Even when you're sad and alone and far from happiness
A shadow of Loneliness takes over you
Look up at the stars and their starlight
In their sparkling lights my lively presence lives on
No matter where or how far apart we be
My love for you my little sister Princess Sofia
Is as Constant as the Stars that shine up above us all
My love will forever be as constant as the stars shining up above us!🎶 Amber sang A bright light flashed and Sofia fell on the floor. Both Princesses said, "Ow!"

James chuckled. "Too adoreable."

"What happened?" inquired Sofia scratching her head. "Why are we in my room and why are you holding my diary, Jamesie?" as she scooted off of Amber's lap.

"Sofia and no offense, but do you realize just how heavy you're?" asked Amber.

"What Amber is trying to say is whatever foreign object you found in the library turned you into a baby up until well now it's midnight."

"Please tell me now that you moved the object out of plain sight?" inquired Sofia hopefully.

"After seeing what it did to you we didn't tell anyone about it and we didn't dare touch it. " Amber explained. Sofia frowned.

"You could have at least moved the side table out of people's eyes."

"It was too big to move." James said throwing up his hands saying. "There's a reason for why we didn't touch it."

"Does anyone else know about me being turned into a baby except you two?" questioned Sofia one of her eyes get raised.

"We did tell Gwen." James admitted.

"A logical choice." Sofia responded. "Now come on you two let's go get Gwen and move the side table to the far back of the library right now. She can help us solve this till we find a way to touch it without all turning everyone into babies."

She dragged her step-siblings back out into the hallway and tiptoed through the dim castle corridors down to the kitchen maid quarters. James knocked on Gwen's service room doors.

"Oh I hope she's not asleep."

"Phewy that was a drastic nightmare." exclaimed Gwen. She heard knocking on her bedroom door. She opened it and looked at the young royals lovingly immediately.

"Gwen we need your help." Amber replied. "It's important."

"Okay." Gwen stated shivering.

"Are you okay?" inquired James.

"Nothing much you three knocked on my door after me failing to go to sleep after a bad dream," explained Gwen. "Where's the issue?"

"It's in the library." Sofia whispered. The other three followed her back to the library the jewel in the box was still glowing proudly. "Help us move the side table away from human eyes, Gwen. "

"Don't touch the jewel." Amber warns Gwen. Gamwen nodded understanding and together the four of them push and slid it behind a book case that was rarely looked at any time in the Enchancia palace.
