Part Two

Thursdays were your days. They were your day for you to do your homework and have Shawn love on you as you did so. He'd order you food, clean up the mess afterwards, play with your hair and kiss your forehead while you worked, encouraging you to finish up what you could in order to allow the two of you some free time for the weekend. That way, you'd be able to go out and do as you pleased whether it was going out to dinner with his parents or hanging out at the bar across the city, the two of you were always out on the weekends. Today however, was Thursday which meant that you had loads of work to plow your way through before you could even consider stepping foot outside the house tomorrow night. Shawn, as amazing as always, had decided to order the both of you Chinese take out. It was gone as soon as it had arrived, the both of you starved and stressed over his music and your work. About an hour after finishing the food, Shawn cleaned up the mess for you and placed his guitar back in his office, cleaning up his sheets upon sheets of what could have been lyrics. Then, he planted himself on the couch directly next to you and played with your hair while he watched the television.

Unlike him, you couldn't get frustrated with your work and set it down for the night seeing as there was a deadline on yours. Shawn had been trying his hardest to get a jump start on SM4 but lately the stress of it has been getting to him. After just returning home from his festival run and the holidays around the corner, your days were busy.

Shawn's eyes moved from the TV screen to stare at you as you typed furiously, your fingers moving at the speed of light. You had been working for four hours on your essay now, and all you wanted was to be done. You hair was falling out of the messy bun you had put it in earlier due to Shawn's hands messing with it, and your glasses were slipping down the bridge of your nose every couple of minutes. You didn't notice him, too entranced by the work at hand to focus on him for too long. His hand began to wander through, as his mind traveled to a not so innocent place. It took you awhile to catch on to his subtle advances, but when you did, it became increasingly difficult to focus.

It began with his fingers running up and down the length of your arm in a soothing way, but soon enough those gentle fingers started to tease across your collarbone. You didn't think anything of it, Shawn was naturally very touchy with you. He was always hanging overtop of you, or holding your hand, pulling close, planting pointless kisses along your skin. He always wanted to feel you beneath his touch, a silent, constant reassurance that you were real, that you were there. You didn't mind one bit when Shawn got into these moods, you enjoyed the feeling of his hands running across your skin, tracing soothing circles into it. But, these hands weren't being used for reassurance, these hands were on you for a completely different reason. Slowly, his hands moved their way down from your collarbone and to the bottom of your shirt, playing with the hem. That's when you knew what he was up to, but you allowed him to continue, finding it amusing.

His eyes scanned you as you continued to work, he was sure you would've gotten the hint and pushed him away by now, but you hadn't. He was confused to say the least. Thursdays were not the day for him to be doing something like this. Thursdays were the days that comforting, supportive, loving Shawn was needed, not horny, uncontrollable Shawn. Yet, here he was sat next to you, uncontrollably needy for you, thinking you hadn't gotten the hint yet. He watched you reach up to push your glasses further up your nose before getting back to working on your essay.

Sighing, he sank back into the couch next to you, his touch pulled away from you. You glanced at him for a second to see him pouting, eyes focused on the TV screen. You ignored it though, not sure what to do with him, seeing as there was only one thing he wanted at the moment and that one thing was not something you had time to give him. He watched as your gaze fell from him and then back to your computer screen, a loud huff escaping him right after in an attempt to grab your attention once more. You heard him, loud and clear, and you were well aware of what the huff meant, but you didn't give him the satisfaction he was looking for, rather you began to type quicker, in an attempt at pissing him off.

The next ten minutes were spent with Shawn continuing to huff, the noise gradually getting louder and more distracting as you try to finish up what you were doing. When his huffs had reached their highest volume potential, Shawn gave up. He now realized what you were doing and he didn't like it, not one bit. So, in his true manner, he began to whine.

"Baby", he whined, head leaning on your shoulder and innocently staring at your screen as you wrote. You ignored him, allowing him to sit there a moment and just watch. "Honey, please."

"Please what?", you snapped, hands falling next to you as you turnt to look at him.

He sat up promptly, eyes widening, not expecting you to reply so easily. "You know what. Please y/n, finish your homework tomorrow."

Rolling your eyes, you return to your work, blocking out his protests and begs. His hands soon took residence on your exposed skin, trailing up your thigh only to be pushed away by you, and then up under your shirt to once again be pushed away. He silently continued trying though, coming back stronger after every time you rejected him. The thing about Shawn was that he didn't have any patience when it came to this. When he wanted you, he wanted you in that very moment. When he was in one of these moods, he was easily irritable, and this fact shined through when his hand reached out to slam your computer top down, pulling you back into reality.

You had a beautiful man sitting directly next to you, asking - no, begging - for you to make him feel good. But you kept calm, not letting his actions make you angry. Instead you gave him a command you knew he would not like. "Cockring, now." You said sternly, your mind set on it.

He sat up rigidly, eyes dropping at your words, "No, I need you now. Honey,-"

"Did it sound like a question to you?" You snapped, hand reaching out to pull your computer away from him. "And make sure to bring me the controller."

Shawn looked like he had seen a ghost when those words escaped your lips. "You want the vibrating one?"

Nodding, you opened your computer once again, getting right back to work. It took awhile for the idea to process in Shawn's mind, but a couple moments later you watched him leave the room hesitantly, leaving you with just the hum of the television and your essay for company. Smirking, you knew it wouldn't be too long until he returned, with the control in his hand like the good boy he is. You found yourself getting a bit distracted at the thought of what was about to happen. About the sounds that'd be falling from his lips in the next half an hour. About the way he would wriggle next to you, looking for some sort of friction, only to come up empty handed. Maybe, if he was good, you'd allow him to rut his hips into one of the throw pillows, but he wouldn't be allowed to orgasm of course.

Before you knew it, Shawn was back in the room and by your side. He was quick to hand you the controller, obviously needing you to turn it on and give him what he wanted. You took the remote, inspecting it before placing it down next to you. He grunted as you did, his hard on visible through his Nike sweats. You stared for a moment watching him throb through the material, and you almost felt bad. But then you remembered the night of his birthday in Amsterdam, and all those sympathetic thoughts went away.

The controller was tucked under your thigh as you continued to work, Shawn's pants and hot breaths hitting your skin not bothering you one bit. He was constantly adjusting himself in the seat, hands gripping onto the couch as whines fell from him while the ring squeezed around him, not giving him much satisfaction at all, only teasing him endlessly. Discreetly, with one hand still typing, you reached down to turn the vibrator onto the first setting. Not expecting this, Shawn moaned loudly, his head leaning back onto the couch and his hand reaching over to grip your thigh. You watched the way he reacted to the simplest touch and you began to smirk. You loved this, you loved seeing him like this. He was so vulnerable and unaware of when you'd strike and you loved it. He was on edge, never knowing what he could and couldn't do, or when you'd finally notch that little controller up a level.

The buzzing of the vibrator was driving you crazy, but mixed in with the sound of Shawn's moans you were willing to let it slide. As annoying as the small toy was, the effect it had was the complete opposite. When you hit the enter tab on your computer, and indented to begin a new paragraph, you notched the vibrator up one more level. It was a simple process to you, there were five paragraphs you had to finish, there were five settings on the toy. Seeing as you had already finished two of those five paragraphs, the vibrator was on the second level. When you got to the third, you'd notch it up again, and so on and so forth until you were finally finished. However, only on the second level, Shawn couldn't seem to handle it for much longer.

The begging came halfway through paragraph three. You were exactly halfway through torturing Shawn, for now at least. A combination of 'honey,' 'baby,' 'please,' and 'fuck,' were leaving his mouth on replay. His hips also began to shake every now and then as he tried to keep calm. He was trying the hardest he could to keep it under control, and if he would continue to do so until you were finished this paragraph, you'd reward him. Animalistic sounds echoed in the quiet living area as he dug his back into the couch, his hands into the cushion, anything to keep himself distracted, to keep calm. He knew without you directly telling him what the boundaries were. He was not to touch himself, or touch you in an inappropriate way. He was allowed to beg and whine and moan all he'd like, but it wouldn't get him anywhere. The only thing he could do in order to be rewarded, was behave, and that's exactly what he did.

You waited a moment before moving to grab the controller, his eyes widening at your computer screen, seeing you had completed another paragraph. At this point, you had him conditioned to get excited every time you had finished a paragraph because each time, you had been turning up the vibrator. He gulped when your eyes had met his, he wasn't sure what you were playing at, what you wanted. The past three times, you didn't react at all when you had turned up the dial, but now you were making a big deal out of it. His eyebrows furrowed, a question burning in the back of his mind, but he knew better than to ask it. If he was to ask it, it would come across as if he was defying you, and at this point in his teasing session, he wanted none of that.

You took a moment longer to look at him before pointing past him at the pillow resting against the arm of the sofa, "Use it."

His eyes lit up and he lunged over to it, only to have you turn the vibrator up in that moment. He fell into the couch, still leaned over to grab the pillow. His hand gripped it harshly, knuckles turning white as his hips thrashed violently, and that was the moment you noticed the wetness pooling between your legs. You were soaked watching him squirm next to you, and you were pretty sure that seeing him rub himself against your throw pillow wasn't going to help your case, if anything it would worsen it.

He recovered quickly, and soon enough he was positioned next to you, with the pillow placed over his throbbing cock. He pressed it hard against him as he thrusted his hips sloppily, moans filling the room beautifully. You found yourself pausing your work more often now that you had given him this freedom, partially to tell him to stop now and then to keep him from peaking, and partially to watch. It was all too much, but still just right. The way he looked, and sounded, the heat rolling off of him and onto you, keeping you warm in the rather chilly apartment. But, with much persistence and effort, you managed to finish the paragraph, moving onto your closing.

Shawn was too wrapped up in the pleasure he was feeling to notice that you had finished this paragraph, so the last notch of the vibrator came as a shock, but a good shock. His eyes found yours, wild and frantic as his lip was pulled between his teeth in an attempt to keep quiet. His arms tensed and relaxed over and over as he tried to keep himself from exploding right there.

"How does it feel Shawn?", you asked sweetly, leaning over to kiss his shoulder.

He hissed through his teeth, toes curling as he replied, "So good, so so good honey, I- fuck!"

You snickered at his reaction before rushing through the last of your work. He caught onto this as well though, he watched the way your hands seemed to be moving at double speed against the keys and the way you were forcing yourself to keep your knee from bouncing. The habit of you tucking your hair behind your ear was what really gave you away, it was your tick. He smirked through his moans, watching you begin to struggle to focus. You looked over at just the right moment and saw him smirking, and immediately knew that he had caught on to you. Reaching over, you grabbed the pillow from his hold and threw it across the room leaving him with nothing to thrust his member against. "Keep your hands to yourself, you're being cocky now", you mumbled, turning back to finish up.

It was a good fifthteen minutes of you writing before you had finally finished. You shut off the cockring and closed the laptop. Shawn excitedly sat up next to you, watching your every move. You sighed, sitting back and sinking into the couch, trying to relieve your body off the tension it had been feeling due to the stress of the work at hand. Shawn watched you slowly unravel yourself from your work and patiently waited for your instructions.

"I need you", you whispered, eyes shutting as your legs parted involuntarily.

Immediately, Shawn slinked off the couch and onto the ground in between your legs. His own pleasure was now forgotten, he was too focused on making you feel good to worry about himself. Reaching up, he grabbed at the waist bands of your sweatpants and pulled them down to reveal the fact that you were not wearing any underwear. Squinting his eyes shut, he moaned loudly at the sight of you. He drank you in, appreciated the way you looked with your head thrown back and your mouth parted slightly as you waited for him to touch you where you had needed him for so long now. It was almost cruel of you to have him touch you first, knowing that he was the one who needed you all this time now.

Your head snapped up to watch him as he closed in on you, his lips kissing up and down the insides of your thighs now, his tongue poking out every now and then to lick the skin. He stopped every now and then to suck the sensitive skin into his mouth and bite it gently, leaving marks that would remain imprinted into your skin for days. You got fed up with his slow pace quickly, and just as you were about to scold him for it, his tongue licked a broads stripe up your core. You moaned loudly, mimicking the sounds he had been making just moments prior. The sounds you made only egged Shawn on, they encouraged him to keep going, to go faster, to go harder, to make it feel even better, and that was what he did. His tongue began to massage your clit more harshly now, teeth coming into the mix occasionally to run over that sensitive bundle of nerves. The feeling of it drove you up a wall in the best way, and in a way only Shawn knew how to do.

Soon, the stress of the workload you had just completed began to flush your body. You felt refreshed and replenished as you neared your orgasm. Shawn could tell you were almost there when your hands reached out to grip his hair, running through the curls, tugging on them and moaning wildly as he continued. It's when he began to growl against your slit, that you tumbled over the edge. The combination of the feeling of his tongue on you and the thought of him growling into your core had you overwhelmed in the best possible way. Crying out his name, you peaked and he took care of you throughout your entire orgasm, milking it until it was completely gone like the good boy he was trying to prove to you that he was

He was next to you on the couch within seconds, running his fingers through your hair and watching you lazily open your eyes, tiredness hitting quickly. "Pants", you say, opening one eye to look at him as you commanded him to remove the article of clothing.

He did so without a second thought, leaving him in just a t-shirt and a pair of stained underwear. His pre-cum had the front of his boxers soaked, and his member was pressing harshly against the fabric, begging to be touched. You reached a hand over, trialing a finger up and down his length gently, just to tease him. His reaction was beautiful, he tried to get away at first but then submitted to you, allowing you to do as you please but still instinctively pressing his hips into the cushion in protest. "How does it feel?", you asked teasingly, expecting an answer.

"Not good", Shawn hissed, pulling away from your finger as it trailed over the head of his cock through his boxers.

"Oh really?", you asked, eyes watching him as your finger pressed down harder, continuing to move up and down the length of him. He cried out, far too sensitive to endure this type of teasing, but you were nowhere near done with him. He looked absolutely perfect like this, the soft, warm light of the candles spread throughout the living area, bouncing light off of his chiseled features. The way his head was thrown back, mouth gaping, trying to form coherent words, only to be lost in his moans and whimpers. "Shirt", you commanded, leaning back away from him to allow him a moment to get the clothing off, and re-settle himself before going back to it.

The shirt came off much like the pants did, quickly and without hesitation. He knew that when you asked for something, you weren't asking, you were telling him. His fingers teased under the hem of his boxers, not directly touching himself, but rather trying to play with the fabric to distract. You watched him lose his mind, waiting for you to touch him, his chest expanding with each breath, abs contracting with every exhale. You were stuck between giving him what he wanted right then and there, and making him beg for it, making him endure hours upon hours of teasing and taunting. It took just a few seconds for you to decide how the rest of Shawn's night was gonna go. "Bedroom, now."

Shawn scurried off the couch within seconds, leaving you in an empty room with articles of clothing scattered all about. You made your way towards the bedroom, peeling off your shirt in the hallway and dropping it onto the ground, then your bra, hanging it over the doorknob to Shawn's bedroom. He was already ready when you stepped foot into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the door and allowing his eyes to trace up and down the expanse of your exposed skin. The poor boy was only torturing himself the longer he let his eyes roam, he was only going to get himself more aroused, more needy, and all for you.

He wasn't sure what to expect, you were always very unpredictable in the bedroom. However, you had a clear plan for tonight, and you had a clear vision of how it should go. Your first action had caught him off guard, after walking up towards him and standing between his parted legs, you allowed your hands to grip his shoulders before sliding your palms up and into his curls. With one harsh tug, his head was bent back, his eyes now wide and staring directly at you as he gasped in shock. The room was quiet, the sounds of each others breathing bouncing off of the large windows, he cowered away from your harsh stare as you looked down on him, wondering how to go about this next movement. Do you do it without letting him onto it? Or do you do it with every intention of hinting him towards it?

He watched curiously as you stepped away from him, turning your back and making your way towards his desk. The moment you rested your hand on the second drawer, his face dropped. He knew what was about to happen and he knew there was no chance of him getting out of it. You pulled out three items and set them out in front of you on the desk, Shawn tried to glance past you and see what they were, but you moved your body to hide them from him. The first was a beautiful royal blue color, shiny and silky and practically made for Shawn. The next item was shiny and metal, a stark contrast to his rosy skin. The last was a baby pink color and would probably do the most damage to Shawn in this state. It didn't take you long to decide what to start with, seeing as you had every intention to use all three items.

Bunching up the silky blue fabric, you hid it behind your back and walked towards Shawn. He tried to read your expression, get a hint as to what it is, or how bad it is. He was truly lucky in this moment, you could've picked a much worse option, but you were starting out small. You were going to build him up until he couldn't take it anymore and then break him down until he was in tears for you to stop. You reached forward with your free hand and pushed him back onto the bed. He fell backwards willingly, in no mood to be defiant or fight you, and you were grateful for that. You climbed on top of him, straddling his abdomen, sitting right above the waistband of his underwear, but not allowing your heat to press onto his skin. Using the fabric, you leaned forward and dangled it over Shawn's face. Immediately, a look of relief flashed across his face and he sighs.

You almost wanted to slap him for it, make him wish he hadn't sighed the way he did. Make him beg you to pick out a different toy, something much worse, something that would ruin him, but you didn't. Instead, you smirked down at him, reaching behind his head and wrapping the fabric tightly around it, blocking out your figure from his vision. When the blindfold was secure enough for your liking, you reached over the bed to grab the controller you had brought with you from the living room. Shawn didn't see it when you came in, which would make this next step so much more fun for you.

You sat yourself down onto his abs the second you turned the cockring back on. He moaned at the feeling of your wetness against his burning skin along with the feeling of the cockring giving him some of the satisfaction he needed. You placed both your hands onto his chest in front of you, using the space as leverage to grind yourself against him. Your clit was brushing against his happy trail, the hairs right there allowing you a whole new, erotic sense of pleasure. Shawn's whines filled your ears beautifully as his fingers played with the white duvet beneath his tense body. It was so much for him to process all at once, to feel you, but not actually feel you. His cock was getting some contact, but it was confused with the cockring and your wetness now pooling on his lower abdomen. Your fingernails raked up and down his skin, running over his nipples occasionally and earning a low growl from him.

His neck and chest were a rosy color, begging to be kissed and you promised yourself that you would do so later. His curls were in a disarray on top of his head, partially from your fingers and partially from his own. Shawn's jaw was tense, trying to keep in all the sounds that were seeping through his good boy facade. He really lost it when you began to whine above him, your orgasm just within reach and forcing pretty little noises to tumble from you.

"Jesus fuck, holy shit honey", Shawn cried. His hand were trying their best to keep away from you, but in the moment you wanted none of that. Reaching down, you grabbed both of them and placed them on your breasts, hinting for him to do as he pleased. "You fuckin' hate me don't you?", Shawn whined, leaning his head to the side and digging it into the bed, eyebrows furrowed but eyes hidden beneath the silk fabric.

Your hands once again rested on his chest, pushing down harshly as a warning, "Shut the hell up Shawn, or I'll leave you like this. I swear to god I will, and you know it."

The room suddenly got very quiet, Shawn now realizing the severity of his actions. He shouldn't have spoken one word, let alone as many as he did. His hands got busy fondling your breasts, thumbs rubbing over your nipples and pinching them now and then to get you worked up. His lip was pulled in between his teeth, as a way to keep him from making any noise, but you were quick to replace that lip with your thumb. Reaching down, you dragged your thumb up his abdomen, gathering some of your wetness before pulling his lip away from his teeth and allowing your thumb to slip into his mouth. Greedily, his tongue swirled around it, mimicking the way it would work your clit. The thought of having his mouth on you, edging you closer and closer towards your orgasm was enough to throw you over the edge for the second time that night. Your hips bucked wildly as you whimpered above him, your hands gripping onto his wrists and your nails digging into the skin there.

Shawn's breathing was heavy as you climbed off of him, laying down next to him for a moment to regather yourself. Your hand found Shawn's along the ripples of the duvet, and you intertwined your fingers with his as you calmed down. He squeezed your hand lightly, reassuring you that he was there for you. It only took a good three minutes for you to get back on your game though, walking across the room and picking up the handcuffs from the desk. Shawn knew the moment you picked them up, and when you turnt, he was positioned on the bed to allow you easier access to the headboard.

"You're such a good boy Shawn", you cooed, stopping at the edge of the bed and trailing a finger up his thigh, stopping once you reached the fabric of his underwear,"So good all for me, yeah?" Shawn nodded eagerly, a broken 'yes' escaping him. "You know, I never did get my revenge for that night of your birthday in Amsterdam", you paused, climbing onto the bed and sitting on your knees between his parted legs. "You remember that night, don't you baby boy?"

"No", Shawn said quickly, panic beginning to take over him as his body locked up in remembrance of all the things he had done to you that night.

"Of course you remember silly", you mockingly stated, leaning forward to lick your wetness off of his abdomen. He inhaled sharply, lips pursing into a straight line as his adam's apple bobbed. Your hot breath hit his skin as you spoke now, your face only inches away from the waistband of his boxers. "Would you like me to refresh your memory honey?" He winced at your use of the nickname, but nodded nonetheless, knowing that it was what you wanted him to do.

Teasingly, you recalled every single memory you had of that night, not rushing through the story even one bit. You were allowing this story to be a slow burn, each and every word slipping from your lips, arousing Shawn further and further. You mentioned the way he started off by sucking dark marks into your pretty skin, leaving bruises that had lasted for days upon days. Then you moved to talking about the way he had forced you onto your knees and used your mouth for his own pleasure, and of course you couldn't forget the way he bent you over him and spanked you until you were on the verge of tears. Shawn sat silent, listening to you recalling one of the best nights of your life from your point of view. Not once did he rush you, or whine in a way that suggested for you to hurry up, rather he sat there quietly and let you do as you pleased, let you say what you wanted. You knew though, you knew why he was being so quiet, and so timid. You knew that he knew that if he was on his best behavior, he could possibly manage to get out of this alive, but you of course had no intention of letting him do so. You were a woman with a mission, and it just so happened that the mission was for you to ruin Shawn just how he had ruined you months prior.

By the time your story was finished, you had worked yourself back up again. Just thinking about the way Shawn had handled you that night had gotten you needy all over again. Finally, you moved from your seat between his parted legs, leaning forward to grab his wrists and handcuff them to the head board. You were torn between two options at this point, do you grab the vibrator off the desk and edge him using that, or do you climb on top of him and edge him while pleasuring yourself. His underwear was pulled off with your help, leaving him completely exposed to you, and that was when you really noticed how much of an effect the last hour has had on him. From the very beginning with the cockring in the living room all the way up until this moment, you didn't quite grasp how badly he needed you until you actually saw him. His cock was a rosy red color, precum dripping down the sides of it and leaving a little pool near the base of his cock. With just the slightest blow of air, it twitched and his hips bucked away from you.

Without thinking, you swing your leg over his waist, gripping his cock and lining him up with your entrance. A low growl rumbles in his throat as he leans his head back onto the headboard, biceps tensing at the feeling of you gripping him. "Gonna be a good boy and tell me when you're ready to cum?"

"Yes," He whines, answering quickly. "Yes, I promise, please please please."

You laugh at how desperate he is before sinking down onto him, the both of you moaning in unison. He feels so good inside of you, filling you completely in a way that only he can. You sink all the way down onto him slowly before pulling up off of him and repeating the process. Your pace is slow, agonizingly slow for Shawn and almost perfect for you. Subconsciously, your hand travels down to rub your clit, an immense amount of pleasure coursing through your veins. You were already two orgasms in, and Shawn hadn't even had one yet, and you weren't going to let him have one easily either.

Shawn quickly begins to get very loud, the feeling of you wrapped so tight and warm around him is getting to him. You almost considered grabbing the ball gag that he was so familiar with out of the closet but settle against it, not willing to climb off of him at the moment. "Tell me how it feels, talk to me Shawn," You command.

"So good, you feel so good around me baby," He murmurs, his hands tugging violently at the handcuffs. "You're so tight from your orgasms, you feel so good around me, fit me perfectly."

"Oh yeah?" You tease, your hand reaching forward to wrap around his neck loosely, not adding any pressure. "Bet you hate this though, don't you baby boy?"


"Are you sure?" You grunt, picking up the pace and slamming your hips down onto his. "Bet you wish you were on top of me, had me blindfolded and begging for it. Just like Amsterdam."

"Oh fuck, yes." He whines, back arching up to try to match your thrusts. A tightening of your hand around your throat has his back hitting the bed within seconds, realizing his limits.

"You thought it was so funny to watch me squirm and beg you for more, or for you to stop," You pant, leaning down so your breasts now touch his chest, the new angle allowing his member to rub against your g-spot. "It's not gonna be so funny when the roles are reversed, at least not for you."

"No, honey- fuck, I'm sorry about Amsterdam!"

"No you're not," You reply confidently, rubbing your clit harder now, feeling your orgasm approach. "You're just sorry you got caught, and now you don't want to face the consequences. You'd do it again if you could, you just told me so."

"I-I fuck, I don't know!" You feel yourself clench around Shawn and next thing you know, your cumming. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" Shawn cries out, hands tugging at the restraints now, the clinking metal pulling you from your high.

"No you fucking aren't," You sternly say, grinding your hips down onto his and moving your hands to play with his nipples. Squirming underneath of you, he moans and yells for you to stop. He's close, he's so incredibly close but he's trying to hold it in for you, he's trying to be good for you. He's truly a sight to see, go crazy beneath you and all due to the simplest of touches. Lucky for him, you slow down allowing him to calm himself, and reel his orgasm back in. You could tell he was about to have to let go of it any second, and you were not going to allow him to cum so quickly into your edging session, even if he didn't know yet that it was an edging session.

You're still fluttering around him, coming down from your orgasm and torturing him while doing so. "Now what do you want?" His head pops up curiously at your words, not quite sure what you mean. "Would you rather I continue to edge you like this, or with the vibrator I have set on the desk over there?"

Shawn's mouth falls open in shock, his eyebrows raising and you're almost positive that if you were able to see his eyes right now, they'd be wide. "You're edging me?"

His voice cracks halfway through that phrase, and it makes you smile. "Of course I am," You pause, purposely clenching yourself around him. "It's only fair, don't you think?"

He doesn't answer, he knows its a rhetorical question, but he also doesn't answer your previous question either, leaving it up to you to decide. It doesn't take much for you to decide to use the vibrator, it'd be much more intense for him to endure. So, you make your way towards the desk story and he listens carefully trying to gauge how far away you are. Of course he knew however, the second you took that step off the bed what you were going for. He'd be a fool not to know what you wanted to do to him, and what you thought as if you needed to do to him to get your revenge. The pink vibrator fit perfectly into the palm of your hand and you know it would fit even more perfectly into the divit of his cock.

Your circle around the bed before resuming your position in between his parted legs. You turn the vibrator onto its lowest setting and just hearing the hum of it makes Shawn tense. "You hear that baby boy?" You taunt, dragging the vibrator up the top of his thigh, causing the muscles to tighten. "That's what the next half hour is gonna sound like."

He wants to fight it, he wants to protest, you can tell, but he also wants to orgasm tonight and him fighting with you was only going to make things worse for him than they already were. You decide in that moment, that you want to see him while doing this, so you quickly undo his blindfold, telling him to watch you. His doey eyes follow your hands as they move down his chest, the vibrator still on and laying next to him on the bed. He watches closely as you grab it, his honey orbs clouded with lust and arousal. You can tell by the way his eyes flash that he's preparing himself for the impact of the vibrator, but what he didn't expect was the imapct of the cockring being turned on once again.

He struggles to keep quiet initially, but manages to get it under control. "I want to hear you," You state, your voice catching his attention and his eyes moving from his cock and up to meet your gaze. "Do you hear me?"


"Good, now let's get started." You smirk, placing the vibrator directly against the head of his cock. Instantly he reacts, bucking his hips into the vibrator and moaning wildly. You sit there drinking him in as you keep the vibrator in place against him, not letting up and giving him a break every now and then. You weren't here to be nice, you were here to get even.

The next half an hour consisted of the following. You would start off with the lowest setting on the vibrator, and after teasing him with that until he was begging your name, you'd turn it all the way up, giving him no time to adjust as you held it firmly against him. He'd beg for you to give him a minute to regroup, but you wouldn't. Then he'd finally stop feeling overwhelmed by the vibrator and it'd begin to feel good, and that's when the moans came back into play. However, they didn't last long, because they were followed by whines of your name when you pulled the vibrator away from him, knowing he was about to orgasm if you didn't. He was good, telling you when he was about to cum, and giving you enough time to pull the vibrator away from him.

He was a moaning, throbbing, rosy, aching mess, and all for you. He was slowly beginning to lose the energy he had come into this with, and you loved it. He looked helpless, he felt helpless and you loved the power it gave you to know that you were the only one allowed to make him feel this way. His tired eyes watched you as you pulled the vibrator way from him for the last time, his whines had turned to lazy whimpers that fell from him involuntarily as a protest to your actions. His bottom lip was a delicious red color from all the time it had spent between his teeth, and his arms gave up trying to escape the handcuffs. He was completely worn out and wrecked, all for you.

"You think you're ready to cum for me honey?" You ask softly, setting the vibrator onto your nightstand and climbing up to the top of the bed, kissing his cheek softly. You could tell that he didn't have much more in him, and rather than push him for too much more now, you'd allow him a break for today and resume another time. Plus, it'd give you an excuse to tie him up and edge him all over again, and there's nothing in the world you would want more than that.

"Yes, baby please let me cum," He whispers, your forehead against his now, hand caressing the side of his face and your nose bumping against his. It was crazy to see how you went from completely dominant to soft within seconds and all for Shawn.

"How do you want to cum?" You quietly ask, nudging your nose against his, leaning in for a quick kiss which he happily reciprocates.

"Take these off? Let me love you, please?" He asks, pulling gently at the handcuffs. You bite your lip, debating whether or not to take off the cuffs. What if he were to flip the script and try to dominate you, what if this was a trick? Would you really mind if it were though? That night in Amsterdam was one of the best nights you had ever had, and you wouldn't mind repeating it. "Honey please? I promise I'll be good for you, just let me make love to you, I'm throbbing."

You glance down and sure enough, he's visibly twitching. The past two hours have been so much on him, and it's been so long that he's been teased and tied up and begging, would it kill you to give him his way for ten minutes? So, you give in, taking the key and unlocking him from the cuffs, discarding them alongside the vibrator before rolling onto your back and allowing him to climb over top of you. His long arms take residency on each side of your head, his neck bending down so he can capture your lips in his. He sucks gently on your bottom lip, nibbling it and allowing you to mewl into his mouth. Gently, his hand grab your wrists, leading them up and over your head, pinning them down lightly. His mouth makes its way to your neck, breaths hitting your neck though his nose as he kisses at the skin there, sucking gently in different areas, never harsh enough to leave a mark.

You were thoroughly enjoying yourself and the feeling of his lips on you when you heard it. That clink and next thing you knew it was you who was handcuffed to the headboard. You weren't quite sure what to do with yourself at this point, it wasn't common for you to be the one in this position, yet here you were. "Shawn, I swear to god if you don't-"

"You're not really in the position to be making threats right now, are you?" He smirks, leaning back onto his heels. Now you're the one with parted legs, and Shawn's the one sat between them. His large palms run up the tops of your thighs as he speaks, "Ever since Amsterdam, I have been dreaming of doing this again, did you know that?" You shake your head no, listening intently now, not expecting for your subby boy to have wanted to dominate you at all. "Well I have, I've wanted this for months now. In those months I have planned exactly what I want to do to you, exactly how I want to take you, exactly how I want you to take it. You think you can handle that?"

You wanted to say no, you wanted to yell, kick and scream for him to let you go. You were in no mood for his little games, especially ones that put him above you in any way. But, out of fear of making this any worse for yourself than it already was, you nodded, and just like how you noticed Shawn was being compliant earlier to get off easy, Shawn saw right through you as well, and knew what card you were playing. He wanted to tell you that you better stop acting like something you're not, that you're being ridiculous, but instead he decided to save himself the argument, and just go through with you as he would have if you had been defiant towards him.

You were almost sure that he'd get himself off first, after you had teased him for hours on end, you knew he needed release, but this version of Shawn was far too focused on what he wanted to do to you. The vibrator is back in play, buzzing violently in his palm and that's when you realize that he's not here to mess around. If this was going to be anything like the last couple of hours Shawn had endured, you were in for a hell of a night.

He runs a finger over your slit, parting your lips to pull back the hood of your clit. Leaning down, he blows cool air onto the sensitive nub, driving you insane. Your hips buck up, trying to gain some sort of friction, only to come up empty handed. You whine loudly, angry eyes staring pointedly at Shawn as he places the vibrator directly against your clit. He new before even doing so that you would try to escape his touch, so his other palm laid flat on your abdomen, keeping your hips planted onto the mattress, allowing him to place the vibrator precisely against you. It's too much initially, and you are quick to beg him to stop.

"Not so fun when you're on the receiving end, is it now?" He taunts, bringing a hand down hard onto the top of your thigh. "You didn't even think twice before torturing me, so why should I spare your feelings now? You can take it babygirl, you know you've done much worse things than this."

"You're a fucking dick," You moan, you hips bucking into the vibrator, the uncomfortable feeling turning to pleasure suddenly.

"Feels good now, doesn't it?" He asks, eyes meeting yours as he pushes the vibrator harder against you. "Feels so good until I take it away," he says, pulling the vibrator away from you and watching your clit visibly throb for him.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm actually going to kill you Shawn," You whisper, squeezing your eyes shut and smacking your head against the headboard repeatedly. You didn't want him to stop, and it's not that you weren't consenting, you were just livid over the fact that he had managed to pull one over on you.

Much like the hour prior, this hour was spent the same. He edged you over and over and over again to the point of you leaving a puddle of wetness on the sheets that would have to be cleaned up later. Each and every time he would press the vibrator against you, he'd make some cocky remark, pissing you off only to then try and soothe you once he'd pulled the vibrator away. He was messing with your orgasms and your brain, and you didn't like it one bit. It was about ten minutes ago that he had gotten fed up with your remarks and stuffed the silk blindfold into your mouth as a makeshift gag, telling you to keep it there or else he'd bend you over his lap and spank you like he had in Amsterdam. You recalled that moment, the way you felt under his hands, at his mercy and it kept you quiet, not wanting to experience that particular sensation again.

Eventually, Shawn got bored with the vibrator. Your reactions were the same each and every time he would use it, so he decided to switch it up by burying his face between your legs and edging you with his tongue. The gag is across the room in seconds, your moans mixed with begs for him to uncuff you and let you touch him. Rather than bend you over his lap as promised, Shawn decided to instead bite down on you each time you decided to speak. They started off as gentle nibbles that you didn't quite catch onto as a warning to shut the hell up, rather as a way of him pleasing you. But, when they gradually got harder and harder each time you spoke, you got the hint. You were able to speak through the bites for a little while, only to be suddenly stopped when he gave a particularly harsh bite which left you digging your hips into the mattress in an attempt to get away from his merciless mouth.

"You taste so good, all for me," Shawn moans into your core, hands wrapping under your thighs to pull you closer to him. "You're fuckin' soaked, so fuckin' wet."

"Jesus christ," You moan, hips bucking up to meet his mouth as he continues to go at it. It doesn't take much for him to bring you close to your orgasm, "I'm there, I'm right there Shawn!" He doesn't stop, instead he picks up his pace, massaging his tongue faster against you in an attempt to force your orgasm. Your orgasm hits you hard, leaving your screaming and thrashing beneath him. That hour of edging had paid off in the end, but Shawn doesn't let up on his pace, rather he quickens it. "No, no, no, no," You cry, pulling so hard at the handcuffs that your wrists start to hurt.

You try your best to get away from his mouth, but his strong arms are doing such a good job at holding you into him, that it's virtually impossible to go very far. He changes his technique from using the full length of his tongue to using just the tip to trace precise, tight, hard circles around your clit, pulling you over the edge for the second time in the last five minutes. You feel Shawn's fingernails dig into your sides, signalling that he's not letting go yet as he continues to assault your clit through your orgasm.

The third orgasm was hard to come by considering it was your sixth of the night and you weren't quite sure you could handle much more. It took a considerable longer time to reach this one than the others, but when it finally washed over you, the time it took to get to it, and the pain you felt in the beginning form being so sensitive all paid off. You felt him lay off the pace as you were reaching your third one, signalling you were most likely going to get a break. When you had rode out the entirety of your orgasm with the help of Shawn's tongue, he pulls away, looking over your dripping pussy once more before licking a stripe up it and gather as much of your wetness as he can. He then climbs over top of you, before capturing your lips in a kiss which leaves you moaning at the taste of yourself on his tongue. The two of you make out like horny teenagers for a good couple of minutes, Shawn's hands wandering up and down the expanse of your skin soothingly, allowing you to regather.

"You're gonna take one more," he says sternly. It wasn't a question, it was a demand, he was going to make you have one more orgasm whether you wanted to or not. He reaches between the both of you, gripping the cock ring which was still placed on him from hours ago. He pulls it off with a bit of a struggle, hissing as it passed over the head of his cock. Discarding it somewhere across the room, his eyes meet yours, dark and untamed.

Without any warning, he sinks into you, his mouth biting down onto your shoulder at the same time as he slips into your tight walls. You were once again tight due to your previous orgasms, and you were already fluttering around his cock, pulling him into you, involuntarily begging him for more with your actions. His thrusts are short and to the point, immediately finding that spot deep inside of you that drives you crazy. His thumb comes down to rub on your oh so sensitive clit, knowing that he needs to bring you over the edge as quickly as possible.

He was sensitive, far more sensitive than you were, you were just tired. He hadn't cum once yet and you were determined to get him to cum now. You tighten yourself as much as you can around him, knowing that it will only intensify how good he feels. Loud moans from him mix in with your whimpers and cries of his name, and for him to go faster, to give you more. Your back arches, breasts pressing into his hard chest, the feeling of his skin brushing against your nipples adding to your pleasure. Your whimpers begin to turn to moans, egging Shawn on, encouraging him to go harder. Soon enough, he's ramming his hips into you chasing after his own high all while trying to bring you to yours. The sound of your breathing is melded in with the sound of the headboard hitting the wall violently, most likely pissing off your neighbors, but you couldn't care.

"I'm close," Shawn grunts, leaning down to press his forehead to yours, eyes staring deeply into yours.

"Me too, don't stop." His thrusts begin to get sloppy but as you had asked, he doesn't stop. He keep going and going, holding back his own orgasm to make sure you get to yours. "I'm cumming Shawn, I'm cumming!" You yell, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him into you.

Immediately, he collapses on top of you, breathing heavily into the pillow and holding you tight to him as he spills into you with a loud call of your name. You shush him as he whines into your skin, his orgasm much more intense than yours had been. When he's finally got it together once again, he rolls off of you, slipping himself out of you and earning a hiss. He lays next to you for a moment, as you lay there too, your hands still tied above your head as it falls forwards due to exhaustion.

Shawn watches you try to keep your head up with a smile before saying, "Give me one reason to let you out of these handcuffs and I will."

Snapping your head over to look at him, your eyes narrow in and you say, "You're letting me out of these handcuffs or I'm telling telling your entire fandom that you're a sub in bed."

"After all of this," He says in shock, looking up at the ceiling of the bedroom with a smirk. "After all of what just happened, you still want to call me a sub?"

"You're a sub and you know it, you just have these little temper tantrums that make you think your a dom and then you take your anger out on me, and then call it being dominant."

"I'm leaving you in the handcuffs and i'm gonna show you who's the sub here when you wake up tomorrow morning," He warns, sending you a pointed look.

"Just uncuff me and smother me in cuddles Shawn," You sigh, rolling your eyes at him with a smile.

He stares at you a moment, debating whether or not to do so before getting up and unlocking the cuffs. "You're lucky you're cute," he murmurs.

"You're lucky I love you," You smile, leaning forward to give him a sleepy kiss.

He grabs your wrists, rubbing the marks the cuffs had left, kissing each wrist gently. "I love you too."
