Part One

Sunday was the day you had arrived with Shawn in sunny Amsterdam. It was the first day of his birthday week, and the very first night of celebrations. The day had been hogged up for the most part by your flight from Toronto to Amsterdam, however you had managed to squeeze in dinner with friends sometime after the flight. When you had gotten to your room that night you noticed something was off about Shawn. He hopped right into the shower and then right into bed. This was very unlike him, seeing as most nights the two fo you would roll around beneath the sheets together before falling asleep. However, your sleeping boy left you to attend the ache between your legs solo.

Monday morning, you woke up to his arms wrapped around you, but the minute he awoke, he quickly got dressed and was pushing you to get ready. He wasn't being physically distant, he was being sexually distant, and something about it had gotten under your skin. Monday night went much like Sunday night, Shawn quickly crawling under the covers and leaving you to yourself once again. Today, was Tuesday, the day before his birthday. The majority of the day had been spent on a boat along with all of your mutual friends. There was music, drinks, and lots of sexual tension. Shawn seemed to have made it his mission to try and turn you on as much as he possibly could, wearing that black button up he knew you just couldn't resist. To make matters worse, he unbuttoned it even further than he would normally, and was sending you little winks everytime he caught you staring for too long. You were mid conversation with Andrew when Shawn came and sat right next you you, running a hand up your bare thigh and into your romper under the table. You pushed his hand away earning a small smirk from the boy whose focus seemed to be solely on Andrews story.

The rest of the day continued to go on like this, Shawn deciding to later on grind up on you while dancing to one of his songs, beer in one hand and the other wrapped around your waist, his face buried into the crook of your neck. His hot breath was hitting your neck as he sang the words, his movements silky as he swayed you to the beat. You quickly began to get hot and bothered, and Shawn noticed immediately, once again shooting you a wink before making his way to the other side of the boat. Around 9 o'clock the two of you were in a secluded section of the boat, making out like teenagers when he whispered the words you've wanted to hear all day. "I want you honey." You nodded, promising to give him what he wanted when you returned to the room.

By the time you set foot in the door of your room it was 11. Shawn was first to shower, and you quickly followed suit. After rushing through your shower, you wrapped a towel around your naked body and brushed out your wet hair before exiting the bathroom. You find him freshly showered in nothing but a pair of boxers, sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you.

A smile works its way across your lips and you walk over to him slowly, securing your towel under your arm so you can reach out and reach for his face. Gently, you tilt his head back a bit to lean down and kiss his smirk. "Happy birthday bubba."

He stands up, wrapping his one arm around your back and weaving the other one into your wet hair. Leaning down he kisses your ready lips once again, murmuring a thank you. His grip on you tightens, lips meeting yours once again and before you know it, his mouth is travelling down your neck leaving small wet kisses along your burning skin. He looks up at you through heavy eyes and says, "Wanna unwrap my present."

A look of confusion crosses your face, unsure of what exactly he is referring to until his hand slips into your towel and pulls it from your body. His eyes instinctively darken, and his hands go to trace over your curves. You grab his hands from your body and push him back a bit with a small frown saying, "You know the rules, Shawn."

His eyes snap up from your full breasts to look at you, a smirk making its way across his devilishly handsome face. He stalks towards you, hands coming down to grab at your ass and pull your body into his, your head leaning onto his collarbone as he does so. Grabbing the back of your neck, he forces you to look up at him, "I'm in charge tonight."

You're completely shocked to say the least, in all the time you have known Shawn, not once has he acted like this in the bedroom. Every single time the two of you have ever done anything sexual, you're in charge. You like to have control, you like having him squirming beneath your fingertips as you mercilessly touch him. Love the way he sounds when he needs you most, love the way your name leaves his lips like a prayer as he begs for what he knows you aren't going to give him.

"You've had your fun over the last couple years," Shawn says, snapping you out of your thoughts, his mouth sucking dark bruises into the skin of your neck. "You've had your fun making me moan, writhe in your grasp, under your touch. You've had your fun denying me." He says with a bit of bitterness, biting down onto your collarbone, a wave of arousal hits you and you can feel your wetness now building up. "I think it's my turn to have some fun now baby, what do you think?" He asks rhetorically, slowly sinking to his knees and leaving kisses on your stomach and down the tops of your thighs. A small, choked moan falls from your lips and he snaps his head up to send you a mischievous grin before saying, "What was it that you always said to me? Let me hear you?" You don't answer, but you know he's right. He chuckles and pushes at your leg a bit to get you to open them for him. You're standing, so the position is a bit awkward. "Look so fuckin' pretty for me honey."

His eyes are glued to your now dripping heat and you let out a small whimper, reaching forward to run your hands through his curls saying, "Please touch me Shawn."

He reacts quickly, doing the exact opposite of what you had asked, standing up to his full height and wrapping his hand in your hair before yanking it down to have you look at him. "All those rules you've set in place for me over the years honey, they apply to you right now." His demeanor is something you've never seen from him before and you'd be a damned liar to say it wasn't turning you on. All you've seen over the years was submissive Shawn, waiting and begging to be touched, but now the tables have turned. Shawn was taking on his new role as your dominant and seeing you submit to him was something new, and enthralling. "No touching, you tell me if you're going to cum and if I feel like it, I'll let you. You will not cum without permission, do you hear me?"

His grip on your hair loosens a bit and you nod, but a quick tug reminds you to use your words, "Yes," You squeal at the motion, gulping and closing your eyes to regain composure before looking up at Shawn and saying, "yes, I understand."

He snickers down at you, taking in the view knowing that he won't see it again for a while. You're a wreck for him, a complete wreck and he absolutely loves it. "Good. Now how do you usually start with me, honey?"

You know exactly what he is referencing to. This was a routine you had whenever you were going to deny him of his orgasm for hours on end. You would have Shawn go down on you before you would even touch him, you told him it was his way of 'earning his touch.' "I have to earn it." You whisper, hands limp by your side as you admire Shawn's scattered tuffs of chest hair. You were ready to submit to Shawn, however you didn't know if you were ready for him to dangle your orgasm in front of your face.

Shawn's hands move from your hair to your hips and he comes down to kiss the top of your head, talking into your hair. "Earn what?"

"Earn my touch." You reply, looking up and bumping noses with Shawn. A shy smile appears on his face and you see a small glimmer of the Shawn you're used to.

You return the smile and he leans down to kiss you gently before looking at you with pure concern and whispering, "Are you okay with this?"

You laugh lightly at your soft boy letting his real self shine in through his dominant facade and laugh lightly before saying, "I want you to fucking wreck me Shawn. Use me."

A groan leaves his throat at your words and you can feel his member stir against your hip. It's now your turn to sink onto your knees in front of him, hand reaching out to pull his boxers down his legs. His member is flush against his stomach, the tip an angry red, precum dripping from it. Your small hand wraps around the base of him, giving a firm squeeze. A choked moan falling from Shawn as you lick at the divit beneath his head. Licking up, you capture the pearl of cum on your tongue before swirling your tongue around his tip, earning another moan as he pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail. His hips are rutting into your tongue, his tip sliding up and down the length of it. You suddenly take him completely into your mouth, moving your head down as far as you can go, the shock causing him to let out a heavenly sound.

"Just like that." He moans, his head thrown back to look up at the ceiling as you run you tongue along the underside of his cock, wet noises now accompanying the two of you in the room. Your hands take what can't fit into your mouth and pump him up and down as you hollow your cheeks, humming around him. The sudden action causes a hiss to fall from his mouth, and he quickly pulls you off of him, regaining his composure before looking down at you, ready to take all he has to offer. "Wanna fuck your mouth."

You're shocked to hear him say that, but don't let that show as you reply, "Then do it." He places his own hand, over yours which is gripping his base and helps you lead himself into your open mouth. Soon, both his hands come to grab the back of your head, holding you still as he thrusts his member into your mouth. A couple moments later, you begin to get frustrated with how gentle he is being and you lean forwards to match his thrust. A strange noise leaves his mouth as he looks down to see you, bobbing your head to encourage him to fuck your mouth harder and he swears it's the hottest thing he's ever seen.

"Want it harder, yeah?" He grunts, snapping his hips, pushing his member down your throat more violently. A gag leaves your lips, a small tear rolling down the side of your face. You continue to move your head along with his movements, moans falling from his lips religiously. "Taking my cock like the good little slut you are."

The little praises he's sending your way are only adding to your arousal, and you can now feel it dripping down the insides of your thighs, your clit throbbing, begging you to touch it. You wonder if you could possibly slip your hand down there and touch yourself without Shawn noticing, so slowly, you move your hand towards your heat, but he catches on. He gives a particularly harsh thrust into your mouth, a gag leaving your throat, eyes shooting up to look at him.

"Don't you fucking dare." He's glaring down at you now, his lips pursed into a tight line as he watches you move your hand away from your aching pussy. His thumb reaches down to wipe away the tears at the corners of your eyes before he thrusts his member down your throat once again, new tears threatening to spill out. You're thoroughly enjoying this, the way you're completely at his mercy, the way he can use you as he pleases, the way he does.

A broken moan escapes him as his pace falters, a clue to you that he's close. His pace quickens and you tongue begins to work faster along the underside of him as he stops his movements, hands coming up to grip your hair, your name falling from his mouth repeatedly as he orgasms. He pulls away from you suddenly, and you swallow while reaching up to wipe at your eyes.

Before you can even catch your breath, he's picking you up off of the ground and laying you onto the bed. Your chest is heaving, eyes fluttering shut as you try to slow your breathing. He's hovering over you leaving kisses down your body, starting at your neck and working his way down to your breasts, taking your right nipple into his mouth and giving it a small bite. A moan leaves your lips, back arching off of the bed and pushing your chest further into his face, but the moment your hands reach up to touch him, his mood flips.

Grabbing your hands, he pins them up above your head, body towering over yours as he looks down at you, chocolate curls falling in his eyes. "I told you no touching."

"I'm sorry," You apologize, realizing your mistake as you hurriedly say, "I forgot, I'm sorry, Shawn."

He shakes his head back and forth, and next thing you know you're laying across his lap, ass up. You're hands grip his thigh and his hands rub over your ass before making their way over the small of your back, fingertips tickling your skin. You're on high alert, not sure what exactly his next move is considering that you've never been in this position before. His hand dips between your legs, your thighs spreading on instinct as he runs two fingers over your soaked slit. They brush over your clit shocking you and you jump a bit, earning a small smack on your ass. You know what he's up to now, you just don't know when he's going to do it.

"How many do you think you deserve, honey?" He murmurs, and you turn your head to see his eyes glued to your ass as he grips it with his hands, letting go and watching it jiggle. He's always been an ass guy, loves the way it moves when you walk, or the way it feels pressed up against him. You don't know what to say, worried that when you do finally speak, you'll be wrong. He lets out a huff and brings a hand down hard.

A loud moan escaped your lips at the feeling and you can feel Shawn hardening against your hip. "God that's so hot." Shawn practically growls, gripping the left side of your ass in his hand and admiring his handprint now a burning red in your skin. "Wanna hear you moan for me honey, gonna give you 5 more."

A whine escapes your lips at his words, you weren't sure if you could handle 5 more, yet you knew you wouldn't be moving from this position until you did. Another smack on your left side snaps you out of your thoughts and you let out a cry, your eyes squeezing shut at the burning sensation, fingernails digging into the skin of Shawn's thigh. He lets out a hiss at the feeling and grabs your waist, giving it a squeeze. His hands pause before the next smack, running up and down your back again before dipping into your heat to feel your wetness, but avoiding touching your clit. You're a whimpering mess by the time he's finished spanking you, your ass on fire and your juices dripping all down your thighs.

Shawn takes his time before letting you get up, he admires your ass which is now a a beet red color and radiating heat due to all the abuse it took. He runs a hand up the inside of your right thigh, your body shaking in anticipation, but his hand stops short of your pussy, gathering the wetness collected there. He hums at the feeling before helping you up and bringing you to straddle his thigh. The second you're sat on him, you're a moaning mess. Your clit is finally getting the pressure it had been craving and it takes all your self control not to buck your hips. You're about to reach up to put your hands on his shoulders but remember what happened the last time you touched him without permission. He reaches out for you, hands grabbing your waist and pulling you down harder onto his thigh. A loud whimper leaves your mouth and a shudder rakes your body, hands itching to reach out and touch him.

Slowly, his hands push at your hips so your now rocking on his thigh, little grunts leaving your lips as you enjoy the sensation. "Gonna ride my thigh honey?" He asks, he pulls you a bit harder into him causing a broken whine to escape. You nod furiously, earning a pinch on you side.

"Yes!" You yelp out, hips bucking into Shawn, "Yes, I'm gonna ride your thigh." Your voice is shaky, and your breathing is incredibly heavy as you rub yourself against Shawn's leg, your hands coming up to play with your nipples as you do so. You roll the small buds in between your pointer finger and thumb, the sensation adding to the pleasure.

His hands are loosely placed on your hips, allowing you to move as you please. Your legs are shaking causing your movements to be rough, Shawn notices this and lets out a small sigh his hands grabbing you just beneath your breasts to help guide you back and forth on his thigh. You throw your head back in pleasure, eyes shut tight and Shawn leans forwards kissing at your neck and sucking marks onto your collarbone. You begin to speed up your movements, small cries escaping your lips as you begin to pant. He pulls away admiring the way you look, completely wrecked for him and he has barely even started with you. He isn't sure you're going to be able to handle what he has in store for you, but he sure as hell is going to try and push your limits.

He' so lost in the way you look that he almost misses you singing a mantra of "I'm close", warning him of your orgasm. His eyes widen and he snaps out of his thoughts, pulling you off of his thigh, your hips bucking forwards in the air to try and grasp your orgasm. You were so incredibly close when he pulled you away, and you're now a gasping, moaning mess laying on the bed. He stands up watching you calm down, your moans coming to a slow.

He sinks to his knees in front of your open legs and brings his lips to your knee, kissing the top of it before moving his way further up the top of your thigh. Your hands grasp the bed sheets to occupy themselves as you say, "Shawn please, I need you to let me cum, please, bubba."

He looks up from between your thighs, beautiful face curling up into a smirk as he uses both his hands under each of your knees and throws your legs over his shoulders. He leans forwards pressing a kiss directly onto your clit before saying, "I'm nowhere close to done with you, honey, you're not going to cum anytime soon."

You inhale sharply as he takes your clit into his mouth, slowly massaging it with his lips, his tongue peeking out now and then to let give it a lick. Your body shudders at his slow actions, and suddenly, you feel his hand slipping in between your legs as he inserts two fingers into your aching core, curling them upwards and pulling a moan from your throat. He looks so pretty like this, face buried between your legs as he sucks onto in you just the right way, slender fingers hitting just the right spots inside you and tugging moans from your shuddering body. His curls are begging you to wrap your fingers in them as they bounce along with every turn of his head. His eyes open and he looks up to meet your gaze sending you a wink and giving your clit a gentle bite.

You yell out his name, hips thrashing beneath him and breasts bouncing with your movements. His fingers leave your core and his arms wrap around your thighs, pulling your hips down to the bed and stopping your movements as his mouth sucks harder onto your clit. After being so close from riding his thigh, this orgasm begins to come barrelling towards you at high speed. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" You call out.

Shawn pulls away once again, keeping your legs spread so you can't close them and gain enough friction to make yourself orgasm. He watches your clit intensely as it throbs, your wetness now falling onto the hotel bedspread. You move your hands up into your hair and tug at your roots to relieve some of your frustration as you let out a sound of displeasure, glaring down at Shawn who is proudly sat between your shaking legs.

"You really think your in a position to be giving me attitude, honey?" He asks, leaning forward to kiss your stomach, looking directly at you as he does so. You inhale slowly, trying to calm your frantic breathing, your glare now turning into a small frown. He watches your expression change, standing up as it does so. You watch confused as he sits on the bed directly next to you motioning for you to come sit on his lap. You do so without a question but wait for further instruction once you've straddled his lap. He leans up to capture your lips in a quick, chaste kiss before saying, "Ride me." His hands grab your ass, the touch bringing back the slight stinging sensation from when he had spanked you. He sits there waiting for you to line yourself up with him, but you don't afraid that if you were to reach down and grab him, he'd get mad at you for touching him. He notices your hesitation and lets out a small chuckle, "You can touch it baby."

Your eyes shoot up to look at him, a small smirk on his face as he watches your shy actions. This was odd for the both of you, but in a good way. You were always very outgoing and confident in bed, but having to submit to Shawn was something incredibly unfamiliar, so naturally you were a bit shy about it. You do as told, grabbing his cock and giving it a few strokes before lining him up with you and sinking down onto him, taking all he has to offer. Usually when riding Shawn you would wrap your arms around his neck or hold onto his shoulders for balance, but with the no touching rule in place you weren't sure if you could.

"Can I hold onto your-" You begin, only to be cut off by Shawn grabbing your arms and wrapping them around his neck before leaning forward to bury his face into your neck, kissing at your collarbone.

You begin to move your hips into him, riding him slowly at first but picking up the pace once you're finally used to having him inside you. Small grunts leave his lips and accompany your whimpers as you continue to fuck yourself onto him. His hands are on your ass as you move up and down his length, pussy clenching around him. He tries to get you to move faster but you're so shaky that it's close to impossible for you to force your body to move at the pace he wants it to. So, he grabs your hips and holds you in place thrusting up into you. His pace is fast and rough, he's utterly relentless and watching your breasts bounce right in front of his face with each and every thrust. Your mouth is open but your moans are stuck in your throat, trying their best to escape.

"Touch my clit," You manage to whisper out, hands running up into his hair to tug at the hair on the nape of his neck.

He smirks up at you, continuing his thrusts before shaking his head no. "You're not cumming honey."

Your face visibly falls as Shawn comes to a stop, releasing inside of you. He holds you flush against him for a moment as he comes down from his high. The feeling of him cumming inside you has you aching in a whole new place and you're a bit light headed at this point. After being denied of 3 orgasms, you weren't sure how much more you could take. He gently leads you off of him and onto the bed, your head resting on the pillows as he makes his way down to the end of the bed, laying between your legs eyes glued to your center. You know he's watching the way the remnants of him drip from your cunt because you can feel it slowly sliding down your pussy. He reaches forwards to run a finger over you and collect the juices before bringing them to your lips for you to suck clean. You do so, watching the way his mouth falls open as you let his fingers out of your mouth with a pop.

He then moves back, about a foot from your center and rests his head upon his hands blowing cold air towards your exposed clit. You hiss at his action and try to close your legs, but to no avail. He holds your legs open, looking up to see the slightly pained look on your face as you try to grow accustomed to the unfamiliar feeling. He does it again, this time blowing closer and for longer. You let out a loud, almost pornographic moan at the feeling, it was something so odd, yet so incredibly hot to see him do. He was enjoying this, you could tell by the tick in his eyebrow that showed a smile he was trying to hide. His lips were pursed and his eyebrows furrowed as he reveled in your reaction to such a simple action.

"I want you to touch yourself." He speaks after a couple minutes more of blowing onto your clit and watching you writhe beneath him, helpless. You're looking at the top of his mop of brown curls, waiting for him to look up at you, and he does a moment later. "I want you to touch yourself, bring yourself to the edge and just when you think you're going to cum I want you to stop."

You feel like your breath has been taken away from you as you quietly reply, "I don't know if I can stop."

His bright, wild eyes shoot to yours and a look of seriousness crosses his face, "You will stop when I tell you to, or I'll make you stop and I'll leave you without any orgasms for the rest of the night, do you hear me?"

"Yes." You mutter under your breath, your left hand immediately going to your breast to play with your nipple and your right hand travelling down your body. You circle your entrance with two fingers to gather some of your wetness before spreading it up over your clit. The second your fingertips hit your clit, your body jolts, but Shawn is there to stop you from moving too much, holding your legs down onto the bed. He's completely lost in the way your fingers move against your clit, loves watching you touch yourself the way only you can. You part your middle and index finger, letting your clit slip between them before applying a bit of pressure to the sides of it and rubbing your hand up and down. Shawn's lips go to kiss at the insides of your thighs, leaving more hickeys there along with the ones from earlier.

The wet noises from you touching yourself are filling the room, and it's like music to his ears. You hold back a moan as you massage your clit in just the right way, finding the spot that makes you tick. "Don't hold back, let me hear you." Shawn mumbles against your skin, moving to your other thigh to give it the same amount of attention.

The stimulation from Shawn's lips on your thigh and your fingers playing with your nipple only make your clit more sensitive. Your movements begin to pick up pace as you rush to get yourself to your breaking point. Shawn's hand shoots out to grab your wrist and slow you down, looking up at you and saying, "Slow down, I want you to keep a steady pace. Let it build up slowly."

You nod at him, biting your lip and slowing your movements. Eventually, your clit begins to become sensitive, so you need to find a new way to touch it in order to give yourself the satisfaction you're craving. You take it between your thumb and pointer finger and roll the two of them back and forth, a stunned moan tumbling from your lips. You keep your pace steady, and glance down at Shawn. That however, was a mistake.

His lips are no longer on your thigh, rather he's just a couple inches from your hand watching with intensity as you touch yourself. He looks amazing, just sitting there, smirking at the way he has you wrecked for him. An odd noise leaves your lips and his eyes shoot up to see you staring at him. His smirk grows wider and he sends you a wink, "Like what you see baby girl?"

The combination of the wink and the nickname along with the slow build of pleasure you had been giving yourself begin to pay off as your feel your orgasm building. You really aren't sure if you'll be able to stop when the time comes, so you ask "Please can I cum Shawn, I was good. I was a good girl, please."

His hand comes down onto your thigh, hard. You're just a second away from orgasming when he says the word, "Stop."

You pull your hand away from your aching heat and Shawn holds your legs open wide, watching your clit throb, completely prepared to orgasm only to have it ripped away last second. It's painful at this point, how bad you want to cum. Your clit is aching in the worst way, and you aren't sure it can handle much more.

Shawn leans over your body, leaning down to kiss your neck and whisper into your skin, "You've been such a good girl for me, yeah?" His hands are propped up by your sides to support his body weight as he kisses his way up to your lips. You kiss him back tiredly, your body is spent and you haven't even cum yet. "We're gonna keep going."

Those words made your stomach drop, and without thinking you blurt out "How much longer?"

He leans down to peck your lips, ignoring your question he rolls onto his back and looks over at you. "Come sit on my face honey."

Those words coming from his mouth were so vulgar yet so beautiful, the way the syllables slipped from his rosy lips had you aching even harder. Without rushing, you got up onto your knees and with Shawn's help you threw one of your legs over his head. You were just a bit out of his reach in the position you were in at the moment, and in order for him to have easy access to your dripping cunt he would need you to bend your knees a bit more and lower yourself onto his mouth. However, this proved to be difficult due to how bad your legs were shaking. You were afraid that if you moved to fast you would hurt Shawn, but he didn't seem worried about that at all. He yanked you down onto him, your knees relaxing a bit once you were.

"Grab the headboard baby," He says licking his lips. "You're in for a bumpy ride."

Before you even have time to reply, his tongue is dipping into your heat and curling up to massage your walls. You jolt forwards, grabbing the headboard in a vice grip, rocking your hips onto his face. There was sweat dripping down your back and the sides of your face at this point, and even with the hotel room fan on high speed, you were overheated simply due to the fact that you were so worked up by Shawn.

His tongue moves from inside you to roll over your clit,his name slipping from your mouth as you pushed yourself down onto his tongue. Shawn didn't like this however, and told you that by giving your ass a harsh smack. The contact shocked you, causing you to jump a bit but only a second later the feeling had registered and you were moaning out his name again. He caught onto the fact that you like being spanked and put that to good use. His hand would occasionally come down onto your ass, alternating side each time. Sucking your clit into his mouth you yell out, "right there, Shawn, right there." He takes this as a cue to begin to suck on you harder and faster, the pit in the bottom of your stomach growing. Just when you feel as if you're about to burst, you warn him. "I'm there, I'm there, Shawn."

As you expected, he pulls away from you and gives you a moment to calm down. His hands rub your ass, soothing the places he had previously hit, and he tilts his head to the side to kiss at your thighs as your orgasm reels back in. You're left unsatisfied once again. You're climbing off of him when he pulls you back down, giving the top of your thigh a smack. A sharp hiss leaves your mouth at the feeling and you look down at him, too wasted to glare. Before you can question what he's doing, his lips are back on your clit sucking the throbbing flesh back into his mouth. You let a scream rip from your throat, back arched and breasts pressed up against the headboard. Your legs were quivering around his head as he mercilessly lapped at your greedy cunt. The room was spinning and you could feel yourself coming closer and closer to the edge. Part of you wanted to warn Shawn that you were close, but the other part just was begging for release, and that part of you outweighed the 'good girl' facade you had put up. You were just about to cum, and you hadn't warned Shawn when you moaned out his name and he stopped altogether.

A small tear slips out due to your frustration and disappointment as you let your head hang down. "You weren't going to tell me, were you?" He asks, his voice slightly muffled by your thighs. You shake your head, a bit ashamed in yourself. You felt idiotic, of course he was going to know when you were about to cum, he knew your body like the back of his hand. All your tell tale signs, he knew each and every single one. "Up." He demands, tapping at your thigh to get you to roll off of him. You comply, rolling over and onto your back, closing your eyes and letting your body relax into the mattress.

You don't even notice Shawn had left the bed until you feel him grab your hands and pull them up over your head. Your heavy eyelids open and see him tying your hands to the headboard with the dress tie he had worn to dinner the night prior. The thought of him having complete control over you now that your hands were tied up was something so erotic and sexy to you. The thought triggered a sudden adrenaline rush and you let a smile slip out.

He notices your smile and raises an eyebrow at you, "Enjoying yourself?" You don't reply, but rather watch as he makes his way over to his suitcase on the opposite side of the room. He stands there a moment before leaning down to grab something and coming back over to the bed. He sits criss crossed in front of you and grabs your legs, throwing them over his knees for better access to you. "I've never seen you this wet in my entire life, honey, and I'd be lying to say you don't look absolutely stunning like this."

You whimper at his words, your legs shaking a bit as he reveals what he had grabbed from the suitcase. Of course Shawn would have packed your vibrator. Your eyes widen and your clit tenses up, already knowing what was about to happen. He turns it on, and sets it onto the highest setting, your heart dropping a bit as he does so. You were so ready to cum that even a gust of wind could probably do it for you at this point. "Listen," Shawn says, examining the egg shaped vibe in his palm as it buzzed. "I'm going to hold this on your clit for a minute straight, and you aren't going to cum. Understood?"

"Shawn," You whine looking at him, desperation clear on your face. "I'm not going to be able to handle that, bubba I'm-"

"Understood?" He asks again, his eyes narrowing in on you and his tone more strict.

"Yes," You gulp, glancing at the toy in his hand before looking up at him. "I understand."

"Good." He says, wasting no time. He places it directly onto your clit the vibrations already bringing you incredibly close to the edge. You're barely 10 seconds in when you feel your orgasm approaching and you begin to beg.

"Shawn, I can't do it, baby." You cry out loudly, head thrown back against the pillows and back arched. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum."

"No you're not." Shawn says, pushing the vibe harder onto your clit, earning a scream from you. "You're halfway there, you better fucking hold it."

Your pussy is aching, clenching around nothing as the vibe does its work. Your entire body is fighting against this orgasm but each second that passes by proves to make it harder and harder to resist. Little sobs rack your body as you try your hardest to stop yourself from cumming, it seems to be impossible but finally, Shawn pulls the vibrator away. You gasp, trying to catch your breath, chest heaving violently and your clit pulsating.

Shawn sits there and watches you try to recompose, giving you a minute to yourself. He turns the vibe off, tossing it onto the carpet by the side of the bed before asking you, "How do you want to cum?"

You swear the room begins to spin the moment after you hear those words and you stutter out a reply. "I need your cock, please baby."

He hums in approval, reaching up to untie you. Moving to hover over you, his lips kiss your forehead, making his way down your face and stopping at your lips, tongue slipping into your mouth. It's all teeth and tongue. The kiss is sloppy and next thing you know, Shawn has slipped into you. He bottoms out immediately, a small groan leaving his lips and he wraps his arms around you and thrusts into you. It takes a few thrusts for him to find your g-spot but once he does, you make sure to let him know.

"Right there, Shawn!" You cry out, as his cock hits just the right place, deep inside you. He grunts and snaps his hips into yours a bit rougher than he way before. You're whining like crazy beneath him, the fact that that small ball of tension in your stomach will finally be released is making you a mess. You can tell that he's close, and he can tell that you need your clit touched, so he reaches in between your sweaty bodies and places his thumb on your clit.

"Fuck!" You yell out, back arching into him as his hand works rapidly on your clit. His curls are now sweaty and sticking to his forehead, dark eyes wild and focused on pleasuring you. He knows exactly how you like it, and is giving it to you exactly how he knows you need it. His motions are raw, and rough as his hips smack against your own, small growls leaving his pretty lips. "Shawn, I need you to choke me."

His head snaps up at your words, shock displayed beautifully on his face. "You want me to choke you?" He asks in disbelief through heavy breaths.

You grab his hand that was playing with your clit and bring it up to wrap around your throat, encouraging him to apply pressure by pushing down with your own hand. Once he gets the hang of it, you reach down between the two of you and pick up where he left off, rubbing your clit. Your eyes are shut tight and his hand is gradually applying more pressure onto your throat, a high pitched moan falling from your lips. "Just like that." You say to warn him not to add too much more pressure.

He nods, completely consumed in his own pleasure. You begin to clench around him, your breathing getting hard and heavy. Your hand is moving as fast as it possibly can against your clit when you finally speak. "I'm right there Shawn, right there."

"Yeah?" He asks, breathlessly. He adds a bit more pressure to your throat and uses it as leverage to lift himself up a bit in order to fuck you harder. "Gonna cum all over my cock, honey? Give it to me, c'mon I know you need this."

Finally, you explode. You throb around his cock, your motions on your clit slowing to help you milk out your orgasm. He moans loudly at the feeling of you clenching around him and just seconds later spills into you. Your head is thrown back, lips parted but no sound escaping. Shawn removes his hand from your throat and brings it down to caress your side as you ride out your orgasm. You catch your breath as your body begins to calm down and Shawn gently slip out of you, staring down at you in pure admiration.

You're still a bit breathless when you look up at him with a lazy, tired smirk on your lips. Reaching up, you pull his face down to yours and kiss him gently saying a quiet 'thank you.' He hums as a reply before pulling you onto his chest and yanking the covers up over the both of you.

"Aren't we going to clean ourselves up?" You ask through a yawn.

He smiles down at you, admiring the way you look after being thoroughly fucked, "Sleep honey, we'll worry about it tomorrow."
