Chapter Twelve

Quick Note: I am terribly sorry for the latest in the evening for this chapter update as well as it being 4 days past since my last update. I like to update a lot faster than that!!



Ugh, my head throbbed getting up this morning. I really didn’t have that much more to drink last night so it confused me. It must be all the emotions and tension that have hovered over my head lately, amplifying everything else.

“Eck Boxer,” I pushed him gently away as I felt his tongue licking my face rather seeing it. I had not yet opened my eyes thanks to my head throbbing like a drummer in a metal band. Yawning, I slowly got out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen to make my morning coffee.

Suzanne’s comment rattled me more than I let on because I recalled it bothering me more and more as the rest of the evening wore on. How we had switched moods irked me. As mine soured Suzanne’s seemed to improve. Could she tell her snide comment bothered me?

There wasn’t a spare moment to really think about it. Kyle hung out flirting with Melanie the rest of my stay at the bar. I left before I knew if she decided to hook up with him or not and I really didn’t want to know.

I felt guilty for driving the twenty minutes back to my apartment inebriated and I vowed not to do it again. I only had four cosmopolitans and didn’t feel so bad, so why did I feel hung-over? I listened to the coffee machine gurgle and the Columbian bean aroma filter into my senses as I thought about this.

Oh yes, maybe it was an Evan Jacobs hangover. I shivered remembering the sensation of his arm around me and the way his body felt next to mine as I got lost in his eyes.

Boxer’s yelp at my side made me jump.

“Oh right sorry buddy,” I had forgotten to full his bowl, something I usually do firs thing in the morning.

Wow, my whole routine is being altered or thrown out of sync thanks to this man. I worked hard to establish my routine. It had helped with the therapy after the traumatic situation with Jerry. Now it had just become second nature to me. I couldn’t tell if it was just I didn’t need the perfectly polished routine as much anymore or if something else was taking its place…

I couldn’t let that filter into my thoughts. I knew the danger of becoming attached to a therapist in any type of relationship with them. I did know there is something there now and it wasn’t one sided. Being pleased and liking that fact, had both sides of this complicated thin line tugging me in both directions.

My coffee hissed with its completed brewing and I poured myself a cup immediately with sugar and cream. Leaning against the counter I watched Boxer eat as I sipped from the mug. The warm aromatic flavor soothed me and cleared my head a little instantly as I stood there. I let the caffeine soak in waking me up.

I needed to clear my mind with more than just coffee. Cool fresh air sounded good so I decided to go for a run. I finished my coffee and changed into a jogging outfit. Situating my phone selecting a playlist of mine and attaching my keys around my elbow with the stretchy wristband I set out to stretch on the porch.

Yes, this would help to clear the air in my mind. I started off at a slow pace building my heart rate. For once it was not pumping because of Evan. The cool morning air pumped through my lungs and I felt more and more invigorated as I jogged picking up my pace. The music blared in my ears and my mind went blank. I could enjoy the breeze as sweat broke out on my body and breathing became more labored.

I rarely went for a run, but I felt I needed it to flush out my body with all that has been going on with me. The release of endorphins felt very much necessary and I felt better from it. The fresh air and medium intense run did wonders for a slight hangover. I would get a double does when I take Boxer out later.

Tonight would be my usual get together with Stacy and I haven’t spoken to her much since the middle of the week so it would be nice for a familiar face and friend to talk to. That reminded me…I had to go to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner tonight too. Last time I went to the grocery store…Evan had been there.

Why did my mind always go back to Evan? Why couldn’t he just disappear from my thoughts all together for just an hour or two? Long enough for me to relax at least…I had no idea why I felt this way around him and what it meant. I could not let this, whatever it is, between us get out of control. Both careers potentially are at risk.

Still, I shivered again remembering how he felt around me last night on that dance floor. How we got along like we had known each other longer than almost three weeks. Has it been three weeks almost already? Tuesday would be my third therapy with him. Luckily, I think that would be the only time I see him until Kyle’s schedules that get together at their building site, I hoped.

Through all this thought process I made my way back to my apartment. Boxer yipped greeting me when I entered enthusiastically and I ruffled his fur. My phone was blinking with missed calls, but my first priority was a shower so I tossed it on the couch and stripped down as I made my way to the bathroom. Best thing about living on your own is you don’t have to strictly keep undressing and dressing confined to appropriate acceptable rooms.

I dressed casually when I finished and cleaned up the mess I made since waking up. Sitting down at my desk after letting Boxer out in the yard for his morning business, I checked my phone. There was a message from Dr. Mayweather.

She had called to update me on her status and see how things were working out since she had not heard from me since I had called about changing therapists; more like had a hissy fit. Now, I smirked to myself from my immediate thought of I didn’t want to change now.

I called her back only to get her voicemail. She must be in bed or doing some test as she said there would be a lot of that going on with her reconstructive surgeries and since they couldn’t all be done at once. This reminded me to make a care package for her. I had been so caught up with Evan walking into all aspects of my life I had forgotten I meant to put together one for her.

I shall do that today for her. For now, I wanted to get some work done on all my clients’ projects. There still was no green light from Cooper, but he seemed pleased and satisfied at our meeting last week that I am sure he would be giving us the go ahead tomorrow. Wednesday I meet with Terry and that should be a green light as well. I smiled pleased that something was working the way it is supposed to finally.



Grr…What does a therapist need in the way of a care package while in the hospital? I had the basics, flowers, chocolates, but I wasn’t even sure she could eat chocolate right now.

My phone rang and I put what I was holding down quickly in my cart to answer the phone.

“Hello,” I answered a little flustered without bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Hello Ms. Winters this is Kyle Jenkins.”

I smiled. “How are you?”

“I am good. I’m sorry to call you personally the office gave me this number after our first meeting.”

Hmm, I wondered if Evan had my number then, I forgot my office did that.

“It’s alright most my clients have this number.” Except Cooper, god he would call me constantly if he did.

“I had two reasons for calling. I wanted to apologize if my behavior last night with your co-worker was inappropriate.”

“No not at all we were all off the clock and from time to time there are social gatherings with clients.”

“That’s great I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t giving off the wrong impression,” his flirting with Melanie was the furthest thing from my mind. “Also some time has freed up for Evan and I. I wanted to schedule you to come out to our building site next Saturday instead of two weeks from now and why I am calling so personally because of the weeks’ notice.”

So much for not seeing Evan only in therapy this week. “That is fine with me, what time?”

It made my heart flutter though, knowing I’d be seeing him on an off day even though it would be for work.

“Ten am for the day if that fits your schedule?”


An idea came to mind with my current dilemma.

“While I have you on the phone Kyle may I ask you a…therapist type question, I trust I can have your confidence.” My face flushed to even be asking him this.

“Go ahead my lips are sealed. I might have to bill you though,” he said chuckling.

“Haha cute. Um my therapist she was in an accident over three weeks ago, I gave her quite a fuss about the new therapist I have and I’m trying to put together a care package for her. You can see why I would want your confidence.”

“Yes I see,” his voice got quiet. “What is your problem?”

“Well what do I get for a therapist?”

Kyle chuckles. “For starts do you have basics?”

I nodded thought he couldn’t see. “Yes.”

“Depending on the type of doctor she might like updates on the therapist world we are always keeping up with new psychology journals or subjects of interest. May I ask her name? I might be aware of what they might like from a colleague stand point.” He sounded curious.

“Is that allowed?”

“I believe for an innocent care package no harm can be done,” I could sense his smile through the phone.

“True, um her name is Dr. Mayweather.”

I sifted through what I had picked out already as I waited for a response…and waited.

“Kyle are you still there?” I asked when I didn’t hear anything in a reasonable amount of time.

“Uh, yes I apologize, Dr. Mayweather you say, I am familiar with her,” his voice took on a thoughtful tone almost concerned and distant. I didn’t think much of it in this small city, most similar professionals would be aware of other fellow colleagues.

“What do you think I could get?” I asked again distracted trying to brainstorm myself.

“Well she is a reader so maybe that new book series that just got published everyone has been talking about?”

“The 'Who is Jack?' series?”

“Yes that’s the one.” I giggled finding it amusing that a man would know about a book series that is geared towards women.

“I think that would be a good idea, thank you Kyle.”

“You’re welcome…see you next Saturday then.”

“Definitely, I look forward to getting a big picture idea for the project.” I smiled.

He did seem very comfortable to talk to and friendly. I wondered again if he got further with Melanie, but it really wasn’t any of my business anyway. We hung up and I weaved my way through the aisles to the literature section to find the paper back three book series.

A slight wave of dread coursed through me hoping she didn’t already have them, but she’s been in the hospital since their release so I thought it was a safe bet. I grabbed some slippers and a big fluff pillow for her as well. Who doesn’t like a comfortable pillow when in the hospital?

Now all I needed was to get groceries for dinner. I was in a good mood and smiled through the rest of my shopping. For the first time in a long while I felt happy and content. Wasn’t hard as to guess why either.



“How did last night go with Suzanne?” Stacy asked as we ate the smothered pork chops I created.

I wrinkled my nose. “She did not seem to like me being there. But Brandy…do you know her from accounting?”

“Um no, I’ve seen her around though,” she said thoughtfully.

“I took a liking to her right away,” except when she took a liking to Evan. “She said Suzanne got turned down and that was why she was so pissy.”

Stacy’s eyes widened with mischief. “Do you think Eddie asked her out too?”

I shrugged. “That is my assumption though his name never got brought up. Didn’t really think about it since my new clients were there,” I emphasized the last part.

“Uhh really? How did that go?” She smiled as she ate.

“It was interesting,” I shivered recalling Evan’s arms around me. “Kyle began flirting with Melanie.” I giggled.

“No way! Who was all there?”

“Suzanne, Brandy, Melanie and Tori, Tori was the one I believe who asked Suzanne to invite me I assumed.”

“I wonder why…”

“Probably just because she knows me, we worked together before on that Tanner project remember. Suzanne wouldn’t have asked me herself.” I shrugged, I still didn’t really care.

“So did you speak with Evan?”

“Yeah we got along great,” I tried to keep my voice even, but it came out a little squeaky. I covered it up, hopefully, by coughing and taking a sip of my sweet tea.

“Sounds like more than friendly conversation.”

“Brandy seemed to be attracted to Evan,” I dodged her comment quickly.

“And you sound jealous.”

I stayed silent.

“What else happened?”

I looked at Stacy in the eye. She knew me too well sometimes and she could see the conflict in my eyes.

“We danced…a little,” I said quietly.


“And that was all.”

Stacy went quiet for a few minutes while we ate.

“Must have been one hell of a dance…”

I snorted my laughter at that without thinking about how much that might give away.

“I knew you liked him,” Stacy blurted out.

“Yeah maybe, but he’s my therapist its wrong and I don’t know what to make of it really…”

“Who asked who to dance?”

“He did.”

“He likes you.” Stacy said it with such simple sincerity and nonchalance it had my mind go blank for a moment at her surety.

“Doesn’t matter,” I mumbled.

She dropped the subject as we finished eating our dinner. Since when did our nights on Sunday become filled with girl gossip? Guess I needed it in some way. I felt better being able to talk to Stacy instead of it usually being mostly business and work.

Still…after my last comment I knew damn well it mattered a whole lot more to me than I would like to admit…
