Chapter Sixteen

Quick Note: I hope this link works, it won't let me post it in the photo area since its not the right format, but this is a simple slide show I made of Evan, Sonja and Eddie.

Hope it works this way easier for you guys! Enjoy the chapter!!!



“Wha…what are you doing here?” I stammered adjusting Boxer in my arms.

Suddenly, a bout of tiredness washed over me and I blinked trying to keep from leaning against my door frame. Overwhelmed by my dog’s predicament as well as the surprise and shock of Evan being on my door step was almost too much too handle.

How did he know where I live?

“I’ll explain let’s get…,” he looked at me and then to my dog expectantly.

“Oh, his name’s Boxer.”

“Let’s get Boxer to the vet first, I can see the blood.”

Without warning he moved around me and shut my door, a hand of his covered the small of my back and guided me out to his car.

“He has been acting funny for the last three weeks and his nose started bleeding…” I tried to explain in rushed breaths as we walked.

“Shh save it for the veterinarian Sonja you just calm down for now.”

I nodded finding his tone, well calming despite my slightly intoxicated state. I wiped away more tears annoyingly from my cheek as he opened the door for me to climb in holding my pet.

Evan leaned in and I pressed myself against the seat holding my breath from his sudden and extremely close proximity. All he did was buckle the seat belt around me since both my hands were full.

He gave me a reassuring smile as he slid back out and closed the door. Oh how he managed to illicit such responses from me while my dog could be gravely ill made me feel guilty.

Evan climbed in and quickly got us underway.

“Which vet hospital?” He asked turning onto the road.

“Um the twenty four hour one on the boulevard,” I said trying to comfort Boxer with some petting. My head began to throb as I quickly sobered up. The worry over my dog and being in Evan’s presence at nine pm made the effects of a huge glass of wine virtually nil.

Petting Boxer as we drove seemed to soothe me as much as him. Also, the more sober I became the more embarrassment settled in. I must seem like a crazy person: a therapy patient, frazzled over her dog, in pajamas, half inebriated on wine (oh god could he smell it on my breath ugh), crying…

I cringed and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Surely, any attraction must be gone now.

“We are here,” he said softly as he parked.

I reached out to open the door and Evan trotted around to help me out as I held Boxer. He kept a hand on the small of my back as we walked into the forest green and salmon colored trimmed building. It was one of the nicer veterinary offices in town that was open all the time.

I walked right up to the reception desk taking a quick glance around at the other occupants in the waiting room – good there wasn’t many. My pace quickened even further as my heart rate did the same now that I am finally here.

“Hello, my dog has been feeling icky for three weeks now and tonight I noticed his nose has been bleeding…” I blurted out.

“Okay mam just stay calm we will see him, just fill out these papers and have a seat we will get to him as soon as we can.” The receptionist was pleasant though obviously tired.

I nodded while Evan took the clipboard, his hand still on the small of my back rubbing gently. It sent shocks of comfort and pleasure through me. We took a seat in the low lighted room and I looked around at the fake green plants and salmon leather chairs. They were uncomfortable.

“You don’t have to stay,” I said a moment later.

“How will you get home then?” He said gazing at me as he pulled the pen attached to the clipboard and began to fill out the paperwork – without asking me any questions. He noticed me watching him surprised.

“I do have a file on you, you know. I know the basics,” he smiled.

“How did you know where I live?” I asked.

“Again I have a file on you.”

Oh. Duh.

“How did Stacy get a hold of you?”

“She has all clients contact information it seems. However, she seemed amused to be asking this favor of me.”

I rolled my eyes. Now I understood why Evan was the one on my porch.

“I’m going to kill her,” I mumbled.


“She apparently thought it would be funny to have you come to my rescue,” I glanced at him and I could guess he was thinking the same thing I was about her reasons. I quickly tried to make a different excuse. “Being my therapist and all and her knowing what Boxer means to me, she was drinking, I’m sorry.”

“No problem,” Evan chuckled.

Now he began to ask me some questions from the paperwork, ones that he didn’t know and returned the completed work to the receptionist when he finished. He didn’t ask anything else for the time being, just sat there watching me while I comforted Boxer.

The dog started to get nervous and whimpering more as if he knew we were at the doctor’s office. No animal likes going to the doctor really. For a change I was actually nervous having Evan here in such a casual way and seeing into my personal life a little bit.

“Boxer,” a nurse called my dog’s name. I practically jumped up with the animal in my arms and ran over to her.


“Right this way,” she led me to an exam room and Evan followed quietly behind me. I didn’t mind I found myself wanting him to be at my side right now. I am grateful for his presence; it seemed to keep me from freaking out and becoming a puddle of nerves and stress.

The exam room is cold, probably because of all the stainless steel and disinfectant equipment strewn about in an organized fashion. I hated having to make Boxer more uncomfortable to fix what is happening to him.

The veterinarian came in a few minutes later, a stocky plump man that had a tired smile on his aging face.

“Good evening,” he still seemed cheery enough despite the hour of the night.


“If you could put Boxer up here on the table and tell me what seems to be the problem while I start my exam please,” he said and it seemed like he was used to saying this to concerned pet owners all the time.

I went into a little stumbling speech of what had been going on with Boxer, trying to recall every little detail about his behavior. I explained about tonight waking up from a nap to see him lying there with his nose bleeding as the vet examined Boxer making me cringe when Boxer whimpered from a poke or prod.

“From my initial examination this looks like a bacterial infection. I’ll have to run some tests in the back and then we can get him all fixed up for you guys. Don’t worry your family pet is in good hands.”

Evan and I looked at each other, both wanting to laugh as the doctor assumed we were a couple, or at least family.

“Thank you.”

“If you like you can wait outside or we can call you at home?”

“I’ll wait,” I said quickly, afraid of the idea of being alone with Evan, even if it was just to drop me off at my apartment.

“We’ll take good care of Boxer,” the vet smiled reassuringly at me and I nodded.

“Is it life threatening?” I had to ask before leaving the room.

“No, it’s not.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and it was so overwhelming I slumped right into Evan’s chest.

Oh how warm and solid he is. His scent engulfed me and I inhaled it greedily, a mixture of fresh linen and a wintery musk. I was surprised when his arms came around holding me to him as he walked me back out to the waiting room. He sat me down still holding me and rubbing my back soothingly. I didn’t want to leave his embrace, this is the most we have ever touched and it felt gloriously right. But, I pulled away looking up at him.

“Thank you,” I said quietly. Seeing the care in his eyes made me want to snuggle back up against his chest as if I knew it would be okay with him if I did so.

“Boxer means a lot to you,” he prodded.

“Yes he does,” I nod. “I have had him since he was a puppy, before Jerry, over five years now,” I explained.

“I see he was a comfort to you…during?” He didn’t seem able to speak or wanted to speak about the abuse. We weren’t exactly in a therapeutic arena, but I got the feeling that wasn’t the reason why he avoided it.


I felt his hand come up my back and began to massage my neck gently.

I didn’t want to ask if he could get in trouble for being here with me, outside of work and therapy. His support and help is keeping me calm more than I usually would be dealing with my sick pet on my own. I didn’t want to ruin it, I enjoyed him so much.


“Should we wake her up?” I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

“Yes, I’m sure she would want to hear the news.”

That was Evan’s voice and much closer than it should have been.

I opened my eyes to be looking up at his jawline. The edge of his beard at the base of his throat and I had the strongest desire to reach up and press my lips to the line of his neck where the beard ended.

I bounced up realizing I had fallen asleep against Evan and how that thought aroused too much in me. He had been holding me the whole time while I slept, cradling me like a…a lover…

“I’m sorry,” I said noticing I had startled both men, the other I recognized now as the vet.

“It’s okay Sonja,” Evan smiled at me.

Did I see a hint of pleasure from holding me in his eyes? It did magical things to my body and mind if he was pleased.

“Boxer is doing well, he does have a bacterial infection...the flu you might call it for pets. I’m giving you some antibiotics that he’ll need twice a day and he’ll be ready to go home shortly,” The vet explained pleased to be giving me good news. Being that he worked in a twenty four hour veterinary hospital I assumed he didn’t get to give good news very often.

“Thank you so much,” I said shaking his hand as my voice cracked slightly. I felt the relief tears surge in my eyes and I wiped at them before they could fall down my cheeks.

“You will have to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn’t start a nose bleed again.”

“Of course I can make trips home from work during lunch,” I nodded.

“Okay I’ll go get the paperwork and medicine. He is sedated right now so he should sleep through the rest of the night.”

I nodded again and he turned to leave back into the doctor’s area beyond the waiting room.

“What time is it?” I turned to Evan; my phone was in my purse and out of my reach at the moment.

“A little past one am.”

My eyebrow rose. “And your still here?”

Evan chuckles. “I want to be here.”

My heart fluttered and then stopped when he took my hand and soothingly caressed the back of it with his thumb. My hand came up to hold my chest where my heart is located almost positive it would burst through any second. I hoped he took it as a sign of relief for Boxer instead of trying to just control my hormones.

A few minutes later the doctor, a nurse and Boxer came back out and he went through the instructions with me. Evan stood by holding onto my purse, I wanted to chuckle as the nurse handed him all the papers and pamphlets and a bag of the medication.

The doctor handed Boxer to me whom I cradled in my arms; he was fast asleep snoring softly. Soon as he was in my arms, I felt him bury his head into the fold of my elbow.

We left the vet’s and he helped me into the car again and put the bag and paperwork at my feet buckling me in.

“Thank you again,” I whispered while he still leaned in so close. He froze and met my gaze.

“You’re welcome,” he lingered. There is conflict in his eyes as they darted all over my face. I wanted to soothe him as he has done for me. I longed to touch him, but I was acutely aware of my hold on Boxer. So I just watched as he finished and shut the door quietly.

“Damn,” I mumbled leaning my head back against the seat.

Why did my every encounter with him feel so intense with this…this heated passion. I knew by now he must feel it too, but he never spoke about it. Maybe we should and soon…

“I’m glad Boxer is okay Sonja,” he spoke a few minutes later as we drove back to my apartment.

“Thanks, he’s still got a bit to go from the infection. I’m relieved it wasn’t life threatening though.”

“I am too, he obviously means a lot to you.”


“So any plans for the holiday?” He said softly just making conversation.

I wrinkled my nose as we pulled into the parking space next to my car.

“That reminds me, the company is having our annual Halloween party, all the clients are invited,” my tone must have given me away.

He helped me out of the car picking up my things, holding my purse open so I could fish for my keys as he spoke. “You don’t sound too enthusiastic.”

“I’m not,” I snorted and Boxer stirred in my arms. I yawned; feeling very tired all of a sudden.

“Why’s that?”

“Oh my boss demanded my company at his side to improve client relations and I have to wear a matching costume, which is something Stacy and I have always done. I’m not happy about it at all. He pretty much gave me no choice,” I rambled as I juggled with unlocking my door and holding onto Boxer keeping him stable and still.

I turned around to see Evan staring at me. His jaw, even in the moonlight looked tight, as if he was grinding his teeth.

“That’s not very professional.”

“No, but Eddie has been there for me in the past through all my issues, I guess I could return the favor,” I tried to ignore the vibe of jealousy or was it anger and envy, I felt rolling off of Evan in waves. Men, sheesh, but I did enjoy that he disliked it as much as me. It was obvious he didn’t like it any more than I did, in fact he looked absolutely furious about it the more I studied his face.

“Are you going to attend the party?” I asked.

Evan met my gaze again from his thoughts. The lines of his face softened and relaxed as he looked at me, but the fury seemed to remain still, contained behind his demeanor, the conflict I had seen before in the car returned. He took a moment to answer and all the anger drained from his face as he smiled at me.

“Oh yes, I’ll be there.”
