Part 10: The Monoma Incident

Third person pov:

-later that evening (like 8:00 or something)-

Bakugo was in his room, pacing and thinking about everything that had just happened, he's dating Kirishima, the most amazing person he has ever met and the only one able to make him feel at peace. 'He said he loves me but why? I do everything wrong. I was kidnapped by villains and had to be saved. Again. I'm no hero, if it wasn't for me All Might wouldn't have had to retire. The villains didn't destroy the symbol of peace. I did. I don't deserve him. This was a mistake, I shouldn't have-'

He was cut short on his downward spiral by a quiet tapping noise coming from his balcony door.
Spinning around and making his way over to the glass doors he slowly moved the curtain aside to see what had torn him away from his dark thoughts.

When he saw a large, but not full size, (like the size of toothless or something) s/c dragon stood on his balcony he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding and opened the door slightly so he could step outside.
"What are you doing here!? And.. how did you get out?!" Bakugo whisper shouted at the free spirited dragoness who just looked at him with worry in her e/c eyes and gently nudged his hand.

Getting the message, Bakugo began to gently pet her head causing her to purr and lean into his touch.
"Nothing I say will get you to go back will it?" Y/n looked at him and shook her head before laying down on the balcony. Bakugo breathed out a sigh then also sat down with his back against the wall and y/n gently placed her head on his lap, purring contentedly.

After a few minutes of sitting under the stars y/n looked up at the boy noticing he was no longer petting her scales and saw him with his eyes closed and mouth slightly open, letting out quiet snores. The dragoness stood from her position on the floor and quietly moved over to the balcony door being careful to not wake the sleeping hothead.

After fiddling with the door and using her claws and tail y/n finally managed to open the door to Bakugo's room so, checking that the boy was still sleeping, she gently picked him up with one of her front paws and held him securely against her chest whilst she wobbled her way into his room. Using her tail y/n pushed his bed covers to the side before carefully placing him down on the bed then pulling the sheets over him and giving him a small lick on the forehead.

After she was sure that Bakugo was sleeping soundly y/n left his room the way she came in and quietly closed the door behind her before jumping onto the railing of the balcony, stretching her wings out and closing her eyes to bask in the moonlight.

She took one more glance through the window at the boy's sleeping figure before leaping into the night sky and letting the wind catch on her wings allowing her to sail high above the school before coming to land on top of the school the school building, and using her vantage point to scan the nearby woods for a potential meal.

At the same time an especially tired Aizawa was on the phone to a panicked security guard who somehow only just noticed that the 14 tonne dragon had gone missing and was worried that the school was about to be destroyed by a rampaging reptile. Aizawa sighed and took a long sip of his coffee before responding to the guard

"You're new aren't you." He asked as more of a statement "Well yes but I don't see why-" The guard started but was quickly cut off
"Don't worry about y/n going on a rampage she won't as long as Bakugo is here.. and don't bother trying to find her either you won't be able to, she's almost invisible at night. Either way she'll be back in the morning."

The other end of the line was silent for a moment before finally responding "but are you sure-" "YES now go away and let me sleep" Aizawa hung up and flopped down onto his bed before groaning into his pillow "This dragon's going to be the death of me one day." He then grabbed his capture scarf and ran out the door knowing he had to make sure the delinquent dragon hadn't broken into the dorms.

-Time skip-

Bakugo was sat in the common area eating his breakfast with Kirishima when the door slammed open almost denting the wall and an exhausted Aizawa walked in followed by a confused Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic) "I'm done, Bakugo take your dragon." Aizawa yelled before shoving y/n into his arms
"What happened to her not being allowed in the dorms?" Bakugo asked, adjusting his grip on y/n so she was comfortable

Aizawa was about to answer but was interrupted by an exited Hizashi

"After she broke into the teacher's apartments last night with a deer carcass Nezu decided to change the rules so that she can go anywhere as long as she is being supervised by you, Kirishima or a teacher she trusts!" Both students looked to Aizawa who sighed before nodding in confirmation.

"Anyway thats all, don't be late to class." Aizawa spoke whilst walking towards the door, Yamada waving to the boys before leaving the dorms.

Kirishima leaned towards Bakugo and spoke in a hushed voice "why was Present Mic here?" "I've got no fuckin clue" the blonde responded before placing the dragoness on the floor and taking his bowl into the kitchen and washing it.

While he was in the kitchen Bakugo could hear shouting and screams coming from the common area so he reluctantly left the kitchen to see what was going on.

And what a sight he was greeted with. The entire bakusquad was now in the common room and were all (except Kirishima) collectively freaking out in different ways at the dragon (now the same size as she was on the balcony) who was growling slightly at the unfamiliar faces, Sero had managed to tape himself to the ceiling, Mina had flipped a table and was now hiding behind it and Kaminari had passed out with Kirishima trying to wake him up.

"WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING!" Bakugo's loud voice cut through the chaos causing Kaminari to wake up and Sero to fall from the ceiling. Mina peeked up from behind the table
"Oh heyyy Bakugo" she then immediately yelped in fear and ducked down again when y/n turned to growl at her.

The ash blonde walked up to the growling dragon and bonked her on the head causing her to hiss at him
"Stop that." He snapped at her and she immediately stopped and turned to look at her explosive companion.

"H-how did you do that?" Kaminari asked while helping sero off the ground who was also staring wide eyed as Kirishima walked towards the dragon who was nudging Bakugo in an attempt to get him to give her attention.

"Just stay calm and don't freak out, she doesn't know you guys yet so she might be a bit jumpy" Kirishima answered for him and y/n gave up on getting attention from Bakugo and instead turned to Kirishima who gladly showered her with attention as Bakugo introduced her properly

"Y/n this is Denki, Sero and Mina, extras this is y/n." He said pointing to them as he said their names.

Y/n warily padded towards Denki, since he was closest and circled the boy, his hair tousling slightly from her breath as he kept his eyes tightly closed. He whimpered quietly when she gently nudged him with her paw causing him to stumble slightly before quickly regaining his balance. The electric blonde let out a sigh of relief when the dragoness moved away from him and towards his dark-haired friend.

Sero tried to remain calm but the closer she got the more he shook. All y/n did was look the boy up and down, sniffing at his strangely shaped elbows before gently nudging him with a paw as well then moving on to the third in the group who was as still and unmoving as a statue.

Mina reminded y/n of the rare dragon shifters that once lived in her homeland, before being almost completely wiped out. Her pink skin and hair as well as horns and black sclera were traits that were similar to those she saw on the halflings she had met.

It was because of these similarities that the dragoness felt more at ease with this girl, so all she did was gently press her snout against the frozen girl's torso and took in her scent before turning around and bounding back towards Bakugo who gave her pets while Kirishima praised her for being gentle causing her tail to wag behind her almost knocking over a plant.

"C'mon idiots we'll be late" Bakugo stated before walking out of the front door with Kirishima beside him and a great s/c dragon following behind the two.

Reader pov:

I followed Kiri and Katsuki out of the front door with Katsuki quickly telling me to shrink down so I don't cause mass panic.

After I was in my smallest size I instantly took to the air and followed the boys from above until they reached the door of the school, then I folded my wings and nosedived towards the two opening my wings just a few metres off of the ground to help steady my landing.

I landed as softly as I could, perching on Katsuki's shoulder and wrapping my tail loosely around the back of his neck for a little more balance.
"Having fun are we?" Katsuki chuckled as he scratched under my chin while I chirped in response and nuzzled my face in his fluffy hair.

I noticed that him and Kiri were holding hands the entire time they were walking but as soon as they entered the school they let go, but still stayed close together, I tilted my head slightly confused at this before Katsuki turned away from the conversation they were having to tell me to stay close to him as they entered the busy school halls.

I nodded and shuffled closer to Katsuki's neck, almost looking like a strange scarf at this point as I lowered my head but remained alert for any potential threats. The further into the corridors we went the more people there were, many of them gave Katsuki strange looks and stares as we walked only to be met by a glare or a growl from me until I was growling almost constantly at anyone who came too close or even glanced in our direction.

About two minutes into the walk
Katsuki placed one of his hands on my face, covering my eyes before whispering "Calm down" to me in a low voice. He kept my eyes covered until I couldn't hear as many voices and the sound of their footsteps had slowed. When I regained my vision I was met with an extremely tall door with a large 1A on it and the sound and scent of many people inside.

As we were about to enter the room a loud, and slightly obnoxious, voice spoke out beside us
"WELL IF IT ISN'T BAKUGO FROM CLASS 1A! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO GET KIDNAPPED BY VILLAINS AND BE SO USELESS THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS TO SAVE YOU!!" Some blonde bitch basically screeched and Katsuki growled at him in response.

I slowly unfurled my tail from Katsuki's  neck and narrowed my eyes whilst unfolding my wings slightly and getting ready to pounce, this didn't go unnoticed by Kiri though as the sunshine boy tried his best to prevent a murder
"Monoma I don't think you should-"
Yea I'd had enough at this point so I pounced on the bitch, growing to what I've now decided to call 'balcony size' since I use it so often, and pinning him to the floor causing him to scream like the little girl he is.

I growled savagely merely inches away from his face as smoke spilled out of my jaws causing him to cough and splutter beneath me. I could tell at this point that we had an audience since I could hear voices and people yelling behind me, but I honestly couldn't care less, I'm about to make an example out of this kid and show what happens when people mess with my son- friend I mean friend.

I opened my jaws and let out a roar that could rival Present Mic, causing the boy beneath me to scream as tears fell down  his face, but before I even had the chance to do anything more I felt something hard impact my side. I instantly snapped my head around growling at whoever just kicked me, only to stop immediately when I saw it was Katsuki, and he looked much angrier than usual, probably because of this Monoma kid, so I chirped at him as if to ask what he needed and for some reason his glare got even harsher.

"Get. off. him." He spoke through gritted teeth, I immediately narrowed my eyes and started to growl looking between him and the boy I had pinned until he spoke again
"Now. Y/N" he said with a stern tone as we had a mini stare off until I let out a huff in annoyance and released the trembling boy who was immediately grabbed and dragged away by some girl with giant hands.

I trotted back over to Katsuki and noticed that the door that was previously closed was now open and the people inside were all crowded at the entrance, but quickly ran back inside and sat down when I looked in their direction strange.

I sat infront of Katsuki and looked down at his enraged form
"Don't you ever do that again. Understand?" He snarled
I just tilted my head slightly in confusion what did I do wrong? Did he want to fight Monoma himself?

"You will never attack someone unless I tell you to or it is absolutely necessary do you understand." He said in a scarily calm voice and I just tilted my head even more and small explosions began to erupt from his hands

"I SAID do you understand!" He almost shouted, I took a quick glance at Kiri and Aizawa who was talking into one of those 'phones' before looking back to Katsuki and nodding my head before bowing lower and pressing my forehead to his chest, in an action that I use to say I'm sorry, even if I don't quite know what I'm supposed to be apologising for.

Katsuki placed his hands between my horns and rested his forehead against one of them before whispering so only I could hear
"Its alright, I know you don't understand what you did wrong, you were just trying to protect me. I'll explain it to you later ok? Until then just stay close to me and don't attack anyone else do you think you can do that for me?" I nodded the best I could while we were still in our unconventional hug before taking a step back to shrink down and then wrapped myself around Katsuki's shoulders again as he walked over to Aizawa

"That good enough for ya?" He asked, receiving a nod from the taller male and a massive smile and thumbs up from Kiri before we all made our way into the room and everyone took their seats while Aizawa stood at the podium.

After Katsuki took his seat in front of Midoria, who gave me a shy wave which I returned with a quiet yip, I jumped off his shoulder and onto his desk before carefully climbing down onto his lap and curling up so I could nap through whatever boring things humans do in school.

Just as I was about to doze off Aizawa said something that peaked my interest
"Now that that's all over, today you're going to be working on making ultimate moves." Now that doesn't sound boring.

(2760 words, unedited)

Ok but seriously, 2.94k reads?! How!?
I don't understand.

Shock aside I'm actually working on another fanfic using one of my childr- I mean Oc's and was gonna start publishing it when I've written about 10 chapters.

My question is; would you like me to post the character profile before then or nah? Let me know by commenting

I'm also probably gonna stop doing long a/n's like these unless I have something to announce or ask

Anyway, vote, comment, drink water, stay in drugs and don't do school.

~Axel out x
