Part 1: First Encounter

Reader pov:

'Welp guess I'm landing then' I thought realising my wings no longer had the strength to keep me airborne, and running on no food didn't help either.

I tried to glide the best I could and aimed for a small clearing in the forest below me, tucking in my wings and free falling until I was close enough to the ground and then opened them again like a parachute, making a less than graceful landing in the clearing forming a small crater.

It was now early morning and the sun had begun to light up the sky in pinks and oranges allowing me to see a small stream running through the clearing which I slowly limped my way towards since the flight and landing had opened both old and fresh wounds,
I plopped down at the edge of the stream and took a big mouthful of water as well as some unlucky fish that happened to be swimming through. I did this a few times until my thirst was no more and then stepped into the stream to clean my wounds as well as the built up grime from being in that horrible place.
Upon examining myself I saw that I was covered in bruises as well as slash and whip marks with bullet holes and even arrows protruding from my back, I cringed when I noticed a few wooden spears sticking out of my sides although luckily they weren't in to deep so it should be safe to pull them out,

The real issues were the arrows and slashes on my legs and torso which made moving difficult, as well as not having enough energy to heal myself I was also incredibly hungry, having not eaten in days and even when I was fed it was the bare minimum needed to survive so I was very weak.

'Should've eaten that human when I had the chance' WHAT NO Touya saved my life and got me out of that place why would I even think about that? Am I hungrier than i thought? 'I should go hunting' I decided and slowly made my way out of the stream before collapsing due to the pain and exhaustion 'maybe I'll just have a quick nap first' I layed my head down and curled up as much as I could closing my eyes against the bright morning sun.

Bakago's pov:

"I'm telling you it came from this direction!" Dunce face exclaimed whilst pointing ahead of us.

"I still don't get why I have to come with you idiots." I sighed

Kirishima turned and gave me a soft smile "Oh c'mon blasty you can't deny your curious"

I glared back "I'm curious alright, curious of why PIKACHU DRAGGED US OUT OF OUR BED BECAUSE HE 'HEARD A NOISE'"

"But I did hear a noise" stupid face whined only to be met by a glare from me causing Kirishima to step between us as we entered a small clearing.

As we did so his eyes widened in shock, I followed his gaze to a crater that looked like something had crashed there.

"See, I told you I heard something!" Dunce face exclaimed jumping up and down, at that moment we all heard a loud noise that sounded a little like thunder before we realised it was coming from in front of us.

Reader pov:

I slowly stirred awake due to shouting and the sound of movement around me,

"See, I told you I heard something!"

'That came from right next to me' I let out a low growl of annoyance at being woken up and groggily opened my eyes, turning my head to see who disturbed my much needed sleep. I saw three young humans, males I believe one with red spikey hair another with yellow hair that had a black streak and a third with ash blonde that was sticking up in every direction,

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT!¡!" The yellow haired boy screeched falling backwards his eyes wide in fear, pointing a shaky finger in my direction.

'don't you know its rude to point' I growled at the boy as the other two now looked at me, the red head jumped slightly and took a small step back while the blonde just stood his ground and glared at me causing another, much louder and more aggressive, growl to erupt from my throat causing two of the boys to move back more when the third just stood his ground.

I took this moment to sniff the air in an attempt to get a read on this suicidal weirdos scent, and MY GOD was it amazing, sweet but somehow smokey, I've genuinely never smelt something this good in my life 'if he smells this good I wonder how he tastes' I mentally slapped myself 'STOP THINKING ABOUT EATING PEOPLE although to be honest he kind of deserves it if he is getting this close to a dragon'

Then the idiot took a step TOWARDS ME 'wow he actually wants to die' I thought letting out another threatening growl which turned into a hiss.
There wasn't much else I could do at that moment I was too injured and drained to fight or run away so my only option is to get them to leave for long enough so I can recover.

"Bakubro what are you doing!?" The red head whisper shouted at the blonde as he took YET ANOTHER step towards me.
"Isn't it obvious I'm showing this thing whose boss" I snarled at the word 'thing' and bared my razor sharp teeth as he proceeded to get closer.

"Denki go back to camp and get Aizawa." The red head mumbled, the boy with yellow hair presumably 'Denki' nodded and made his way out of the clearing in the direction they came from.
'Great now more of them are coming' I huffed 'well that throws my plan out the window'
"Hair for brains go with him" The blonde 'bakubro' said in a commanding tone "and bring back some food for them" he said jerking his thumb in my direction as my steely gaze softened slightly

"Katsuki I'm not going to leave you alone!" The red head whisper shouted

"Please Eiji" The blonde said in a tone that sounded too soft to come from him "just trust me" The 'Eiji' stood for a second before nodding and following after his yellow haired companion.

After he had left it was just me and the angry blond who was now only an arms reach away from me but I could only focus on one thought 'he called me 'they' not demon or beast or monster but 'they' like an equal, and he somehow knew I was hungry, maybe this human isn't so bad after all' The boy tilted his head slightly in confusion at my loss of aggression but took this opportunity to speak up.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo... you're injured aren't you? I can see a trail of blood coming from the river.." I hesitantly nodded my head unsure if this human should know I'm vulnerable but if more are coming what difference will it make.
"You can actually understand me!?" Bakugo said a slight look of surprise on his face to which I slowly nodded my head once again. He then began to walk around me I can only assume to get a full idea of my injuries.
I lay my head back down confident that there is nothing else I can do in this situation, the boy isn't scared of me and knows I'm injured so I'll be unable to prevent anything he tries to do to me.

Just as I was about to doze off I felt a small sharp pain on my back and snapped my head in that direction and there stood Bakugo, somehow I hadn't noticed he had climbed onto my back, I began to growl but stopped as soon as I saw what was in his hand, an arrow, more specifically one that used to be lodged in my back.
"Sorry" he mumbled "but I had to take it out otherwise you won't get any better" he stated as he reached down and carefully pulled out another causing me to flinch slightly but remain calm.

He continued this process until all of the arrows were removed and thrown to the side allowing me to regain a small amount of maneuverability. I moved my head closer to where the boy was on my back and opened my mouth slightly, he tensed up upon seeing my rows upon rows of bloodstained razor sharp teeth but immediately relaxed as I began to lick my wounds using what little energy I had left to focus on healing. 'This boy probably just saved my life, there was no way I could have lived much longer with those arrows preventing me from healing. WAIT THAT MEANS oh no.. two life debts in not even two days, well hopefully this one can be repaid as quickly as the last'

Bakugo climbed down my back and once again went in front of me this time sitting down criss cross applesauce and much closer to me than before allowing me to press my snout up against him.
"What are you- AGHHH PUT ME DOWN!" He screamed as I picked him up by his shirt and placed him against my side, wrapping my tail around him so he couldn't escape as I licked his face causing his hair to be slicked down by my saliva. He screamed once again and began yelling profanities, the once present air of caution gone as we each knew the other posed no real threat.
I curled up wrapping my body around him like a shield and, once he had stopped shouting and given up on trying to get out of my grasp I finally allowed myself to fall back asleep.

(1646 words, edited)

Oof that was a long one.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! The next one will be a kind of description on your powers and abilities (you're pretty strong but not too OP at least i hope so anyway) as well as a little bit on dragon customs, rules and such.
Anyways don't forget to rate and comment! Feedback is always appreciated!

~Axel out x
