Chapter 6 - Eleanor

Chapter 6 - Eleanor

= OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings

~ I DO NOT OWN KHR except OCs and THE STORY ~

Previously / Flashback
Author Note / AN

"Well, blame yourself in this okay~ Gotta go~!" He said, when he suddenly enveloped by Mist flame, which Daemon quickly dispelled it, but when he did, the redhead and Tsuna already disappeared from the spot, as if they teleported away.


His hyper intuition had been trying to tell him something ever since he started thinking about it, making Giotto inwardly scowled. He didn't understand what his hyper intuition trying to say, then he felt a change, rather than trying to tell him something, it was now trying to lead Giotto somewhere.


Little did they know, Ietsuna was more frustrated at his own feeling. When he saw Giotto becoming livid, he knew his anger was not on the same level as Giotto's. He was not as livid as Giotto. It was as if a part of him never thought Tsuna as his blood related brother. That thought made him tightened his fists. Made him hated himself more.

AN : Anyone remember who Eleanor is?

In this chapter, there will be a constant changing scene.

= 3rd Person's POV =

After leaving his Guardians behind, perfectly knew that they would followed him. And as they had been together for a long time, Giotto knew his Guardians would be patience enough to wait for him to explain his sudden behavior after he finished solving his problems or when he later approached them for help.

As Giotto reached the mansion, he immediately walked towards his room, changing his attire and took necessary items, before leaving his room.

On his way towards the front door, he saw his head butler heading towards the dining room, in which said man saw Giotto too.

"Giotto-sama" The head butler greeted, bowing down, before he straighten up when Giotto told him to rise his head.

The man blinked when he realized Giotto was wearing a civilian clothes, instead of his usual suit and a cloak. "Giotto-sama, if I may ask, why are you wearing those clothes?" He asked.

"Ah, I am planning to go to the town for awhile. And no, I prefer going there by myself this time, thank you, Suzu" Giotto added the last sentence and waved at him when his head butler opened his mouth.

"But while you no longer hold the seat, you are still a boss, Giotto-sama. And it was almost dark out there! At least bring one of your Guardians or one of the guards" The head butler, Suzu, said.

"It's fine, Suzu. Tell them I am going to town to calm my head when my Guardians ask my whereabouts" Giotto smiled, walking towards his destination, ignoring his butler's panicked call. "Giotto-sama!"

《》《》《》Sky's Truth《》《》《》

Exiting the forest surrounding the mansion, unlike when he was with his Guardians previously, Giotto now payed most of his attention towards his hyper intuition that lead him somewhere else. So without any question, and without any hesitation, Giotto started walking to the direction his intuition kept pointing at.

Walking passed the town, he spotted Tsuna's closed cake shop, with people walking around sometimes made a peek at the closed shop, as if hoping Tsuna suddenly appeared and apologized for the late opening.

Taking a peek at his pocketwatch, Giotto blinked. It's already 5.32pm. No wonder many adults were walking around Tsuna's shop. It was already the time people off work, the time where workers received their break of the day. Most after all would go to Tsuna's shop for a short relaxation before they went home.

Decided to help them not to waste their precious time on Tsuna's would-be-closed-for-awhile cake shop, Giotto approached a nearby shop and asked or a paper, pen, and a tape, which he wrote down that Tsuna would be returning soon as soon as his sick relative in another country was healthy again, and taped the paper at the shop's door.

Satisfied, Giotto walked towards the directed direction via his GPS-intuition again.

He had not took more than ten steps when a familiar voice stopped him. "Oh. Young man, are you by any chance Giotto?" The voice called, making Giotto stopped his tracks, and blinked, before turning around.

"Ah. You are-!" Giotto widened his eyes at the person, though he could see that person no longer holding their youth, he was still be able to recognize them.

《》《》《》Sky's Truth《》《》《》

At the same time, in the mansion, Ietsuna was in his room, sitting at the corner of his bed, depressed and sulking, before he stood up and walked towards his wardrobe, which he proceeded in pulling out a hoodie, changing his T-shirt with that, before went to his drawer and taking out his phone and wallet.

Ietsuna immediately exited his room, as soon as he pocketed his phone and wallet. Walking towards the front door, while searching for nearby one of the three Guardians in the mansion, he passed through the infirmary where he could sense Knuckle's Sun flame in there.

Knocking on the door. He entered when he heard a "come in" from inside.

"Huh? Ietsuna?" Knuckle blinked when he saw Ietsuna on the door, before his instinct took over, as he immediately rushed towards the brunet and checked for any injuries.

Sweatdropping, Ietsuna hurriedly stopped Knuckle's worry. "I am okay, uncle. There's no injuries at all" Ietsuna laughed nervously.

That made Knuckle blinked again. Making another fast check in Ietsuna who sweatdropped, he nodded. "Okay then. So, what make you ultimately come here?" Knuckle asked.

"Ah. I was looking for either you, uncle Asari or uncle Lampo. But since you are the closest one within my range, so here I am" Ietsuna smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"I see. Why did you ultimately looking for us then?" Knuckle asked, nodding at Ietsuna.

"Oh. I just wanted to inform you guys that I will be in town for a while, so that you guys didn't panicked over my sudden disappearance. Just like last time, you guys thought I was kidnapped and sent half of our people to look for me when I was just visiting the library with Reborn act as my bodyguard" Ietsuna deadpanned at the last part, making Knuckle chuckled sheepishly.

"Okay. I'll inform the others. Bring one of your Guardians or one of the guards with you to prevent further panic when you were late" Knuckle said, which Ietsuna nodded. "I am going to meet Hayato and Takeshi when I reach the town" Ietsuna reassured.

Hearing that, Knuckle nodded. "Be back before dinner" He said, which Ietsuna nodded, before leaving the infirmary, and proceeded leaving the mansion, entering the forest.

Once he stepped out of the forest surrounded the mansion. 'I am really sorry for lying, uncle. But my intuition told me to go to that place alone' Ietsuna thought, biting his lower lip, and made his way towards the place his intuition wanted him to.

To Sawada residence.

《》《》《》Sky's Truth《》《》《》

"-Lady Eleanor!" Giotto exclaimed, his eyes still wide at the sight of the aged green-eyed woman infront of him.

The woman chuckled. "Goodness. I am no longer a lady, and how many times did I told you to call me 'mother' or at least 'mother-in-law', Giotto" She smiled, grabbing one of bewildered Giotto's hands.

Giotto blinked again, before chuckling. "Many times. By the way, not that I am not happy to see you again after so long, but what are you doing here? From Italy to here" Giotto smiled, leading the aged woman to the nearby park's bench.

Sitting down at the empty becoming, the woman chuckled. "Long time no see you too, Giotto. I came for a vacation, and to visit someone" She smiled.

"Visit someone? I didn't know you have a Japanese relative, mother" Giotto asked, blinking. As far as he knew, his mother-in-law never had one, only Italian relatives, and few German relatives.

The woman stared at Giotto with sadness filled in her eyes, making the blond taken aback and mentally panicked. Did he say something wrong?

"I see you really are not aware about it" The woman smiled sadly.

"Are not aware of ...what?" Giotto couldn't help but asked. Was it really that bad?

The woman smiled. "I am visiting my daughter, Giotto. My daughter, Rain" She said, making Giotto widened his eyes.

"Ra..Rain?" Giotto stuttered. "She here? In Japan? In Namimori?" Giotto looked as if he had seen a ghost when the aged woman nodded.

"Where.. Where is she? I.. I have been searching for her for the past seventeen years. Ca- Can I meet her? Please let me meet her. I am begging you, mother. Please" Giotto choked out, eyes turned glassy, and tears eventually flowed down his cheeks.

The woman smiled sadly as she watched Giotto, the strong Giotto, broke down, begging to see her daughter, his wife, after years of separation. After all, her daughter did suddenly disappeared without any explanation to the Tenth Generation a week after the two's small marriage that was attended by only her, her husband, and Giotto's Guardians.

The woman was still silent, waiting for Giotto to calm down from his break-down. And few moments later, Giotto managed to calm down a little, and nervously waited for his mother-in-law to say something, especially after he showed her his pitiful side.

But instead of saying something, the woman gave Giotto a small smile and patted his head. Giotto blinked at that. "Follow me. I'll lead you to where she's staying" She said.

Giotto was about to say something when the aged woman stood up, and lead him somewhere with a sad and a very apologetic smile decorated her face, which made Giotto confusedly looked at her, though still followed her.

Following the elderly woman, Giotto would not admit it, but he felt a little dread in meeting his missing fiance. When Giotto recognized the path they were walking on, he frowned a little. He had a feeling he won't like it when he saw where his missing fiance was staying.

And he was right about the dislike when he saw the only gate visible.

They were walking towards Namimori graveyard.

Biting down the wall of his cheek, Giotto was trying to look at the kind of bright side. Was trying to convince that his fiance was actually at the graveyard visiting someone else's grave. Or maybe she had a house just right behind the graveyard.

Yeah. She probably had a house near that graveyard. After all, her mother did lived in the middle of a forest and near a large field of those flower of death. Giotto nodded at himself at that thought.

"Come on. She's near" She said, waving at Giotto, who snapped out of his own thought and nodded at her. "Ri-right" Giotto stuttered out after taking a deep breath.

As they walked passed the graveyard's gate, Giotto paused and looked around, trying to find at least a glimpse of brown hair or maybe the house she was staying in, but to his disappointment, he didn't saw any.

"Over here, Giotto" The aged-woman waved at Giotto, who blinked when he saw the woman looked at him, standing infront of a grave full of sunflowers and spider lilies. That somehow made Giotto frowned. Those two flowers' meanings clashed with each other and yet they were put together. One symbolized longevity, while the other symbolized death.

Walking towards the elderly woman, Giotto noticed she stopped walking, as if she had reached her destination. Gulping down his saliva, Giotto approached her, hoping what he was thinking was not true.

But it seemed like his life wanted him to face the truth. A painful one, but it was better than a painless lie, which would made him felt more pain if he were to discover the truth.

Staring at the tombstone with wide eyes, tears travelled down his cheeks as he slowly dropped down to his knees. "....Rain..?" Giotto whispered out.


Here lies a beloved daughter, and wife

Beloved by Family

Cherished by friends

A rain that once flushed away people's fear and sadness

Latizia Rain

04/02/19XX - 14/10/19XX


"After so many years, I finally see you again, but you..." Giotto trailed, silently sobbed. "Rain..."

Eleanor smiled sadly at her son-in-law. 'I told you, Rain. You should have told him the reason why you left. That would have hurt him less' She thought sadly as she left Giotto with her deceased daughter alone, and stood beside a tree nearby.

Staring at Giotto back, Eleanor couldn't help but thought of his mother. 'When I said I hope our children can be friends, never would I have thought that the two will be together, Rina' She smiled. 'Just like me and my husband's case, our former Famiglias are also enemies with yours, isn't it, Rina?' She chuckled softly.

Then her smiled turned into a small frown when a sudden thought appeared. 'Rain was pregnant when she left. Sudden contact after two month after finding out that her father passed away, and another two and a half months only to say she will have a boy, and disappeared again, before I found out she was hiding in this small peaceful town, and I immediately rushed here and asked for an explanation' She thought, looking at the sky.

'I wonder what happened to their son, my grandson. He disappeared overnight and that's when the doctor found out she was killed, especially when according to the patients nearby her room, there were a loud crash and shoutings of a woman for her son but the patients were too scared to do anything ' She thought, before turning her attention back to her son-in-law's back, and the only thought that flashed through her mind was 'I should tell him why and also about his son he never knew existed'.

A few minutes in silence, as Giotto wiped away his tears, he stood up and turned around, facing his mother-in-law, who walked towards him when she saw him standing up. Giotto blinked when he saw her serious face, and immediately mentally panicked. Was she angry because he couldn't find Rain? Was it because he cried, showing her a weak side of him? Was she ashamed of him? Was she going to tell him to throw his wedding ring away?

Ignoring his poker face, Eleanor saw Giotto's panicked that clearly showed within his eyes, making her stared questioning at him. 'Was he scared I am going to hate him or something? He never showed his weak side infront of me after all, always trying to look tough' She mentally chuckled.

Stopping infront of Giotto, "Even if I am your mother-in-law, I am also a mother, Giotto. You don't need to act strong when you don't need to" She chuckled, patting Giotto's head, which made Giotto blushed, before she went back to a serious face and Giotto's eyes widened. "Would you like to know why she, my daughter Rain, your late wife left, Giotto?"

《》《》《》Sky's Truth《》《》《》

Ietsuna was already near the house he used to live in with his late mother and his brother. He couldn't help but thought why his intuition wanted him to go back home rather than searching for Tsuna. His abductor was definitely not stupid to hide in his captive's house after all.

Frowning, Ietsuna fastened his pace, hiding his flame. 'Well.. Sometimes in movies, abductors are stupid. Hopefully this one is also the same, even if that person is a mafiaso' He thought, when he stopped infront of the house.

He sighed, when his intuition didn't warned him anything, which meant the house was empty. Sulking a little, Ietsuna stepped inside, again wondering why his intuition lead him there.

After he entered and shut the door, his intuition started to lead him somewhere again. Feeling nothing dangerous, he was sure his intuition won't lead him to his death, he followed.

Passing through the kitchen, he stopped infront of a certain familiar door beside said kitchen. "Why" Ietsuna murmured, eyes widened, as he stared at his late mother's room.

AN : In case you know which anime Elderly Eleanor came from (which I don't think I do) and wondered if she is in her original colouring, then no, I edited for her to has green eyes and darker hair

Promoting a new book.
It's my first time writing that, but I'll try my best.
I hope you don't mind checking it out, and tell me what you think.

It's a crossover fic - KHR x NARUTO

Thank you!

Tsuna wasn't sure if life loved her that much or hate her that much to make her stay on the ground, as instead of letting her sat on the fluffy cloud floating in the sky watching over her precious people, her soul was thrown back in time, far far in to the past, where mafia hadn't even existed.

She was once again live from the beginning, as a newborn baby.
