Chapter 5 - Anger

Chapter 5 - Anger

= OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings

~ I DO NOT OWN KHR except OCs and THE STORY ~

Previously / Flashback
Author Note / AN

"Uugh.." Tsuna gritted his teeth, forcing himself to look up and glared at the man. "A weak glare like that won't work, you know? And don't have a grudge against me alright. This is just an order from my client. You might know him though, and here's a message for you from said client--" Tsuna's eyes were starting to get blurry. 'Italian..? Ugh.. Must ...flare my flame alert them..' Tsuna thought, mustering every single one of his strength to make said flare, which he did managed to.


"Tsu-kun!!" Ietsuna shouted, instead of running like the other, he activated his Sky flame and immediately flew to the infirmary window where Tsuna was located, followed by Giotto and Reborn on the blond's shoulder.


"--he said, and I quote "We will meet again, no.27.." Though blurry, Tsuna widened his eyes at that. 'No..' And darkness overtook his vision.

= 3rd Person's POV =

After seeing Tsuna fell unconscious, he took out his phone, and sent a text before shutting said phone away. He then went to pick Tsuna up, which he put the brunet in his shoulder, and immediately jumped out of the window, which he then landed on a nearby tree.

He was about to make a dash when he heard a shout, in which he made a quick glance before jumping away from the tree branch he was crouching on while dodging handcuffs-covered-by-Cloud-flame. Ignoring those chasing after him, he immediately made a dash, furthering himself from the mansion, with Vongola Guardians on his trail, which he inwardly cursed as he should figured that would happened when a flare of Sky flame from Tsuna could be felt.

The man really thought he failed his mission and his life forfeited when he saw Daemon materialized infront of him, which he immediately forced himself to stop to turned around way to escape, but that one moment of stopping was enough for two fast runners caught up to him. "F*ck!" He cursed under his breath when he saw said fast runners stood at each of his sides.

"We will have you give back our family member" Asari, who was standing a few feets on his left, said with a soft smile .....and a sword pointing at the kidnapper. "You wouldn't like to lose some limbs, wouldn't you? So please give him back" Asari continued, maintaining the same smile that hadn't faltered in the slightest.

Ignoring Asari, Alaude, who was on the kidnapper's right, immediately rushed forward to engage an easy battle because the man was carrying Tsuna. Alaude knew the man wouldn't put Tsuna down, because if he did, either Asari or Daemon would take Tsuna away from him, rendering him a mission failure.

"Sh*t, sh*t, shi-" The man kept on cursing while dodging and defencing using his Lightning flame from Alaude's handcuffs, Daemon's attacks, and G who was behind him with occasional gunshots. While the two had always disliked and fought with each other, they did make a good fighting partners combination. Might be because fighting too many times with each others to the point they actually knew what the others was thinking in the middle of a battle.

An amusing sight to anyone who didn't know them but the kidnapper didn't has time to muse that rare temporary truce when the other Guardians and two Skies caught up to them, where the younger Sky looked like he wanted to murder him before cutting him into gory pieces then throw his mutilated pieces of body to hungry violent animals.

'Great.. Now how can I get out of here' The kidnapper thought with a blank face, mentally panicked while looking around to see himself getting fully surrounded. 'Jumping to the nearby tree seems useless' He sighed softly, still maintaining his blank face.

'Might as well make a try than giving up so soon' He forced himself to calm down. He was about to dash and kick the scared Lightning Guardian, when he was suddenly enveloped by Mist flame. "What?" He widened his eyes, he really thought Daemon Spade had caught him, but when he saw the Guardians' faces, it didn't seem that way.

"Thank you for your hard work" was what the kidnapper heard from his left ear and brief glance at a brownish red hair, before he felt the brunet he kidnapped was taken away, and strong pain in his abdomen at the same time. With wide eyes, he coughed out blood, slowly looked down, and saw a sword sticking out from him abdomen and blood was pooling under his feet.

"Daemon, dispelled the Mist!" He could hear Vongola Decimo's shout, which his vision then was cleared from Mist flame surrounded him.

He had no more strength left to react on those gasped he heard when the sword sticking out from his abdomen was pulled away making the pain increased, letting him fell on to his own pool of blood, nor did he care about the betrayal he was feeling when he was attacked by his client's subordinate.

His eyes turning glassy when he knew he was about to die, which meant that he would left his old disabled mother all by herself. He did these kind of jobs only because the price paid was high. For his old mother to have a shelter to sleep in, foods to eat everyday,and medicines for her illness. Everything only for his old mother, who was patiently waiting for him to reach back home.

"Looks like I won't be able to go home today after all... Please forgive me....., mother" was the only thing he whispered out before he stopped moving and his eyes turned dull.

The place went silent when they saw the man took his last breath after apologizing to the mother who was waiting for him to reach home, before they heard, "Oh my.. It seems he died before his old mother" followed by a chuckle.

"You think that's actually amusing, you f*cking *sshole!!" G snarled at the man, who was princess-carrying Tsuna, and pointed a gun at him, ready to pull the trigger.

"It's interesting that he was actually doing this dangerous job only for his disable old mother. The loyal son that always went back home to take care of her and one day he didn't, which she waited day by day then died all alone while thinking her only son had finally given up on her. Oh, that sounds like an interesting drama. Well, at least she will be joining him soon. She IS already dying" The redhead chuckled.

Knuckle immediately frowned. "You are not supposed to disrespect a child's love towards his mother. God will not forgiven you for that and will land heavy punishments on you" Knuckle said, before frowning again when the man in front of him chuckled while making a kind smile on his face.

"And what makes you think I care, Sun Guardian?" He tilted his head, shrugging his shoulders.

"What would you feel when someone insulted you like that?" Asari narrowed his eyes, his grip to his sword tightened. No one should disrespect someone like that, not that it was okay to disrespect someone in another way. Including him, the others were also glaring at him, though some did that while observing him.

Giotto too was observing the nonchalantly redhead in front of him. Messy brownish red hair with a bright yellow eyes as if they glowed. He looked a lot younger than them, and looked like he was around the same age as their children.

Hearing what Asari asked him, the redhead merely shrugged his shoulder and shifted the unconscious Tsuna to his shoulder. "Why would I know. I never have lovable parents anyway, well legally I do have them but that's just on paper anyway. Oh, I feel like I need to tell you my sob life story, anyway, other than that, I only saw them once a year for them just to check if I am still alive or already reduce to a skeleton, which after 3 years, they threw to an orphanage, and yay, a year later, I got adopted" He smiled, clapping his hands.

Wiping away the kidnapper he killed's blood off of his face as he just realized blood splattered everywhere and few reached his face. "They loved me, cared for me, and stuff, but a month later, my adopted parents did the same thing, disappearing for a few weeks, coming back to check on me, then disappeared again, and 3 months later they too threw me to another orphanage when they realized my eyes can actually glow and I quote 'Human eyes don't glow. He must be a monster, which was why his parents abandoned him'. I don't understand why they had left me for weeks rather than threw me back to the orphanage or just killed me on spot though, but anyway, that happened for another two times of same reason abandonment before I was taken in by master, and dear me have been serving him since then as his Mist" He grinned at them, when he saw them staring at him speechless.

Ignoring them, the redhead made a brief glance at his watch, and grinned. "Well, blame yourself in this okay~ Gotta go~!" He said, which confused those surrounded him, before G and Alaude, being the brains of the Tenth Generation, widened their eyes. They were about to jumped at the redhead when he suddenly enveloped by Mist flame, which Daemon quickly dispelled it, but when he did, the redhead and Tsuna already disappeared from the spot, as if they teleported away.

All of them with wide eyes were staring at the spot where the brownish red headed man were once standing on, and then G cursed loudly, before each of them turned their attention to the killed man.

"....What should we do about him?" Asari asked quietly.

"The fallen people who attack Vongola do not deserve a proper burial, so I suggest disposing him by flinging him out. The appearance of the result doesn't matter" Daemon growled, making Lampo squeaked, paling at the image of flinging someone out and made that person looked like a smashed tomato. He was standing beside the Mist after all, not that the others didn't send a disturb look towards the fuming Mist. Well.. The only one who didn't was Giotto.

Giotto was silent, looking confused. He was silently absolutely livid inside seeing Tsuna was kidnapped right infront of his eyes, which was exactly why Giotto was confused. True that he would be angry if someone was kidnapped, especially if it was one of those he treasured, but not even his precious childhood friend, G who was kidnapped and almost gotten killed when they were younger able made Giotto that livid like how he saw Tsuna was taken away.

Giotto narrowed his eyes at the thought. No offense to Tsuna, but before he met his other childhood friend, Cozart, him and G had been together for years, he only knew Tsuna for around 2 years, and yet, he was much much angrier when Tsuna was kidnapped than how angry he was when young G was kidnapped right infront of him.

That made Giotto wondered, maybe that had something to do with being a fellow Vongola Sky? 'That's impossible' Giotto shook that thought away immediately. He could still recalled when young Ietsuna, who had yet inherited the boss position, was once kidnapped. And there, Giotto paused at the thought. he was also angry when Ietsuna's kidnapping happened, like how G's case. He knew Ietsuna ever since the boy was young, longer than he knew Tsuna, and Ietsuna was also a fellow Vongola Sky to add, he was sure he wasn't as angry as how he was now.

His hyper intuition had been trying to tell him something ever since he started thinking about it, making Giotto inwardly scowled. He didn't understand what his hyper intuition trying to say, then he felt a change, rather than trying to tell him something, it was now trying to lead Giotto somewhere. Giotto visibly scowled, making G, who noticed irritated look, shook his shoulder, snapping him out of his thought, though his intuition tugging him to go somewhere was still there.

Temporarily ignoring his intuition, Giotto looked at his Storm, then he realized Ietsuna and his other Guardians were staring at him, half of them were showing concern. Blinking twice, "uuh.. Why are you looking at me like that?" Giotto asked.

"We have been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes, Giotto" Asari replied and asked back with concern, making Giotto blinked at him. Was he in his own thought that long. "I ...was just thinking" Giotto replied. His Guardians looked at each others, before shrugging it off. If their Sky weren't going to tell them then they would have to wait until the blond opened up.

"what should we do with him?" G asked pointing at the corpse, making Giotto stared at the bloodied corpse, to the spot where the one who killed him once were, and back to the corpse again. "G, Alaude, bury him outside. After that, the two of you and Daemon, bring your people to start the search for Tsunayoshi" Giotto stated, before walking back to the mansion with narrowed eyes and tightened fists that shown a hidden anger, right after he saw his three Guardians nodded and left their spots.

The rest of the Guardians began to follow their Sky, before the three Guardians noticed that Ietsuna was still standing on the same spot.

Walking back, Asari tapped Ietsuna shoulder, trying to catch the young Sky's attention, though the boy didn't reacted. "Ietsuna-kun"

Ietsuna bit his lower lip while glaring at the ground. "Again. It happened again! All these years I have been training! For Tsu-kun! For him to be happy and not be reminded of his ugly past caused by that jerk! To protect him like how he used to protect me! And yet.. Tsu-kun was taken away again right infront of me and I couldn't do anything!" Ietsuna choked out, as tears travelled down his cheeks.

The three Guardians looked at each other, and stared sadly at Ietsuna. "We will definitely save him, Ietsuna-kun. He will be okay, he is strong after all. Believe in him" Knuckle said softly, as he lead Ietsuna towards the mansion, followed by the other two Guardians.

Little did they know, Ietsuna was more frustrated at his own feeling. When he saw Giotto becoming livid, he too was angry, but he knew. He knew his anger was not on the same level as Giotto's. He was not as livid as Giotto. It was as if a part of him never thought Tsuna as his blood related brother. That thought made him tightened his fists. Made him hated himself more.

Tsuna was his brother.

That one was for sure.

His twin brother.

So why?!

The gate of truth started to crack open as the truth of the Skies will slowly but surely be revealed soon.
