*You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!*
*You both like danisnotonfire*

"Dan! I've been looking for you forever! Why are you on your webcam?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I got a new webcam and I wanted to test it out. Then after talking to some pretty cool people on here I decided to look for you again."

"It looks great! You're very pretty, by the way."

"Thank you! Wait, hold on, let's not get off topic. Where have you been?! It's been like a week! Where's Phil? Is he okay?!"

"He's fine. In fact..."

"Hey there Louise."

"OH MY GOD PHIL! Oh my God, where have you been? Have you been with Dan this whole time?! Hold on, why are you with Dan?!"

"Louise! Calm down, breathe. We'll explain."

"Okay. Okay, I'm calm. Now, talk."

"Well, after I told Dan I kind of really really like him and he disconnected, I got kind of bummed out and upset. But then I realized he probably thought I was kidding or he was just scared. So, I decided to do something to surprise him."

"Oh my gosh this is so cute so far I wish a guy would do that for me."

"Aren't you in a relationship?"

"Hush. Continue Phil."

"Anyways, I went to facebook and looked up a Dan Howell and looked until I found MY Dan - "

"My Dan! Ah!"

"Yes, my Dan. I was originally planning on messaging him and telling him everything I felt was real and I really liked him. However, I decided this wasn't cute enough. So I decided to look for Dan's parents and found his mom. After explaining everything that has happened with Dan and convincing her that I wasn't an online predator or a scammer, she agreed to help me with my surprise."

"Best mom ever, I love Mrs. Howell."

"She's pretty kick ass, yeah. So, I was here talking to you, as you know, when there was a knock at the front door. I got up to answer and there stood none other than Phil Lester."

"So that's why you were gone so long! But...why didn't you tell me Phil was there?"

"I was far too excited to really know what to say. I was going to look for you the next day, but I've just been spending all this time with Phil that...I forgot. Sorry Louise!"

"It's okay! As long as you two are together. You are together, right? Happily ever after for you two, right?!"

"Yes, Louise. Happily ever after."

"And just so you believe us - "

*dan and phil kiss*


"I was looking for you to tell you and to apologize."

"Apology accepted. Now go be cute and happy together! Talk to me later!"

"Alright. Goodbye Louise!"

"Bye Louise! Nice to finally see you!"

"Nice to see you, too, my lovely small beans!"

*your conversation partner has disconnected*


Next two chapters are gonna be irl chapters. Also, I think the end of this story is coming :'(
