Chapter 1

It was the night of a snowstorm.
the cold wind was whistling through the trees as he'd found himself running through the dark and cold forest, he'd only dreamed of reaching from a far, from the house he'd been kept in. On occasional days he had been allowed to get closer to a window and each time his eyes would try to look as far as he could. He would try to see and draw a pattern of escape in his mind.

he panted and then he tripped over his feet, on any other day he'd called the forest beautiful by how the snow decorated the the trees and grounds, made the dark look less dark. There qas a time he'd wondered how snow would really feel like against his feet, rarely it snowed and when it did he wasn't free, he was locked up somewhere or kept for sales and he coudlnt remember if it was the same as being locked into a freezer or not.

All he knew was that his feet had become numb from the cold, the snow reaching up his bare ankles as he fought himself through the white mountains, that only seemed to be getting more white by how much it was snowing but he couldnt stop now, never had he gotten so far from this particular pack afterall and this time for sure if they caught him they would kill him.

the thought of it made him glare to himself as he tried picking up pace, grabbing the snow in his way to shovel his way through, now and then he'd brush over his hair and face to clear his vision. body trembling and shaking from how he'd pushed it to work mercilessly. a trail of blood was left behind him but he'd hoped even that would somehow be covered up by the thousands of snowflakes falling from the sky as if to taunt them at how simple and peaceful, unfathomed they laid down to rest around him.

at last, he gasped in a sharp breath of pain when he accidently grabbed onto a thorn bush, unintentionally having swung at it and ripped through the already wounded skin over his arm open. he pulled it to himself before limping around the thorn bush hidden from plain sight.

Then he heard the howling of his alpha close by and panic flooded his mind when he looked around, searching the danger only to find it on top of a distant hill from where he'd run. dozens of trees between them.

the wolf set its angry eyes on him and he stumbled back quickly, all pain and injury had been forgotten as he started running though piles of snow, hearing the howls of his pack in the back while he pushed himself blindly forward, tearing himself through more thorned bushes without caring to avoid them anymore until he reached the end of the ground he'd been running on, the end of the hill he was running on and he was faced with a long way down to other grounds, snow fell down where he'd stepped close to the edge, it was the end of this territory and the ground just a drop in front of him was the beginning of a different one.

kyungsoo wasn't allowed to learn, he wasn't bothered to be taught anything either but he'd overheard the meaning of territories and he learned they're meaning through previous escapes. they couldn't cross theirs and neither could he, but what other choice would he have. he'd hoped to find the other end of their territory and make it to civilisation to lay low. but the odds weren't in his favour.

still breathing hard he turned and looked behind himself in hesitation as his pack was getting closer and he stepped back to the edge, heels almost in the air already and he was sure if he was shivering any more than he already was, he'd slip and fall anyway.

he should jump, he thought again, being potentially ripped apart by the neighbour pack, who were well know to be dangerous, would still be better than to return to that house. yet he still hesitated and he hated himself for being indecisive for too long of a time he simply did not have.

the first arriving wolf finally got to him and he stepped the last step back over the territory lines, and into the air with a sharp inhale, preparing to fall and face wolves he'd never seen before but his pack had other plans.

he cried out in pain when the wolf had bit into his upper arm instead, catching him by as his teeth ripped into his flesh and he slammed into the earth of the cliff as blood trailed down his arm all the way to his shoulder. kyungsoo grunted, hand digging into the earth to stop himself from swinging back against it.

" hoseok let him go !" his alpha shouted but the wolf only growled, wide eyes glowing gold as they stared at kyungsoo with nothing but rage and madness, he was ready to draw more blood, he was ready to rip him apart if he'd managed to pull him up again. kyungsoo balled his hands to fists, pressing his lips together as he returned the glare and brought his knees up digging into the earth and snow to steady himself and cause resistance to the betas pulling, whil his other hand gripped the wolfs jaw, hitting and pushing against it only to have hoseok start yanking his arm, teeth digging further into the flesh and drawing more blood. kyungsoo cried out, losing his footing when his free hand now gripped to edge of the cliff as his bare and numb feet searched for any hold in the crumbling earth and ice, pulling against the wolf. " hoseok !" the alpha called again and kyungsoo stabbed into the wolfs eye when it got distracted by it, feet finally finding a steady spot to push against. hoseok snarled, losing his bite on him only for a split second, letting kyungsoo fall the tiniest bit before the beta bit back down near his wrist and he screamed loduly at it.

the weight and pulling in opposite directions practically sliced his arm open from the fangs digging deep. for a moment kyungsoo considered letting him rip it off so he could fall and be free. but then his foot slipped again and seungsoo yanked him back to crash against the edge of the cliff hard, he slipped further and felt the fangs reaching his hand, not much left, he thought, just rip it off

blindly kyungsoos hands found a gripp of a root as his legs grew weak and his vision was spinning, he gripped hard onto the sticking out root near him and he pulled on it again attempting to hold himself back with whatever strength hed left, toes digging into loose earth. it wasnt doing much but he couldnt just not fight against the prick of a beta still trying to pull him up.

" damn it hoseok just let him go ! he's already out of the territory"

the root, hed gripped to hold onto only ripped out of the earth by the force as the beta finally managed to pull him further up and kyungsoo didn't think twice as he swung it up at hoseok, stabbing into his face until at once he'd pierced him right through his already abused eye.

shocked the wolf lost his gripp and kyungsoo fell at last.

howlings of agony filled the air while he rolled down the cliff, through snow, dirt, stones and sticks until finally crushing against a tree with his back, brought him to a stop.

the world was spinning fading in and out of darkness once he realized he'd finally made it and now laid in another territory.

his eyes watered from the pain, the pounding of every abused part of his body but mostly his ripped apart arm, gushing blood to paint the the snow around him red in a rapid speed, not to mention the very obvious red thick trail hed left behind from rolling the rest of the way down. his sight was blurry but even then he could see the big stain of a blood pole under from where he hung just moments ago.

kyungsoo really wished, he could just lay therehe didnt want to move a single muscel from teh agony hed felt but he knew staying here would surely mean death.

so he moved, heavy and slow, trembling horribly as he was breathing hard, heart hammering against his chest and almost deafening him to his surroundings once he dared to look up at the cliff once he was back on his knees, meeting the glowing red eyes of his, well now, former alphas glancing down at his. there was nothing to read off them, nothing he could pick up from the glance he spared him.

kyungsoo should be scared of that blank expression knowing it was directed at him. Nothing good came from an Alpha, leader of a pack and strongest rank, staring down onto someone like him, even having to go against the golden glowing eyes of a beta, a warriors, should be something someone like kyungsoo should fear as he was the lowest rank. kyungsoos eyes glew blue as he got to his feet, the useless essential of a pack, omegas were weak, unwanted, burdensome and made to be abused as if they weren't even alive to begin with. in the book an omega should know it's place, be greatfull for being alive and landing a spot in a pack. kyungsoo remembered seeing the drawings of cowering omegas hiding or bowing to their alpha in submission and obedience.

and his alpha looked at him like he thought he'd come back pleading for forgiveness. like he expected to see fear.

kyungsoos eyebrows furrowed to a glare before he spitt blood to the ground before him, keeping a fierce expression while looking right back at his alpha.

The Alpha smirked exhaling a low chuckle " hes alpha sojoons problem now "
