
Flashback 1967

Drums and tambourine fills my ears as myself and my inner circle draw near. We look upon about 22 young adults dancing and throwing their lives away with drugs.

What a waste.

If death is their goal, why not do a kindness and help them out? A sly smirk fills my face and I look to my group, nodding to the humans. They disperse and surround them.


"What was that?" One of them asked. A girl who looks no more than twenty.

"Don't worry about it, here take another hit." Says a man, who seems to be her boyfriend, holding out a blunt to her. She takes it and takes a hit.


"Okay, I know it's not the weed, man! Something is out there." The woman looks around scared.

Another young woman laughs. "Calm down, it's probably just an animal."

The man growls out. "It's this damn war, man! Making everyone paranoid!" He takes another hit and my circle and I appear.

A playful smirk fills my face. "Well, Well, Well. What do we have here?"

The man stands. "Hey, man, we don't want any trouble. We are for peace. Come join us and you'll see." He holds out the blunt to me and I sneer at it, smacking it out of his hand and grabbing him by the throat.

"Disgusting! Since, you are so keen on ending your life, please let me help you." I snap his neck and the others scream.

The paranoid girl from before yells. "Who are you?!" My maniacal laugh fills the air and I walk to her.

I stand only a foot away when I grin at her and gently caresses her cheek. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm your worse nightmare." My veins appear under my eyes and I hiss. The humans try to run, but we surround them. "Let's feast, my friends." They all grin and sink their fangs into the nearest human.

I grab the paranoid girl by the hair and twist her to where her back is to my chest. "Next time, my dear, trust your instincts." I dig my fangs into her neck as she screams deathly into the night.


Having no emotions didn't work out too well. I mean, I enjoyed it, but I would always find someone to turn them back in. This is my circle.

My newest, and youngest, is Lucia. She was a transitioning vampire when I found her. Only 13. I found out she was an orphan and ran away from her foster home, when she came in the path of a vampire who thought it would be fun to turn a child into a vampire. I took Lucia to be my own and adopted her.

Each vampire in my circle has a story that was strong enough to break my switch. Now, I still act like my switch is flipped. I have found that I can love and care for my family, all the while doing whatever I want without care. After all, it's fun to be a vampire.

Hey guys! Please, Please, Please comment and let me know what you think! I love to hear from you and I want your ideas! Thank you so much for all your support! Love ya! -Loree
