
Adam's Point of View

"I want to see you," I desperately said through the phone.

"I want to see you, but I'm not coming over there when Behati still lives there," Christina said sternly.

She really wasn't budging.

I groaned into the phone. "What are you willing to do?"

"Um. . . ." she said softly. I could see her looking down, almost shrugging. "I don't know."

"I can book us a hotel."

"I don't know, Adam," she said. "I don't know how I'll play that off with my family. I hate lying to them."

"Then I'll come over and pick you up. I'll meet them, we'll tell them about us," I offered.

She snorted softly into the phone. "Like they'll let me stay in a hotel with you. They aren't stupid, Adam. They've heard your songs and they know what people do when they book hotel rooms."

"Don't you think it's about time you stick up for yourself? You're the one that told me you weren't even sure if you wanted to keep your virginity anymore. You're the one that decided to lie to them last weekend. You can do this. You're twenty-one. You're an adult now, Christina. They can't control you."

She sighed. "I don't know, Adam. I really don't want to let them down. I love them. They're just being protective of me because they care about me and don't want me to get hurt."

"I know, baby, but how are you ever going to gain the freedom to do anything if you don't stand up to them now?"

I may have been pressuring her a little, but it was crazy that her parents wouldn't allow her to stay with me. I was a respectable man, wasn't I? I'd take care of her, protect her. Why wouldn't they give me a chance?

"I don't know if now is the time," she said. "They don't even know about you. I can't just say, 'Hey Mom and Dad, this is Adam Levine. I'm sure you've heard of him. Yeah, he's fifteen years older than me and his divorce papers haven't even arrived yet, but I think I'm in love with him and I want to stay in a hotel with him this weekend.'"

"You totally can," I said. "C'mon, don't you want to see me? I feel like it's been years since I kissed you."

She sighed. "I know, I know. I just don't know if I'm ready to.... confront them."

"I'll come. I'll be there to support you, you know, make sure you're being stern enough without being harsh. C'mon, Christina, I miss you."

I don't think I've ever begged a woman like this. Ever. And I didn't even feel bad about it.

"I miss you too," she said softly. "I want to see you, but just thinking about saying this stuff to them is making my heart race so much."

"Why don't you just leave?" I asked. "Run away with me for the weekend. Don't get me wrong, you should still answer them if they call you, don't make them think you were kidnapped, just get away for a while. It's not like they can ground you or something."

"That's not a horrible idea," she said. "I just don't want them to worry about me."

"As I said, just answer them if they contact you. They won't be worried. Angry, maybe, but you'll give them time to get over it. I swear, baby, if you don't come up with something to do I'm going to come there and get you anyway."

She sighed. "K. I'll figure something out. You'll pick me up?"

"Yeah," I said. "Unless you want to meet somewhere."

"Uh, no. I think I'm just gonna sneak out quick. Meet me at the end of my street, K?"

I smiled. "It's a plan. Don't forget your sunglasses."


Christina almost immediately got in the bed when we made it to the suite I'd booked.

"Well, what do you want to do?" I asked, grabbing the remote and turning it to the first movie channel that came up. Something with Jennifer Aniston.

She mumbled something I couldn't quite understand. It sounded like she said, "You," though.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know," she answered, speaking clearly this time.

I silently made my way to the bed and pulled up the covers on the other side of it. I laid down next to her, and she soon rested her head on my chest.

This was what I'd been missing. This was what I'd been wanting.

I wrapped one arm around her, resting my hand on her waist. Slowly, I pulled her body closer to mine, so her entire front was leaning against my side.

"Do you always smell this good?" she asked softly.

I looked down at her. "Yeah, for the most part," I answered with a smile.

"I like it," she said into my chest.

"Really?" I asked. "Good."

"Mmmhmm," she said softly, moving her head into my chest as if it could get any closer.

"Ow!" I said, jerking back. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry," she said, looking down and blushing as she ran her fingers over the spot on my chest that she'd just bitten.

"You little weirdo," I muttered, running my fingers through her hair.

She looked up at me, a weird look in her eyes.

Then she leaned in slowly and placed her lips on mine ever so gently.

I immediately reacted, pulling her body tighter to mine as my lips moved with hers. Just as I ran my tongue over her bottom lip, her phone started ringing, and I pulled away.

"It's fine," she whispered, kissing me again.

"It could be your parents," I said against her lips. "Worried about you."

She pulled away slightly, reaching over me and to the bedside table to look at her phone. She sighed, pulling it to her ear.

"Hey, Mom. No I'm fine. I just need some time away. Like a few days to get some air. I promise I'll be back by Sunday night. Because I knew you and Dad would throw a fit. I'm twenty-one, I can make my own decisions. I'm not going to tell you. I'll be back when I need to be back. I just need some time, Mom."

I wondered if she'd give in, if I'd be left alone in this suite.

"OK. Thanks for understanding. Call me if you need anything. Love you too. Bye," she said, ending the call.

"Sorry," she turned to me. "Where were we?"
