
read at your own risk!

Adam's Point Of View

"Do you think people at the label know about us?" Christina asked as she brought the Olive Garden breadstick to her mouth.

Olive Garden in my bed with Christina, the perks of being Adam Levine.

"You mean other than my publicist and your managers?"

Christina nodded.

I shrugged. "I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

She sighed. "I just don't want to be outed. If we're gonna tell the whole world, I want it to be on our terms. I don't want someone to leak stuff to a magazine. I don't want my fans to think I'm becoming big-headed and impersonal. I mean, I don't normally make it a big deal when I'm dating someone. I post a few pictures, sometimes there are unexplained tweets back and forth, and they just figure it out. And I just go with it. It's not like Team Grimmie can't handle it."

I nodded, watching her eat her ravioli.

"We only have two more weeks, Christina. If you're reminding me that you're tired of the sneaking around, I'm reminding you that it's almost over."

"It's not that I'm telling you I want to tell everyone right now. I'm just saying.... is it too obvious? I go to your office at least three times a week for lunch. There was the incident last week...."

"No one knows about the office sex," I said. "The walls are basically soundproof. Besides, it wasn't even technically sex."

"Because someone didn't bring a condom," she muttered.

"Hey, you need to start being protective too! You could bring some condoms. Or, you know, get on the pill."

Christina rolled her eyes.

"Unless you want a baby right now," I said, "I really think we should get that covered."

She nodded, dismissing the subject. "Seriously, do we need to stop it with the office visits?"

"Did someone say something to you?" I asked.

"No. I'm just getting weird looks, and–"

"Who's giving you weird looks?!" I interrupted.

"I don't know. People. You don't need to beat them up. Or fire them. Or both. They have a right to think something's going on."

"I wouldn't worry about it," I said, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "I won't even be at the label next week. We always get a week before tour to get ready."

"That means a week of no lunch visits," she reminded, disappointment in her voice.

"That doesn't mean you can't visit me at my house," I said. "You know, we don't need to make it a habit that you don't come here for two weeks."

"Two weeks isn't that long," she said.

I laughed. "Two weeks is an eternity."

Christina rolled her eyes and slid her plate away, signaling she was done.

"I'll finish it later," she assured me as I looked at the half-order of ravioli still on it.

I took our plates (and Christina's food) to the kitchen, and when I came back, Christina was right where I left her, playing with the hem of her shirt.

I sat down across from her and took her hands in mine.

"Sorry for the blow up earlier about trust. This relationship is just... very different from any other I've been in."

Christina nodded. "Same here. And you may not think that's saying much, considering I've only ever dated Bobby, but seriously. This is very different from what that ever was."

"Good different, I hope," I said, getting ready to kiss her.

She nodded, a small smile creeping over her lips.

"Good," I whispered, and closed the gap between us.

I'd been waiting for two weeks to finally have her again. I mean, the office was a nice touch, but I was still mad for not having a condom.

Because of this eagerness, we wasted no time pulling our clothes off. I lifted Christina's shirt off of her and threw it across the floor, and she followed with mine. I pulled her pants off of her and quickly did the same with mine, saving her the trouble of struggling with it as we were kissing.

Her bra was quickly removed as well, and I laid her on her back to kiss down her neck and over her chest.

She'd never admit it, but she loved it when I played with her breasts. I kissed, licked, and sucked over them before planting a kiss on her lips and moving my attention to the only covered part of her body.

My hands started by her knees, with my fingers on the inside of her leg. I slowly slid them up, glancing up at her as I did. When my fingers made it to the inside of her upper thigh, I ran them swiftly over the thin fabric covering her center. Christina took in a sharp breath, and I began to rub her through her panties.

"Adam," she said softly.

I looked up at her and brought my hands to the sides of her underwear, and in one motion pulled them down. I wasted no time before running my tongue over her, causing her to squirm on the mattress.

After a while, Christina grabbed the sides of my face and brought it up to hers. She kissed me quickly, and whispered, "I want you. Please."

I smiled against her lips and watched as she pulled down my boxers.

I was already ready, but she ran her hands over me as if I needed to be warmed up. It didn't take long for me to be the one telling her I wanted her and knowing we had to get on with this.

No one had ever had me this close this soon, and she wasn't even trying.

I pulled a condom out of the drawer on my nightstand, and quickly rolled it on. I lined my middle up with hers, but she placed a hand on my shoulder and stopped me.

I looked at her with confusion on my face. Was she having second thoughts? Did she regret it the first time?

She quickly switched our positions so she was on top of me. She lined our centers up again and slowly slid down over me.

She moaned against my chest, and lifted her face to look at me. I connected our lips, sliding my tongue into her mouth, and placed my hands on her hips to control her movements. I wanted her to be in control, but I didn't want her to overdo it.

Soon enough, her fast thrusts became slower, and I knew she was ready for me to take over. I rolled us over and held myself up with my arms. I smiled down at her and kissed her once before moving my hips again.

I thrusted hard and fast, causing her to moan softly.

"Fuck, Christina, you're so tight," I mumbled as I pushed into her.

Between breaths, she replied, "Is it that... I'm too tight.... or is it that.... you're so big?"

Hearing her say that turned me on even more, and I thrusted faster, stopping when her head began to hit against the headboard.

I slid out of her, leaving her whimpering in protest, and moved her down on the pillows before climbing back over her and pushing back in. I went, without warning, at the pace we left off at, and it didn't take long for her walls to tighten, but I slowed my movements.

"Adam, I–"

"Hold it in, baby. I wanna come with you."

"I don't think I can," she said, biting her lip.

I kept moving into her, needing to speed up to account for myself.

"Just a little longer, babe, you can hold it."

She shut her eyes, but I wanted to look at them, so I instructed her to look at me.

She looked at me, and I immediately knew I was ready. I brought one finger over her clit, and just as she began to protest, I said the magic word.


Her body thrashed over the mattress, and she cried out my name repeatedly as she rode it out.

I pulled out of her a minute later, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Was it better this time?"

Christina nodded, clearing her throat.

"I want to do it again."

"Yeah, we're gonna have to wait a while for that," I said. "I've got a sex drive, but I don't know if I can keep up with you right now."

She smiled, curling her head into my chest. "Later, though?"

"Oh definitely," I responded, kissing the top of her head.
