Chapter 7 A Lil fun with a Lil guy

Chapter 7 a lil fun with a lil guy

I wake up around 4:30 AM. The auction is in 2 days. I sit up on my bed. I look over on Feitan's bed and I see him sleeping peacefully, I look down at Shalnark's bed. he is also sleeping peacefully but with Luna. I lay back down on my bed and my vision fades to black.

I need someone. but there are too many that want me. hours go by like minutes with them. I have to pick one but they all have flaws. Feitan, Chrollo or Shalnark. I want to spend more time with all of them before I can choose. I've hidden my past pretty well but I have to tell them one day. I think today is the day I should tell them. but I want to feel pressure while doing it. 

I open my eyes.

I look over at Feitan's bed. he sat up and he is now reading his book. Shalnark gets up and yawns. he looks over at my bed and is surprised to see my awake. 

"good morning Y/n And Feiii~!" 

"good morning Shal and Y/n" 

"good morning Feitan and Shalnark" 

Shalnark walks into the bathroom just leaving me and Feitan in the room. 

"Nē fei. Nihongo hanasemasu ka?" 

"j-Jakkan. k-Kuroro wa wh-watashitachi no n-nan'ninka ni ryūsei no m-machi de sore o oshiema... shita" 

"you need to work on pronunciation. you understand it though right?" 


"okay cool" I climb down my bed and I stand up. I adjust my pants and I quickly stretch. I look at Feitan's book and I smile. its a torture/horror novel. 

"hey Feitan. do you have any more horror books?" 

"yes me has lots of them" 

"can I borrow one?" he thinks of what he should say. 

"a-abso... lutely?" he says trying his best to say absolutely for me.

He hands me a book and take it from his hand but I do that little hand thing where when I grab something I touch his hand on propose while grabbing the object. he blushes as I take the book.

I go sit on my chair I have under my desk bed and I start reading. after thirty to forty minutes I'm done with about 10 chapters. I find a nice stopping point at chapter 11's starting page and I stop for the day. Shalnark is dressed in his normal clothes and he is just staring at me while petting Luna. 


"do you like to read or did Feitan force you to read that one?" 

"I picked it out myself from Feitan's collection. I can see why he likes them, lots of blood and- let me stop myself there. hehe~" I keep the book on my desk and I walk into the bathroom. 

I take a refreshing shower and I put on some nice black jeans and a white sweatshirt with a little black spider on it. I look at the mask that's laying on the countertop. I grab it and I put it in my pocket.

I put my contacts in as I walk out the bathroom and I grab my phone to check the time. its only 12 pm. I don't wanna be bored all day so I want to make some plans with someone. I lean on Feitan's bed and I throw my mask at him. he looks at my face and blushes. 

"why No mask?" 

"I want to breathe today" i laugh jokingly. 

"you look... pretty" Feitan looks away as he says that to hide his blush. 

"Īe, shimasen! Anata wa yoku mieru" my ears and face turn red and so does Feitan's. 

"well I'm going to go to the living room now. sayonara!" I walk out our room and I blow him a kiss. as I walk into the living room. I walk up to everyone. "hey Shizuku?" "yes y/n?" "turn around" Shizu turns around and so does almost everybody else. I feel uncomfortable when someone looks at me. I look back and I see Hisoka. ugh I don't like him too much, he gives me creepy vibes. I look back at Shizu and I pat her head. "you probably wont remember this anyways."

I walk up to Chrollo and I smile at him. he puts his hand on my cheek and leans in. I hug him obviously not knowing he was going to kiss me. I rest my chin on his neck and we hug for about a minute. I break the hug and I stick my tongue out at Chrollo. I walk away from Chrollo and I walk up to Shalnark and Kortopi.

I smile at the two boys. "hi guys" my smile grows wider at them as they look at me. "hi y/n. I see you don't have your mask on today." "not today maybe.. never again if I don't die today." "what do you mean if you don't die today?" Kortopi asks. "shishishi~ I meant if... someone kills me today. someone is after me now." "why? do they want to kill you of do they just want to find you?" Shal asks while looking concerned. "I don't know, but what I do know is that they have reddish orange hair. their looking for these so I have to wear some type of baggy clothes all day today." I lift up my sleeve to show him bruises cuts and burns. he grabs my arm and he looks back up at me. "y/n, did you do this to yourself?" I tilt my head at Shal for asking that question. "why would I do that to myself? I mean sure it is on my arm but-" I stop myself. "okay I'll tell you now but you have to promise me that you wont think I'm weird. okay?" "why would we think you're weird? we're like some of the most weirdest people out there."

I take a deep breath and I tell them about my past. I tell them about my family and siblings. I say everything with no emotion in my voice. its like I was a robot but speaking normally. after I was done telling them, I went back to my normal self. "y/n we should probably look for them and-" Shal was interrupted by Feitan "kidnap them so they wont hurt you." "wow, protective much. but I kinda like that." I pat Feitan's head and he blushes at my action. "y/n you're messing up my hair!" "Demo kawaiku miemasu!" Feitan's face turns red and he snaps my finger like a pencil. "hehe" I pick Feitan up and I put him on my shoulders. "GET ME OFF! I DONT WANT TO BE UP HERE! STOP STOP STOP!!" I Snap my finger back to the way it was originally and I walk in circles as Feitan hits my head. "PUT ME DOWN!" Feitan yells like a child. "no" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!?" I continue walking and I trip on a rock.

"oh no-" I fall to the ground face first. Feitan scrapes his knee on the hard concrete that I fell on. Feitan gets off me and waits for me to get up. "y/n you okay?" Shal and Feitan ask in sync. "I'm fine but we should really go look for them today" I get up and I brush myself off. my nose drips blood on the very hard floor. Chrollo pops up out of nowhere and gives me a paper towel for my nose. "thanks" I say as I put the paper towel on my nose to stop the blood. as I do that I realize that Shalnark Feitan and Chrollo are glaring at each other. are they trying to assert their dominance for me? 

bruv that's kinda sus. "I've got a mission for you" Chrollo says to Feitan. "go pick someone else" Feitan glares at Shalnark and so does Chrollo. "I'm down for a mission!" I say as I hold my nose with the paper towel. "no you cant go" "awh! why not?" "its risky" "Watashi wa ichido watashi no kuso jinsei o kiken ni sarashitaidesu!" I yell. 

it was dead silent after I yelled that.

even though Shal didn't understand, he stayed silent. "whatever." I sit down and I stare blankly at a wall. I stay like that for about 5 minuets before I feel someone tap my shoulder. "hm?" "want to hang?" I look at Feitan as he asks that question. "hang myself? yeah." "huh? no. go out?" "oh... like as a date?" "N-NO!" his face turned a light shade of red as he denied. "so just friends? okay... but to where exactly?" "follow" Feitan grabs my hand and we walk to a nice café. its a cat Café. We sit down next to each other. I order some iced tea and Feitan orders Espresso with whipped cream on top and a sugar cookie that looks like a cat. "what do you want to do after we're done here?" "shh enjoy time now" "oh okay." I stare at Feitan as he eats his cookie. he looks so cute while eating. my face starts heating up and turning red. why am I thinking that! he's only a friend. right? right. he said it himself! he doesn't like you like that! right? 

I take a sip of my tea. Feitan has devoured the entire cookie and he took a sip of his Espresso. "Feitan, why do you speak weirdly sometimes?" "speech.. not good at" "so English isn't your first language?" "yes" "interesting, do you like anyone?" "what you mean by dat?" "do you have a feeling towards someone?" "yes" "who is it?" "me not telling you!" "aww okay. I have a place where we can go after this." "really? where?" "you'll see~ now finish your drink" Feitan and I finish up our drinks and I pet some cats. after I'm done getting cat fever, we walk out the café and to a place in the woods where we can see the sunset clearly. "wow! it look nice!" "that's why I brought you here!"

me and Feitan stay at the nice spot till the sun actually sets. while the sun sets I feel an aura close by. 

"y-y/n?" "Eh?-" I turn my head to see my crazy ex girlfriend. "A-ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME!?" Feitan looks at me weirdly and whispers to me. "who is that?" "that is my crazy ex girlfriend" I whisper back. I then stand up and I look her in the eyes. "Airi, we've been over this. I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" "YES YOU ARE! YOU ARE MINE! JUST MINE!" Airi walks up to me, grabs the collar of my shirt and kisses me roughly. "mmph!" I kick her in her foot and she lets go of me. "please just Fuck off Airi!" Feitan out of nowhere restrains my ex. "now what we have here?" "L-LET ME GO!" "why would I do that?" "I got some rope!" I throw the rope at Feitan and he ties up Airi. we leave her by a tree where she can see both me and Feitan together. "so Fei. do you think soulmates are real? is there really someone out there for everybody?" "guess so" I stare at Feitan and he stares at me. after a moment Feitan kisses me and I kiss him back. I stop the kiss and laugh. "what so funny?" "I've been out with the boss and Shal and they never kissed me before, so this is a first." Feitan laughs awkwardly. "something I realize now is that all three of you guys like me. you act so differently around everyone else but you treat me with the most respect. I like that" I smile at Feitan. "but here is something that shouldn't be as hard to face as it is. I have feelings f-" Feitan interrupts me. "all of us? tell them. I sure they will know what.. to do" "we should go back now. we saw the best part." "yeah"

I grab my crazy ex and we all make our way to the hideout. as we walk in I yell. "LOOK GUYS! WE CAN DO WHATEVER TO THIS CHICK" I place her on a rock in front of everyone. "did they hurt you in the past?" "yes they d-" in the blink of an eye she was being tortured by about everyone. Feitan was really enjoying breaking all of her fingers and taking off her skin. But the only two that weren't participants were Shalnark and Chrollo. I walk up to both of them. "hey guys.. can I talk to both of you in a different room?" "sure y/n" 

they both follow me to my room. "okay so I have something to say obviously. So this.. is a confession. Chrollo, you are surely a good man. Shalnark, you are an amazing battling partner. I'm not an official member because I don't have a tattoo so I don't think I belong here anymore. but we can still keep in touch." "y/n.. do you really want that?" "yes. I would rather go into a 'better life' with a better job. I'm sorry it has to come to this. I will be leaving in the morning" I kiss both of them quickly and I walk away. "Hey Feitan! do you have a minute?" "yes. what up?" "I'm leaving the troupe. I'll keep in touch though" I spend my last hours with the troupe as a whole. 3 hours later and its 12:09. "Aw man.. I gotta go." "It wont be as fun without you. But good luck!" as Machi gave me some luck, I wave and walk out the building.

I get to the city and I start looking for Heavens arena. I heard that you could make a killing just by moving up ranks so I decided to go there first. I finally find the arena and it was MASSIVE. (pause on that) 'how the hell did I miss this?' I ask myself in my head. 


I hear someone call my name. "hm?" I look over at the person who was calling me. "Daiki?" "y/n! I was all by myself for way too long!" he runs up to me and hugs me. I pat his head and we walk into Heavens area. we went up to the 200th floor in two weeks. I collapse on my bed and sigh. "I'm so exhausted! I know how to use nen to the fullest of my consent! I should meditate for a minute." I kick off my shoes and sit criss crossed on my bed. I sit there for about 50 minutes in silence.

"alright i should get ready for bed" I get up and I walk to the bathroom. I put on a hoodie and some shorts with some black thigh high socks. I hear a knock on my door as I lay down. "ughhhhhhhhh worst timing ever!" I yell and walk over to the door. "oh..." standing before me was Hisoka. a member of the phantom troupe. "why hello there little fruit~" he disgusts me. "what do you want?" he shows me a picture of me and Feitan kissing. "cool I really don't give a flying fuck." I close the door on his face. he knocks again. I open the door and I'm shocked at what he's holding. 

"TH- My anti depressants! how do you have those?!" I check my pockets and unfortunately the bottle the clown had was the real thing. I try grabbing it but he moves it before I can reach them. "GIVE THEM BACK!" I yell at him while giving up. "I will once you fight me~ tomorrow at 3. schedule a fight then" he then walks away with my meds in his hand. "fuck!" I swore under my breath and I walked over to the scheduled fights area. "hi who would you like to f-" "Hisoka Morow, tomorrow 3 pm" I say and walk back to my room. I lay on my bed and I fall right asleep.

Authors note: WOW we reached 60 reads! that surely is something! sorry it took a while to write this chapter. I just started danganronpa so I'll write a fanfiction about that after I'm done watching it! make sure you comment what you would like to see next!

word count: 2711
