Chapter 23 - The Weight of a Lightsaber

Ben sat along Appa. The back of his neck feeling the warm trickles of Appa's soft white fur. It had finally stopped snowing as Jet embarked into the hidden enclave. Benjamin had instructed his new apprentice on what to find within the academy's halls.

Detailing the parts that the young warrior would need. He had opened the door with the force, leading Jet to the room in which he built his own blade. Jet knew where to get the electronics. Now the warrior needed to find the overall parts of which to construct his blade.

His eyes tricked to the side, seeing Jet's short brown hair trickle through the cold breeze. He was holding a box that Ben assumed was containing his lightsaber parts. "Got what you need?" Ben questioned.

With a sly smile Jet nodded. Benjamin giving him a hand as he lightly pulled Appa's reins, the bison riding into the air as Benjamin began to lead it back to the city. It would be quite the long trip, and this trip would be the one in which he would instruct...and hopefully teach Jet.

They rode deep along the skies. Pitching through the clouds as Ben's robes flayed in the wind. Ben threw his head back as he turned towards the young warrior. "Jet, are you ready to begin." Benjamin questioned.

Jet nodded his head once again, Benjamin lightly patting Appa as he threw himself into the saddle. The pieces of the lightsabers, the electronics, and the tools were arranged on a piece of cloth that Jet set out. Benjamin stood straight as he oversaw the young freedom fighter embark on his first lesson.

"Listen, Jet. You are embarking down the path of the Jedi, and to do such a thing...your training must increase." Benjamin explained, coughing into his fist as Jet watched on. "In the Jedi order, a padawan through years of training would learn to construct their blade. Yet, this is your first formal Jedi lesson. I want you to learn how important this blade much of a weapon and how dangerous it could be."

"I...think, I understand." Jet finished off. Benjamin bobbing his head as he took another heavy breath.

"Alright, first off, we are going to need to begin with the electronics of the blade..."

With those words both apprentice and master started their lesson. Benjamin, blending in his lightsaber construction knowledge while Jet followed his orders. After a couple of hours of flying, with Jet's sweat filled brow he presented the completed electronic.

"Good job." Benjamin smiled. Using the force to drag the electronics to his hand, his eyes scanning the skeleton of the hilt to analyze for any deformities or anything Jet may of missed. He tossed it back into Jet's hands. Now the harder parts were going to begin.

Jet laid out the ruby, the jade, and the permafrost crystal along the other parts of his lightsaber. "Alright, Jet. Now here is the hard part..."

Benjamin took a knee as his fingers traced and locked along each of the pieces. "Now, you are going to be constructing and truly building your blade. This isn't about the electronics, but about immersing yourself within the force."

Jet nodded, attentive to Ben's words. "Okay, I need you to immerse yourself within the find a current, to think about those feelings when you see those shatterpoints. When the unbreakable becomes breakable."

Jet moved with closed eyes as he tried to immerse himself deeper and deeper into the force. Following forward as with half narrowed eyes, he began to close into Ben's voice. Following in his master's directive.

Jet welled up with force energy. Feeling everything around him, truly for the first time in his life as he gave himself into the force. He fitted his hands over the parts, inspecting and placing the crystals. Taking a sense of it into himself as he began to fit the pieces together.

Fitting the activation button into place, following the hardware as he began to intertwine the red and green wires as he fitted the pommel and the emitter. Following the circuit board as his hands enveloped with force energy.

Jet opened his eyes as he drowned within Ben's instructions, finally, as he stared at the object that was resting near his lap. His lightsaber...

It was a simple design that followed the basic of lightsaber construction. The weapons hilt was grey and cylindrical, with black ridges that covered less than half of its curved surface. One of its notable characteristics was its angled emitter and horizontally grooved grip section.

Jet stared at the blade in pure wonder. Grabbing it but right before he could ignite was whisked away quickly. Benjamin catching the blade in his open palm. "What are you doing!" His voice roared. Jet staring at him, perplexed at the movement. "Do you know how dangerous building a lightsaber is? One wrong of the slightest miss wires to this thing and you'll be lucky if you just lose one or two fingers!"

Ben heaved from breath; eyes closed as Jet started to droop. Benjamin sighing as he turned back to his apprentice. 'It isn't his fault...'

Jet was just a boy a year younger than him. Hell, he didn't even know what a jedi was a couple of weeks ago or the true nature of his abilities. He didn't even realize the true responsibility of what he was doing and what he was going to become.

Benjamin didn't want to explain it to him. Silently fearing that Jet would be too afraid, and that fear would contort him in battle. Yet should he bask in naivety? Jet held no idea what a lightsaber meant. How it could inspire a singular jedi could change the course of a battle with this weapon alone. How even when the blade was unignited it could save people in situations.

Yet, to Jet a lightsaber...and even to Haru he bet, it was just a powerful weapon used for slaying fire nation soldiers and dark jedi. It was merely a stronger weapon than swords that helped them connect better to the force.

"I'm sorry, Jet." Ben apologized. "I shouldn't have blown up on you like that. You don't understand how delicate a lightsaber truly is, this was my failing."

"It's alright...Ben." Jet nodded with his statement, waving it off as Benjamin took a heavy breath. Unloosing the screws of Jet's lightsaber as he began to analyze its inner components. Drawing on its imperfections as he recoiled back into himself. With a heavy breath the pieces went back together, Benjamin handing the blade back to Jet.

" it good?"

"Hell no..." Benjamin slyly smirked at his apprentice. "Your battery is in the wrong area, your power crystals are mixed up, and even your parts are not properly tightened." Benjamin finished.

Jet letting out another sigh. "Then what must I do?"

Benjamin parted his lips to speak but closed them nearly instantly. A thought began to bloom in his head, a thought of how Jet could truly understand and learn the importance of his blade. " tell me, feel the force and decide on what you do. Come to me again and I'll check it out..."

Ben smirked; eyes closed as he launched himself back along the reins of the saddle. Jet watching him mouth gaped as he gazed back at his lightsaber. There was only one thing obvious for both boys. This was going to take a while.


Now...hours after arriving back in the water tribe. The chieftain had invited them back to a ceremonial dinner, the dinner postponed due to Benjamin's condition. But since he was better and now was awake it seemed like a good time to have it.

They ate the classic water tribe dishes. Mostly comprised of fish and hunted animals that could be located in the deep regions, it definitely compared to whatever things they had before out in the forest. Or if they were lucky had enough funds to afford a quick meal at a local bar or tavern.

They all sat and eat silently. Until the chieftain rose, the crowd of people including team avatar stared up at him as he rose from his seat. "First off, thanks everyone that has come here. I want to thank everyone here that has made this possible, and all the good men and woman we have lost due to this long war."

The words rung through the people. Men and woman who had lost people...people like Sokka and Katara who had lost their family. Aang, the last of the airbenders...Benjamin, who was the last of the Jedi. Fighting a desperate battle against both the fire nation and the encroaching darkness.

"...yet now things have begun to change." The words of encouragement causing people to lift their heads. His hand going towards the left side of the table where team avatar received. "Aang, the avatar has returned to put an end to this long-lasting war and to pave a new era of peace. Benjamin, a Jedi master. Though, the fire nations scheme may have erased nearly all history of the Jedi from this world, but now due to his exploits, many historians have found and revealed the truth. With him has come with more students. The Jedi, are going to return!"

With a raised hand the crowd went ballistic. Clapping and whistling followed for a minute as Ben watched with flushed cheeks. Katara lightly elbowing his side as she held a sly grin across her face. "You really like all that attention, don't you?" She sarcastically jabbed.


The chieftain rounded the corner as another girl walked up to him. Deep blue eyes, that contrasted with her deep white hair. 'Echani?' Benjamin thought, shaking his head at the thought. The echani was a race of hominids that were known for their snow-white hair and distinctive pale skin. Ben shook the thought out of his head, most likely that wasn't the case.

Yet, as he turned towards his side, he could see Sokka's gaze at her. Longing in his eyes as he stared at the princes. "My daughter has just reached marrying age..."

Benjamin saw this and Sokka's allure to the girl, a shit eating grin spread across his face. "Oi, Chieftain." He sprouted; a tad bit too loud. "Sokka's a son of a chief..."

The chieftain played it off with a light chuckle and the flaying of his hand. As he parted his lips to speak again. "My daughters already has a suitor. She'll be getting married soon..."

"Oh, I apologize..."

Benjamin spoke back. Feeling slightly awkward for dragging the attention, he could see that Sokka was slightly sad. Yet, he continued to speak to the girl. Even picking up on certain parts of their conversation...about meeting up on a familiar bridge.

That nearly caused Benjamin to choke on his food. Aang was sitting next to everyone, impressing the crowd with air tricks as a waiter came to Benjamin holding a bottle of fine aged gin. Benjamin got a nice wift of the aroma as he raised his cup to...

"Oh, no...he's fine." Katara firmly spoke. The waiter nodding as Ben reached out to him with his mouth gaped.

Yet right before he could say anything. "Come got to be kidding me!" Jet growled, Benjamin turning to the boy on his right. Jet didn't take any part of his food, rather pushing his plate farther into the massive table as his groans put off everyone eating.

His lightsaber which once was rashly assembled was now completely deconstructed...the piles laid along the table as Jet made his way along his tools as he tried to figure it out. "How long has he been going on like this, trying to build his lightsaber?" Aang questioned.

"Ever since this morning..." Ben responded back.

Jet slammed his hand into the table. The pieces rotating as they slightly moved. He rushed to bring them back together, assembling the blade once again in a matter of seconds. "Here..."

Benjamin took the blade in hand. Giving it a quick look over, right before giving it back to Jet. " didn't even open it!"

"I didn't need to. You were way too quickly with this." He looked Jet in his eye as he spoke. Not letting go of the blade as both boys' eyes locked along the other. "Jet, this weapon is a tool that you will possibly use for the rest of your life. The process of building one is very flexible, but it isn't a toy, take your time until you get it right."

With those words Jet let out a heavy sigh. Taking the blade back and into his hands as he took it apart once again. Eyes drawn towards the hilt as his hands filled with force energy, further fueling him as he once again tried to construct a weapon that would appease his master.

"Oi, but what about didn't make him go through all this?" Aang absentmindedly spoke.

"Haru..." Jet repeated the name. "Who's that..."

"Ben's first apprentice. He was from some earth bender tribe. He got a lightsaber and Ben wasn't this strict with it."

"Yeah, that's because Haru already had a natural talent with the force, and he inherited his grandmother's lightsaber." Benjamin explained, yet he could feel the hesitation...or the annoyance stemming from Jet. "It's not from favoritism, but rather...I think it's for the best if we take our time."

He rested his hand on his apprentice's shoulder, the display of affection causing Jet to shrug it off as he went back to working on his weapon. Annoyed and invigorated as he tried to delve deeper within himself.


Benjamin leaned against the wall of one of the apartment buildings, staking the place out as he heard Sokka and Yue chat. His mind was clouded, and he needed someone to speak to this about. Jet was far too in himself and annoyed by his presence, Katara was helpful at times, but he felt like she wouldn't know what to do. Merely telling him the obvious choice...instead of the right answer, and Aang...was just Aang.

He wasn't like the masters of the old order and shown favoritism to students. He saw what that did to him all those years in the Jedi academy, and the effects it had on him. Yet now he was wondering if he was making the right choice.

Haru, was a special case. A young boy who unconsciously drew upon the force, a natural with lightsaber combat but Benjamin didn't force Haru down this ordeal. He taught him lightsaber forms, force forms and techniques. He told him the stories of the old jedi and the Sith.

He didn't hold Haru's lightsaber away from him because he wasn't ready to take upon such a heavy burden. He did what he had to do, but was this the right choice for Jet?

He was angry at the fire nation; rage fueled his heart, and he was prone to anger right now. Was this the right time to train him? To give him such a powerful weapon...what about Haru?

Ben's eyes widened at the thought. Drawing forward as his fingers went through his mound of deep black hair. Haru's father was brutally killed, and Ben only stayed with him for a week! What was he thinking, he knew that the dark side festered within oneself, did he honestly believe that Haru was strong enough to resist the allure of the dark side of the force?

He had heard through the grapevine that Haru had been fighting within the earth kingdom. Saving people, killing fire nation soldiers, and has helped in restoring order to the earth kingdom. Sure, he was doing what a jedi had to do...but could Haru truly deal with all this anger in his heart?

'What the fuck am I doing...' Benjamin's thoughts exploded in his head. His butt landing to the ground as both hands went to the base of his face. He couldn't deal with this anymore; it was horrible, and he didn't know what the right answer to this equation was.

Different people had different requirements to be trained...but he had no idea to what requirements should he train these people? Was it the right idea to let Haru go and decide his own destiny, or should he have forced him to come with them? Was it a good idea to train Jet right help him halfway with his lightsaber?

'Did I...already fail my students?' He questioned. In the next second, he heard the clatter of footsteps as he saw the princess push through the streets. Running away from Sokka as the young warrior threw out his right hand to try and stop her. Only to throw his body onto the balcony in disappointment.

"Yo, good?" Benjamin awkwardly spoke. Walking over to his side as he leaned over the balcony as well. The cold air of the ocean reinvigorating the two men. "Sokka, can we talk. I've been dealing with some stuff lately."

"Yeah, well I just got rejected. So, I am not probably going to be the best one for a good conversation."

Benjamin and Sokka stood there for a while. Staring into the roaring waves of the river below them, as Benjamin began to explain his thoughts and emotions to Sokka. Explaining in detail what his plight was and what he had been dealing with.

Sokka nodded after he was done listening, dragging his gaze back along the push and pull of the river. He felt his heart hammer as Sokka parted his own lips to speak. "So, your worried that your failing Jet and Haru. That you're messing up with your teachings..."

Ben nodded. Sokka using this as a signal to continue. "Haru and Jet are too completely different people. You are confused about what you should be doing with their training, whether to train them the same based on your experiences, or to let them follow their own paths." Sokka turned back to his friend. "Benjamin, I am glad that you came to me with means more than you know that you trust me. I've gotten far too used to that stoic lone warrior stuff."

"Okay...thanks, I guess?"

Benjamin...took the insult, he thought. But now it seemed that Sokka at least had an idea of what he was going through and now actually started to contrive an answer.

"But..." With an open placed palm on his shoulder. "I have zero clue..."


"Benjamin, I am the plan guy. Heck, I am not even sure half the time of what we're doing. But I don't know about this Jedi stuff. This stuff involving you and's completely out of this world for me." Sokka stated. "You've mentioned before of the dark side of the force, within Jet and Haru. I don't know how to answer this, if you mess up, they can become just like Kiara. It's definitely a massive responsibility that you have taken."

Benjamin groaned. "So, there's no hope..."

"I didn't say that...damn, Benji. You really get depressing when you think things are going to turn out bad?" Sokka turned to the full moon and its crescent. "I don't know if there is a right answer to this question."

Benjamin didn't know...or had any real clue. "Yet, I do think what you are doing is a good thing. Trying to rebuild your order, but Benjamin sometimes you just have to let things play out, you can't always assume that you know or is there a right choice of teaching someone." He rested his hand on his Jedi friend's shoulder. "...just follow your heart and believe in yourself and maybe things will just turn out alright."

With those words and emptying a heavy breath, Benjamin nodded. It was foolish, he didn't know the right answer and he doubted that anyone could give it to him. So, he would just have to follow his gut and the will of the force. Praying that he wouldn't fuck up too badly.

"Now about the girl..."

Benjamin's voice stirred Sokka as the warrior tried to play it off, yet he could only sigh. "Sokka, I see the way you look at her...don't get me wrong, she's really pretty but is it really worth it." Benjamin's hand outstretched. "The girl is already getting married; I don't want you to get hurt."

"It just feels know." Sokka exclaimed. "Have you ever been in love?"

Benjamin stared at the river as the thought reached him. "There was woman...but nothing like the thing you are thinking of, I guess not."

Benjamin grew up with the order and their rules. One of it's greatest and most important rules was of how love and personal attachments must be shunned within the Jedi order. After leaving the order there were woman within the Sith but nothing really sparked...after crash landing here there were a couple of hook ups but nothing truly major.

So, Benjamin and Sokka just stared there. Both boys struggling with the thoughts in their head as they had too much within there minds, but there was a strange companionship the other held as they watched the moon peak above the horizon and bathe within its white glare.


Katara huffed, pushing through the veil of there hut as she angrily stomped off to the animal skin couch that resided in the corner of there apartment. Jet laid on the ground, rearranging and going through his parts as he threw off a quick side glance to see who it was...and then went back to constructing his weapon.

"Is, something wrong?" He questioned. They were friends, and even he knew that he was spending far too much time on this weapon.

Katara threw her head back towards him. "The water bending master isn't training me because I am a girl." Katara exclaimed.

Jet lightly sucking his lip, following the conversation as he began to finally put the pieces back into the main core of the blade. For hours now he had followed Benjamin's instructions, trying to follow his heart and the will of the force. Yet, each time he was told to just try again.

He was getting more and more frustrated now. It's been nearly two fully days and now it he felt that Ben was just messing with him. He knew that the electrical parts of the weapon were completed and were safe, that they were perfect, but the other parts were what confused him.

There was nothing wrong with the grip or a misaligned emitter. He even double checked to make sure that the ruby and the emerald were in the proper place. Now, it was merely just making sure that his focusing crystal was put properly.

"Katara, why do you want to learn from him. It's not like you got anything to prove..." jet aimlessly spoke, following the will of the force and his heart as Katara strained her neck, her ears picking up the clicks of arranged metal. "Your amazing, you've helped teach Aaang water bending and even aided us countless times. You're a wonderful asset to our team, and I feel that if he doesn't realize that then, it's his own loss."

With those parting words. Jet clinked the last piece of his blade into the proper order, unknown to seeing Katara's blushing cheeks as he got off from his knees and stood straight up. Taking a heavy breath as his finger hovered over the red activation button.

"Jet, I am glad for the compliments and all..." She pointed her finger at the blade. "But Benjamin hasn't checked it yet. Go and find him..."

Jet stared at it, pride and ego blending as he stared at his weapon. How much longer would he have to wait, how much time would he have to give into creating this one simple thing!

Benjamin had told him how flexible and simplistic a lightsaber could be. Yet, he had spent days, countless trial, and error of just trying to get the overall skeleton to properly function. Now, maybe...

He took a heavy breath. Clicking the red button, imagining Benjamin's own lightsaber that once would spark to life a brilliant purple beam. Yet, nothing happened...

Jet stared at it. Imagining for a second that he didn't press the button, with a second try he clicked it only for the weapon not to do anything. It didn't produce a blade, heat up, or explode within his hands. Yet...

The blade flew from his hands, Benjamin entering the door as it greeted his fingers. His right thumb lightly tracing the alloy metal as his gaze went back to Jet.

"Damn..." Jet muttered; eyes drawn forward. He remembered the last time he tried to progress too quickly. It made Benjamin stop helping him and making this into another lesson. He didn't want to wait to become a jedi, he wanted his weapon right now.

Ben gave it a look over. Using his other hand to take off a couple of the parts as he stared at it. "Jet, I told you to wait for me."

"I'm sorry...Ben, I just."

Ben sighed. Taking apart the blade from the grip, tossing Jet the permafrost crystal. "I was confused and conflicted on my role of being a a Jedi master. I still am, I don't even know what the hell I am doing."

"...but I do know this. I am meant to help teach you. I don't know what will come tomorrow, I don't know what is going to happen. But I believe that you must make your own path." Benjamin tossed Jet back his lightsaber.

"Your weapon is perfect, but..." Ben aimed at the crystal. "You never properly focused your gem. It's the source of your force energy and you need to chamber that crystal to you before it can properly be activated."

Jet nodded, Benjamin's hum of words following as Jet locked onto the force. Giving himself into peaceful thoughts of connections and those that chain him to this place. To those warm lights that give him strength. When he was finished, the young warrior chambered back the light blue crystal into his lightsaber. Closing back the hilt as his finger hovered over the activation button...he sighed and tossed it back to Benjamin, the Jedi watchman taking it with a smile as he gave it another quick look over.

"Excellent, it's ready..."

Jet took back the lightsaber. Eyes drawn to the way the sunlight trickle along the alloy metal of the blade, the experience so drawing that Katara rose from the couch to take a peek. Jet took a heavy breath, feeling the weight of the weapon. Even when inactivated he could feel the weight of force energy that stemmed within its core.

Jet let out his breath. Holding the weapon with both hands as he activated the weapon. The hut was consumed with a blast of brilliant light blue light, cyan. The color of Benjamin's old Jet bore that color.

The brown eyed boy's eyes dazzled under the beam of light as he did a couple of practice swings. The humming magnetized him as the rhythmic hum took over the center of his world.

He smirked, finally. Benjamin nodded as Jet parted his lips to speak. "What now, Benjamin?" He questioned.

"What now..." Benjamin repeated with a soft chuckle. Eyes drawing towards his second apprentice, one of the new knights of his rebuilt Jedi Order. "We train the ways of the force."

With those parting words Jet turned off his lightsaber. Following Benjamin out of the hut as he clicked his very own lightsaber to his belt. Now, things within this world were beginning to change, the Jedi Order was starting to grow. Yet, the world was still changing...and ever-growing dark forces loomed within the distance.
