Chapter 18 - Shatterpoints

The long trees touched the skies. The auburn leaves casting down shades of bright red as Katara filled up her water flask.

After filling it up. She began to screw it over; they were going to leave soon. She wasn't happy about leaving the freedom fighters, but her brother was adamant. Likewise, they needed to get Aang a formal water bending teacher.

Benjamin, the Jedi knight told them about this place, they all hoped to encounter another Jedi like Benjamin that fought against the fire nation. Except, they found an armored warrior of the Sith that was stationed here. Without Ben, she would've been in the claws of that armored warrior.

She heard splashing coming upriver. Her eyes widening as she stared at Ben. His eyes were hollow, his breath still as even when she screamed his name he didn't respond. It took her touch, her touch that caused him to wake up as he took a step backwards.

"Katara..." He spoke her name. He was frozen. Almost like he was just awakened from carbonite. Katara saw faint bruises that lined up his body as she put her finger along his face, turning him away as shock riddled her face.

"Benjamin, what happened?"

He didn't respond. Turning away from her as he pushed past her, his eyes sunken in as he didn't turn to face her. His gaze fixated on something far ahead that took up most of his thoughts. The blood leaked from his lips as his fingers shook.

He stopped...

Katara's frame wrapping around him as her forehead rested on his back. Her eyes fluttering over the red of his fabric as he simply stared ahead. His eyes fixated on the front. That back, the back that always pushed forward for them.

Her blue eyes trailed down to his left hand. Slightly tearing up at the sight, the maimed fingers a reminder for what he sacrificed for all of them. She took a heavy breath. "I'm not letting you go...until you tell me what is going on. You're my friend, so please."

Benjamin strained his eyes towards the forest. The wind fluttering his dark hair as he parted his lips. His words breaking as they came out. "I don't know who I am anymore..."

Katara strained her head. Staring at Ben's mound of dark hair, the boy's teeth grinded against the other as he chuckled to himself. It had been hours after what he had done to that old man. The last of the Mandalorians was killed.

The last of the great warrior race that struck fear throughout the galaxy...was murdered by the last of the Jedi. Benjamin knew he should've been proud, that Mandalorian was apart of Exar Kun's personal fighting force. He would've gone off to kill many Jedi if he didn't crash land here.

Yet, Benjamin couldn't let this...guilt go. 'Why, do I feel so guilty. I didn't do anything wrong, the Mandalorians were evil, they...'

His eyes widened at the thoughts. This wasn't a young Mandalorian soldier that was proudly killing civilians but rather an old man that had given up his armor and soldier creed. An old man that had retired to the forest for some peace and solitude.

Did Benjamin have the right to take a life?

"Your Benjamin, a Jedi Knight...the last of your order. You've saved us countless times. You are OUR friend." Katara told him, but the words run hollow along his ears.

"A Jedi..." He aimlessly muttered to himself as the words touched him.

He wasn't a jedi. Jedi don't steep into the dark side in the way he did, Jedi didn't murder enemies, and most importantly...Jedi did not strive for vengeance, it was not the Jedi way! Benjamin shook his head. The thoughts wrapping around his head and refusing to let go as he struggled to let out any air.

Could he seriously call himself a Jedi if he didn't hold onto the Jedi tenants? He felt alone, so disconnected to everything. After he murdered that old man he turned around and ran back to the camp. He didn't have the strength yet to see his friends and only ran into Katara due to circumstances.

'Meetra, where are you?' He screamed in his head. He had tried to contact his master through there link, practically begging for her to speak to him again. For him to confess and to receive guidance for all this newfound rage that he had in his heart.

Ever since that cave, ever since he found that Holocron. His heart has been practically consumed by hate and anger. A deep black malice warped him. Maybe...

"I don't know about being a Jedi anymore. I've broken one of the most important tenants of the order, Katara." He strained his eyes further into the forest, farther so he wouldn't be able to see her eyes. 'I've killed people before...I've come to terms with killing Kiara and that other dark Jedi. But the other soldiers have been something else entirely. That one fire nation soldier, I didn't need to blast him with force lightning to kill him. Yet, I did so anyway. Before Kiara it had been a long time since I killed someone...the last person I killed was the Jedi that saved me. That same day was when I cut off my connection to the force and ran away, slipping into hyperspace into that black hole and transported here. But after Kiara and that cave, it's like I've always been doing it. I don't know when or why it had gotten so easy.'

After murdering the old man. Benjamin had a hard time touching upon the force, it didn't feel like the way it felt when he cut himself off to it but rather like it was coming from a great distance. He closed his eyes, trying to trace along the great cosmic energy of the force only to feel...nothing.

His hand unlatched as he stared at his fingers. There was nothing...

'Why...should I feel bad! He was a Mandalorian, the whole lot deserve death. They deserve a hell of a lot more! I gave him what he had coming. What he deserved. All Mandalorians deserve death...they deserve to be exterminated! Just like the Sith, just like the Fire Nation!'

Benjamin had those thoughts. Yet, that realization did nothing to quell the squirming feeling within his chest, and when he closed his eyes once again. He was strike awake by the face of a dead Mandalorian.

He couldn't tell Katara. He didn't have the strength too. So, with his lips slammed open and through gritted teeth he...

One of the freedom fighters pushed through the brush of the forest. His heaving breath echoing as his feral eyes locked onto Katara and Ben. He could feel it, even though the force felt so far away he could feel the fear the boy excoriated.

"The fire nation...they've attacked!"


Ben had his ignited purple blade in his hand already. Katara forming her waterbending to aid them all as they approached the tree line, the place in which the freedom fighters had made there home. He smelt the cinders first, that disgusting smell of burnt wood and flames.

After all, there battles and journeys it had always been ingrained into his senses. He snarled at it. Him and Katara moved forward, the destruction evident for both to see as they couldn't turn away. The rich and intricate housing system the freedom fighters created were destroyed, burnt nearly to a crisp. The tree lines were destroyed, the burnt trees spreading all throughout the valley and would eventually overtake them.

'Are they insane! If they set this whole place on fire then they wouldn't just take out the freedom fighters but possibly the whole village, or the whole valley as well!' He screamed in his head as Katara instantly knew what to do. She began to bend her water flask and whatever sources she could find to fight off the waves of fire.

Ben moved forward, blade ignited as the purple beam made way as he cleaved through the fallen branches and wood that got in his path. He needed to find Aang and Sokka, get them and whatever freedom fighters away from this place.

Still, he turned around. Dodging a fireball with a force augmented leap as the cinders danced too far close. A fire nation bender lurched towards Ben. The force making him go quicker as he kicked the fire bender to the side. The man lurching right as Ben planted his foot on his stomach raising his blade to produce the final blow...

You would've made a good Mandalorian

The words broadcasted in Ben's brain. Rioting along his thoughts as he froze. He couldn't do it, he couldn't deliver the final killing blow. Still, the fire bender was quicker. Ben leaped away right before the bender could produce another fireball as he lurched his left hand away, wresting the man through the air as he rolled and collapsed along another piece of the wooden platform.

'What the hell is wrong with me...the fire nation is burning this place to the ground. Children even younger than me are dying!'

He slammed his palm shut. Striking his head so hard that his ears reverberated as he cocked his head around. He tried to throw himself once again into the pit of force energy, to throw himself into the pit of the dark side but he just...couldn't.

He felt a looming force circle around him. Acting on instinct as he gripped his blade with both hands, twirling as him and the armored warrior's blades locked by there chest. The green and purple created a mess of sparks as they stared down the other.

"Ah, isn't it the false Jedi!" The warrior screamed as his green blade broke through the blade lock. Benjamin following in a backflip as he leaped over the warrior and their weapons connected.

He landed back on the floor. Hurling objects for the warrior only to cleave through them with his massive lightsaber blade. Benjamin grappled with his lightsaber, the weapon humming in his own two hands as he tried to lurch into the dark side of the force. To produce a powerful array of purple lightning just like he did before. Yet, his eyes widened at the shock. Even the dark side of the force, even with all his negative emotions...has abandoned him.

Ben was frozen. Only the flurry of attacks that the warrior aimed at him broke him out of his frozen state as he lurched to defend against the powerful steam of blows. He moved backwards as the long bladed green lightsaber twirled as Ben could only defend.

It's powerful blows messing with Ben's deteriorating connection to the force as the boy struggled to stand against the figure. The warrior slammed his blade into Ben's lightsaber, Ben lurching to a knee as he had to hold off the simmering emerald blade from piercing his face.

...and right before it would of have been too late. A flurry of steel decorated the back of the warrior. Taking a quick swing as Ben lunged backwards, slashing at the armored warrior as the purple beam met its mark and cleaved into his right shoulder.

The wound was light but still did proper damage as it went downwards. The hull of the armor was now damaged and now had a proper way to pierce through. Ben turned towards the figure as the sparks of steel further decorated the burning platform.

Jet, the leader of the freedom fighters twirled his blades around in his hands as his narrowed eyes peered at the dark side warrior. Those eyes, Ben could feel them. The type of eyes that held hate and rage.

Jet gritted his teeth, launching into another flurry of attacks as he unknowingly called upon the force. The dark side fueling his will as he pounded both of his weapons into the emerald blade. It was the second time...the fire nation destroyed his home.

He screamed, a scream that rioted through the burning trees as he slammed both blades down with such intensity that they shattered. One of them implanting through the iron armor as the warrior lashed out his free hand with the force. Slamming him away as he clattered along the platform.

A boomerang whisped through the air as it struck the armored warrior across the face. His ears ringing as he lurched forward to the ground. Sokka emerging from the smoke as the boomerang flew back into his hand, in the other was a WaterTribe club.

"You...WaterTribe peasant!" He screamed as he raised his right hand. Only for Aang to appear, his glider compacting into a staff as he slammed the weapon down. Implanting the warrior in place as Katara's bending froze his arm in place.

Benjamin moved forward, the force making him faster as he once again tried to produce the killing blow. Yet, that mental block was far too strong. Only able to slash him across his armor, not deep enough as he was thrown away.

He felt something crack within his lower stomach. Blood flowing from his mouth as he struggled to get back up. "Impossible, you fools can't beat me. My armor is impenetrable!" He screamed, the flurry of pure pain of the dark side fueling him as he struggled against the ice and his own injuries.


Ben got up. The leader of the freedom fighters turning towards him as he instinctively caught the item that was thrown towards him. Ben held his side, slowly walking towards him as his golden eyes brightened through the orange cinders of the forest.

He pointed at the dark Jedi. "I want you to focus, to strive through that current that you've felt before. To feel the force, I want you to see what you have saw before..."

"What are you talking about?" Jet asked, the blade ignited as he leveled it at the dark lord. To Jet this was all nonsense, things that he had no real clue of or an understanding.

"Relax, Jet..." Ben whispered. His eyes fixated on the dark jedi as he raised his palm. "Trust in me, I want you to close your eyes. I want you to feel through the force. I want you to see where the unbreakable, becomes breakable."

Jet listened, fixated on Ben's words as he sunk into himself. Into his fear, his anger...into his hate. He sunk deeper into that dark part of himself as he saw the freedom fighters, his family.

He saw Katara...that brief time he spent with her. He realized that all things were connected and that Benjamin...

His eyes widened as he stared at the warrior. His large frame lightened up as he saw disgruntled red lines line up his body in an arrayed fashion. They were these neat red lines that were spread through, connected to everything as he finally gazed at the lone swordsman with the ignited purple lightsaber.

"The points...where the unbreakable, becomes breakable." Jet finally spoke, as he finally saw the force. He lurched forward. The armored warrior too slow as Jet leaped over the green, emerald blade. Hitting the source of those red lines as the armored figure instantly keeled over. He was able to see the break in that shatter point.

Jet stood there. The humming of Ben's lightsaber blade remaining strong as Ben stared at him for a second...a true hero, a true warrior of the force he could become with the right training. After that second. Appa came, landing on the platform as the wood began to break underneath them. The roaring flames completely clouded the bottom and they needed to go.

The rest of team avatar...even Jet embarked on that path. Appa breaching through the burning tree lines as they were once again greeted by the fresh air of the nighttime, and the cold allure of the moon.
