"And this is my sister Jade, she's new to L.A. she's only been here a week o-or no three weeks and she's a model" Tommy said proudly slinging his arm around me "that means that when we get big we're gonna have twice as paparazzi because Jade already has much attention" my older brother said looking around the room.

I playfully hit his arm. I want that famous, sure I got recognized sometimes and the paparazzi would be after me but that wasn't famous.

His eyes caught on the blonde "and she's off. Limits." He said "alright? Off limits" he repeated.

The boys standing in front of us nodded their heads as Tommy went to point at the blonde.

"That's Vince Neil, he's the singer of our band" he moved over to the guy standing next to Vince with a slight smirk on his face "that's Nikki sixx he's the bassist" he moved over to the guy standing next to Nikki "and that's Mick mars" he said introducing everyone.

"Oh this is Oliver, jades best friend that she moved here with" he said mentioning the tall boy with long brown hair beside me.

I smiled and we said hi to everyone. The phone started to ring and Tommy ran to get it.

He looked at me "it's for you, holly said she tried to call you but you weren't at your apartment, obviously"

I nodded my head and went over to picked up the phone "holly?"

"Hey Jade, remember you have a shoot innn—two hours" she sajd.

"Yeah yeah I'll be there, hey listen I'll see you there ok?"

"Alright Jade, bye" she said and I hung up the phone.

"Hey we're going out tonight if you wanna come" Tommy looked at me hopefully. I knew his friends were like his brothers  and his best friends. Me and Tommy were really close and we've always been there for each other through everything.

"Tommy I have a shoot till like eight, I'm probably gonna be exhausted"

"Come on Jade-" he started saying before I cut him off.

"Ok ok fine, I'll go alright"

"Ok great we'll be at the whiskey meet us around nine" he said and I shook my head smiling. He turned to Oliver and raised his eyebrows at him but Oliver shook his head no.

"I should get going I have to get ready for this shoot"

I said bye to everyone and me and Oliver walked out the door.

I got ready for my shoot and made my way there, they touched up my hair and makeup and gave me the outfit they wanted me to wear.

I put it on and we started the shoot.

After the shoot was done I went to my changing room and changed back into my jeans and oversized button up.

I walked out the shot and looked at my watch, 8:58 great. I thought to myself.

I hailed a cab and it pulled up to my apartment. I got out and put on a skin tight black dress that went mid thigh, I put on my red heels and touched up my red lipstick

before I walked out I grabbed the phone and dialed the number of my new best friend heather.

Sure I only been in LA for about three weeks but me and Heather got close fast.

"Hey!" I started "you going anything tonight?" I asked hopeful that she wouldn't have anything to do.

"No I was actually just about to call you up and see if you wanted to go out!" Her voice squeaked

"Can you meet me at the whiskey?" I asked looking at the clock



"Now.....?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes! Let me throw something on and I'll be right there" she said hanging up.

Oliver walked out of his room in our shared apartment, we were roommates.

"Have fun let me know if you need something" he said, his voice was raspy and was wearing nothing but grey sweatpants.


I walked into the whiskey and my eyes scanned the packed room for my brother or any of his friends when my eyes spotted a familiar figure that was staring back at me.

He smiled walking towards me and wrapped me into a tight hug.

"Jade! How have you been?"

"Joe! Oh my god I haven't seen you sense high school" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pulled away "it's so good to see you again....hey let me buy you a drink" he said as the corners of his mouth turned into a slight smirk as he placed his hand on the small of my back.

I bit my bottom lip, I couldn't tell what he was trying to do but did he really think I was that easy?

My eyes drifted from his to the front door.

I saw heather walking in and let out a sigh of relief.

"See you around Joe" I said removing his hand and walking towards heather.

We wrapped me in a hug then we made our way over to the boys.

—Tommy's POV—
I saw a guy put his hand on my sister and I was about ready to jump up and raise hell when I saw her take it off and hug a blonde girl.

The blonde girl turned around and my eyes immediately softened.

Holy shit-

She was beautiful.

They approached up and Jade introduced us and me and heather never broke eye contact once.

But when I looked up and Jade I saw she was staring at Nikki.

Her heather walked off to grab drinks when I looked at Nikki and saw him checking out my sister. Her eyes traveling the length of her body.

—Nikki's POV—
I stared at Jade the whole time the was introducing heather, I then looked over at Tommy and saw him staring at the blonde as if he was in love.

I looked back at Jade to see she was staring back at me and her cheeks turned slightly pink.

My eyes travels from her eyes, to her lips, then her boobs and as she turned around her ass then down her legs.


She probably had the best face and body I've even seen and she could definitely rock with the band too.

Tommy elbowed me and I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Stop checking out my sister, she's off limits so don't even think about it" he said in a serious tone, well obviously it was his sister.

"Hey as long as we look but don't touch right" Vince said making me smirk and slightly laugh as Mick just shook his head.

Tommy scolded at him "I'm serious don't get any ideas, if any of you even think about touching my sister I swear-" he said but cut himself off as they came back with drinks in their hands.

Oh but trust me, I was thinking about it alright.

Jade sat next to me and she looked up at me and smiled.

She looked back to whoever was talking taking a sip of her drink but i couldn't help but stare at the brunette beside me.

I nudged her lightly and she stared up at me.

I leaned down to her ear and asked what had been on my mind.

"So you and Oliver a thing?" I said and I heard her laugh.

"No-god no" she said "why? You wanna take me out" she said and I could practically hear the smirk on her face.

"Maybe, but your brother is a bit protective" I said.

As I pulled off I brushed my hand against hers and I could see the smile she was trying to hide.

I grinned and looked over at Tommy who was staring daggers at me.
