Chapter 3: Goddess of Elements

"So you are telling me that you are my mother, the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet. You are actually still my grandpa, but the god Ra. You are still my brother but you're a celestial snake?" I look up to see them all nodding rapidly.

I nod slowly taking in the information and I hit a blunt. "Just a hunch but I'm guessing that "Zander" is actually the King of Olympus Zeus, "Parker" is Poseidon and "Arien" is really the god of war Ares right?" I hear a confirming grunt for Ares.

As much as I wish this was really real, I have got to get out of here before someone else comes and claims their my distant cousin.

"Well this little show has been awfully fun, but I need to get back to my hotel, good talk though, good talk." I start backing away from them towards the door. As soon as I feel the door handle, I yank it open only to be hit by a wall of muscle. I am thrown back onto my butt and my headache just gets worse.

"Aw jeez, dude what his your chest made of, cement?" I squeeze my eyes closed trying to suppress the pain but to no avail.

"I'm awfully sorry" I looked up and nearly died. I looked into the eyes of the most handsome dark blue eyes. A single strand of his neat navy hair fell above his eyebrows in a majestic way. His jaw was as sharp as a knife and his lips curved into a smile.

He was crouched in front of me with a hand stretched out. He was wearing a grey suit with his two top buttons loose. He was the only male in the room wearing a shirt and I desperately wished he wasn't. I stared at the hand he offered me without moving an inch. So many thoughts were swirling around my head that I couldn't comprehend.


I snapped out of my trance and took his hand. A golden ripple emerged from between our hands and a small sizzle rippled up my arm and down my body. Enough to send shivers down my spine.

"So the brooding king of the dead gets a mate before me? What has this lowlife of a god done to deserve such a blessing that is meant for" A deep growl escapes my throat.

"Subsiste sermonem statim, lowlife" In a flash my hand is grasped around his neck, pinning him to the wall. (stop speaking immediately)

A hand rested on my shoulder that told me to release his neck. Did I just... did I just do that? I may have done a few martial arts but not to the extent of being able to lock someone in a neck choke. Holy crap I could have killed this guy!

He is Ares the god of war and bloodshed. I don't think a lack of oxygen would kill him.

I turned to see everyone either staring at me with narrowed eyes or eyes wide with surprise at my little stunt.

" Okay, so I'm going to get out of here, go to my hotel and get the next flight out of here. All of this is just...crazy and I need to" I whisper quietly while clutching my hair and walking towards the door

"I don't think you can do that, you have to stay here girlie" Zeus halted my actions and made me angry in the process.

"Just because your king of the gods doesn't mean you're my king you unfaithful little shit" I hiss at the bearded man and walk out of the room.

A row of masked people looking like ancient warriors blocked any exit I could have away from the room. I tried to walk past them but they refused to budge

"Are you kidding me? Why can't you let me leave?" I stick my head back into the room looking at each one of them individually

"Well dear, you are the bond mate of Hades, you can't just leave. And why did you say that to Zeus, what has he ever done to you?" My mother questioned me, stepping forward so I could see her

"Well am I wrong? And I don't see Hades! And I'm not sure I take too well to being kidnapped!." I snap open the door fully. 
