Chapter 2: God of Arrogance

I walk into the room and I see a bunch of weirdly dressed men. Dashingly handsome, but weirdly dressed. The man at the head of the table looks to be in his early 40s with groomed white hair, a bulky build and a white cloak. He wore golden striped white silky trousers and no shirt.

And hot damn he is too old to be this handsome!

His cloak slightly hid it but I could guarantee that it was hiding an 8-pack. I didn't even know that was attainable. The rest of them were also shirtless and wearing the same just different coloured cloaks. Totally not weird. I see why that lady didn't want to come in here.

I place a goblet in front of him and life the jug, slowly filling it till it was halfway. I could feel everyone's eyes trained on me as I went in between each of them. The last man I went to had a grey cloak and was raising his eyebrow at me the entire time. I place a goblet in front of the ready to fill it up but he decided to stop me.

"Why are you dressed in such strange clothing?" His voice was low and sounded like a 1920's alcoholic that had just gotten sober.

I looked down at myself. My high-waisted jeans were the least strange thing strange and my long-sleeved plain black top was more decent.

"What is so strange about my clothes? They look pretty normal to me. You're the one looking like a 1920's kinky guy tryna impress his boo." I raised my eyebrow as I scanned each one of them again. The white-haired guy sat at the head of the table in a grand chair identical to the empty one opposite him. There were only 3 men in the room and one seemed to be missing.

"I'll give you just a few seconds to apologise and leave" The man stood up, towering over my 5'8 stature with ease. Another spoiled brat normally gets whatever he wants huh? Well, not today.

"I'm afraid that is not going to happen, God of arrogance, so why don't you sit down, drink this goddamn juice so I can get going m'kay?" I smile innocently up at him which seems to just make him angrier. His eyes go darker and his hands curl into a fist.

"Ares sit down, we do not need you to start fights this early." The dude at the head of the table spoke up and his voice did not at all match his face. He sounded like my grandpa Ramsay. He sounded so angelic and mysterious in a way.

The white-haired guy moved his head slightly and I could see the tiny bolts of lightning jumping in his hair. Reminded me of Zeus cause it is said his hair does that as well. Too bad Zeus is such an asshole. He cheats on his wife multiple times and even imprisoned his own father in Tartarus. If I met him, oh we would have several words.

" What is your name young one?" The man with blue hair that sat across the table looked me up and down before looking me straight in the eye.

I placed the jug back onto the tray and rested my hand on my hip, "What's it to you ocean boy?" If he was any Greek god, he would most definitely be the sea god Poseidon. He has got the looks and everything. This could be a secret movie set for a story about Ancient Greek! Dang, this is my lucky day.

"You have served us drinks, you might as well give us the honour of knowing such a fair maidens name" This must be Zeus' twin brother or something cause they acted so alike. He placed his chin atop his hands and flashed his pearly whites at me.

This just got weirder. Fair maiden, what are we in the 1800s?

"The name is Myrakel, yours?" I was their mouths open slightly and the way their eyes widen completely confuses me. Either they know someone like me or they are surprised by my name. It's a common occurrence.

"My name is Zander, "ocean boy" here is Parker and the angry one is Arien" The two others cast "Zander" a look of confusion but he just sent them a quick wink which I'm sure he thought I missed.

I have had this certain knack for telling who lies and tells the truth ever since I could remember. I don't know how I acquired such power but there have been many pros and cons.

"Well Zander, Parker and Arien, if those are your real names anyway, what is going on here is it a movie set or something?" I sat down in the large chair at the end of the table.

"How would you know if those weren't our real names?" "Arien spoke up, looking away from interesting hands.

I opened my mouth to answer but I was cut off when the door to the room slammed open.

"Grandpa Ra?" He looked like a deer caught in headlights. His name may be Ramsay but I always called him Ra because his constant optimism reminded me of the Egyptian sun god Ra.

"M-Myrakel? W-what are you doing here?" He was wearing a sleeveless trailing golden jacket with black high-waisted loose trousers. And also no shirt. I never knew my grandpa had any packs let alone a 10 which I had no idea existed up till today.

What is up with everyone walking around shirtless lately?

"What am I doing here? I was exploring Athens, went to this abandoned palace, tumbled down a trap door, punched a door, walked through some glowing light and here we are. What are you doing here?"

"She came through the Athens portal? Impossible." "Arien" whispered under his breath so quietly that I had to strain to hear.

"Well-umm you see-" Grandpa Ra stuttered nervously before he was shoved forward slightly and away from the door.

"Father, we would highly appreciate it if you didn't block our- Myrakel!?" My next-door neighbour from home, Ms Thebes walked in and was not in her usual jeans and cat sweater. She wore a floor-length dress with 2 leg slits up to her mid-thigh. Gold bands were strapped around her wrists and upper arms as well as her ankles. Her eyes were lined black her lips a ruby shade. Her hair was straight down her back as a gold cobra crown rested atop her head which was similar to the one Grandpa Ra was also wearing. I take it back, today is not my lucky day.

"Ms Thebes? What are you- Apophis!? Are you kidding me? Is today dress like mythological people a day or am I going nuts?"

Apophis was wearing the same this Grandpa was wearing. Except everything was in green. He had green scaling running up his arm and along his jaw. He too had a cobra crown but of course, in green. When he opened his mouth, I spotted a thin, forked tongue resting behind his teeth.

"Okay umm, we can exssplain?" Apophis laughed nervously as his tongue flicked out of his mouth.

I slowly closed my eyes as I felt a headache slowly emerge from the back of my brain.
