Chapter 12

Sadly, my praying didn't work, because the rangers lost there first three games. But, Jimmy was playing great, and that made me happy. Even though they had lost both of the games I had been to, and one on the road, I still wore my blue jersey and cheered as loud as I possibly could for my boys. He was confident, and fuck was it sexy.

Which made my situation worse, especially because we had been spending more time together than usual. Whether it was bringing me coffee at work or FaceTiming while he was on the road, we spoke constantly. And, even though I had said no when Jimmy originally asked fi I wanted to stay with him, I was pretty much doing that. Not on purpose. I just spent so much time over at his place, with him and Kevin and Brady.

It had gotten to the point that Kevin suggested Jimmy give me a key.

"Hey Kevin, is Jimmy here?" I asked, standing at the door.

He didn't even respond. He turned around, yelling "Jimmy, your girlfriend is here!" I rolled my eyes at him, which of course made him laugh before walking back to Jimmy's room.

"Why did he just call me your girlfriend?" I asked, walking into the room.

"I don't know, he's been doing that ever since the season started." He shrugged. Ever since the season started, more like ever since we started we started spending every waking moment together.

Slowly we faded into our same old routine, watching some TV show that Jimmy was too embarrassed to admit to any of his teammates or friends that he watched, and ordering take-out. Sometimes, when he came to my apartment I cooked, but that was a rarity.

"You know what I miss?" I said. Jimmy turned his head, looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"Sex." I sighed.

"Me too." He agreed. I thought it would catch him off guard, like every other time we had ever talked about sex.

"Why do you miss sex?" I asked, a little shocked. "You're a professional athlete, you can get laid whenever." He just shrugged.

"Seriously, Jimmy." I said. "You could totally take advantage of this."

"I don't want to sleep with those kinds of girls though."

"Fair enough." I nodded.

It made sense, not wanting to have sex with someone who just wanted you for what your name was or what you did, especially with Jimmy. He was more reserved, hesitant, not in a bad way. It was just the way he was. He balanced out my loud, outgoing, sometimes overbearing self.

"You don't think that would be weird?"

"Maybe?" He said. "I don't know."

"Jimmy, we do everything together, you really want to start having sex on top of that?"

"Well, yeah."

"Jimmy." I just looked at him, dumbstruck. What was he thinking? This was a very, very bad idea. There was no possible way that this could end well.

"What?" His arms flailed. "We're both single, and I mean I think you're cool, and you just got done complaining to me about how you miss having sex. So, let's do it."

I thought for a minute. Everything he had just said was true. But, I still had hesitations. "What if this changes everything about us?' I asked, emphasizing "us."

"We won't let it."

"You cannot promise that."

"Sure I can." Jimmy said. "If it gets to that point than we'll stop."

I nodded. "And, obviously, this goes without saying, but nobody knows about this." I told him, and he nodded, but I needed to be even more clear. "Seriously Jimmy, not even your teammates. Not Kevin. Not Brady. Nobody."

"Do you want to pinky promise or something?" He laughed.

"Yes, actually I do." He looked at me for a second like I was ridiculous but then finally stuck out his finger.

We went on, continuing to watch whatever was not he screen, I didn't know, nor did I care. My mind was racing thinking about what I had just agreed to.

Tonight was the night. Jimmy was going to come over to my apartment, mostly for privacy reasons, but also because it made me feel more comfortable. I couldn't tell why but I was very nervous, like throw up nervous.

I put on cute underwear. Not super cute, just matching black bra and underwear, because I didn't know if this was a dress-cute type of thing.

"This is awkward right?" My voice shook. I was nervous. What if this was a bad idea? What if this ruined our relationship? What if this was like a romantic comedy with two people having casual sex and one watched feelings and they have a big fight, except then we never recover, and just hate each other forever. Okay, now I was panicking., but why was I panicking? "Should we drink?" I asked.

"Maybe?" Jimmy said, hesitantly. But with one look at my face he changed his mind. "No, yeah, let's drink."

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah, sure, not Harry Potter though, sorry Daniel Radcliffe just doesn't do it for me."

He spun around and looked at me, his eyes wide, in disbelief that I had disrespected a movie that he loved so much. "Sorry." I tried, laughing.

"Have you ever?" I asked.

"Have I ever what?"

"Yanno..." I motioned, my body shimmying a little bit. He still looked at me.

"Have you ever had sex to Harry Potter?" I clarified completely.

"Once." He said before running into the kitchen, to the cabinet where I kept the wine. "Do you want rose or white?" He asked, trying, unsuccessfully, to change the subject.

"What, when!" I practically screamed as I ran into the kitchen behind him. "And, white."

"High school." He said, as he poured. "Can we please not talk about it."

"Why?" I teased. "Was it your first time?"

"Yes." He whispered, not making eye contact with me.

"Oh my god." My mouth dropped open, like a child who had just been told that they were going to Disney World, eyes completely lit up.

"Please can we not talk about it?" He asked sheepishly at the sound of my excitement. I didn't know why he wouldn't tell me. He knew all of my stories, which in hindsight now, probably wasn't great.

"Fine." I exhaled, taking the glass from his hand. From there, we sat down on the couch, choosing what, ultimately, we knew was a bad movie. But that was fine. We didn't need an Academy Award winning movie to have sex to.

It was organic, like we had been doing this forever.

His fingers brushing my cheek. My legs swung over his. His lips pressed to mine. And, in the second his lips touched mine I realized that I had never kissed him before. How had I never kissed him before, ever, not even when we were drunk in college.

Because now, I realized that kissing him was all I ever wanted to do.


And, now I knew I was in far, far too deep. 
