Chapter 11

The rest of the night I couldn't stop thinking about what Jimmy had said, imaging what us living together would be like, or rather what living with him and his two roommates would be like.

But, that's all it ever was- just a thought.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, and thing shad returned to normal. I rarely bumped into Richard in the elevator or in the lobby, and when I did it wasn't awkward, at all. Probably due to the fact that he had his arm slinked around some other blonde, but it was okay. I was okay. Especially, because Jimmy and I had been spending more time together. Yes, we had drifted back into our old routines, but it was different, because it was more than that. We did everything together. And, before I knew it the hockey season was upon us. Returning to the days of going to games, wearing that bright blue jersey as I cheered from my seat, a few rows back from the glass. But it also meant the return of going weeks of not seeing that dumb smirk on his face, and texting casually trying to fit each other into our busy schedules.

It was easier when we were in college- to see each other. There were classes and opportunities to study to each other and grabbing a casual drink or walking with each other to class. But, now, we were real adults and somewhere along the lines things became more and more complicated.

This year was especially different. I hadn't gone to one of his preseason games. Which, wasn't a huge deal considering it was only the preseason, I thought. But, as I looked to the other side of the couch where Jimmy was sitting, or rather sulking I realized just how big of a deal it was.

"You need to stop." I said, turning to Jimmy, who was ignoring me.

"Are you actually mad?" I asked.

"No." He mumbled. "I didn't even play in most of them."

"Okay, so what's the deal then?"

"I just like it when you come." A smile crept onto my lips as he spoke, which he wasted no time in trying to brush off. "Okay, okay settle down."

This, of course, only made me smile more. It took a second, but things died down and the two of you settled back down returning your attention to the show on the TV.

"You are coming tomorrow though, right?"

"Depends on if your nice to me or not." I smiled, sticking my tongue out. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he turned once more to the TV. A few hours later he left. Really, I kicked him out, insisting that he needed to get some sleep before his game. The first game of the season. It was important, and I prayed the Rangers won.

But, as my eyes jolted awake at the sound of my ringtone. I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. There were two reasons I could be getting a phone calla t this hour, someone died or one of my friends got too drunk and needed me to come pick them up. As I looked at the caller ID and saw Jimmy's name, I knew it was neither, and with piqued interest I answered the phone.

"Hi." I breathed, my voice still heavy with sleep.

"What's up"

"Jimmy, It's three in the morning. You better now have called me to say what's up." I groaned groggily, as my hand slid over my face, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"At three in the morning?" I asked, trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. These were precious sleep hours and he was disrupting them.

"Yeah, this was a bad idea, I'll le-" He started before I interrupted him.

"Well, I'm awake now." I yawned, stretching my arms over my head as I laid the phone next to me on the pillow. "So what's keeping you awake?"

The line went silent for a second, before I heard a sigh. "I don't know." Jimmy exhaled. He sounded stressed, anxious, restless. "I know we were joking around earlier but you're coming tomorrow, right?" He asked. "To the game?" He clarified.

"Do you want me there?"

"Of course." He answered instantly.

"Then I'll be there."

"Good." He said softly. The line went quiet yet again. I was waiting for him to say something, to tell me what was really on his mind. But, still, silence filled the air.

"Jimmy?" I asked.


"It's just like every other game." I reminded him, knowing that I was opening the door that he wanted to stay close. But, I also knew that that was the reason that he called me.

"I-" He started. "I just want this season to be better."

"I know." That was the hardest thing about being his friend, seeing him lose, especially when all he wanted was to win- not in an overly competitive way, but in a not-letting-everyone-down way. And that was how he felt after last season, and I would give anything not to see him like that again.

"It will be." I encouraged, trying to leave some positivity in his head.

I sat there staring at the phone, letting my words linger. The conversation was over, both of us knew that, but for some reason I couldn't hang up the phone. I just wanted to stay there for forever, in the comforting silence his presence brought. And, I could tell he felt the same.

"I should get to sleep." He said. I could hear the exhaustion in his voice, and I reminded myself that I should probably also be doing the same.

"Yeah." I breathed.


It was silly, I felt like a teenager wrapped up in her first love, unable to hang up the phone, but here I was unable to hang up the phone.

But, eventually I had to, and even though I knew it was only going to be a few hours until I next spoke to him, it was near impossible to get myself to push that little red button. 
