4 ¤ Sorry Mr. Playboy

          Traffick was practically horrendous. Especially the main road so we have no choice than to turn left towards an intersection that made Ann 10 to 15 minutes late from work. After a spontaneous parallel parking performed by no other than a specific brunette, a former racer from her youthful days, which insisted that she would be drop-off first. Katreena unexpectedly found herself in the driver's seat.

"Ok, this is my stop. Remember, even the simplest scratch on my baby," She tapped her dark blue colored sports car referring to it as her precious baby. "You know what I'll do to you if that happens." We gulped and broke a sweat.

"But I thought I was your baby." I made a quick comment but was ignored after.

Katreena awkwardly saluted, "You can count on me!"

"You better. I'll meet you guys in the mall at 5 tops." Ann reminded us while dusting her pastel pencil skirt. "See you guys later."

She ran past the guard with a simple smile but soon after she entered the gates, the bell rang. She missed her first period class and we swear we heard her mutter some cusswords. Ann only swears if she had reached her limit. She is never late for anything, but today we were the ones who caused it. Slowly but surely, Katreena started the engine and drove off so we wouldn't have to face another angry look from the fuming brunette.

"Are you sure about driving us? We both know you still have another month left before you could retake your driver's test." I asked a little worried.

"No biggy, V. I got this. I can get pass this clog in no time."

Suddenly she sped up, rapidly increasing the speed of the car each time she overtook the other vehicles and went on, like trying to win some nonexistent race. The most instinctive reaction would be to hold on to something for dear life but I only closed my eyes just praying and hoping for the best.

As we draw closer to our near destination the car slowed down to a normal speed, and parked in an average way than what Ann would have done it.

"We're here." Katreena cheered.

Even so, I feel more safer with the dexterous, calm brunette than the redhead with a devil-may-care attitude beside me.


"This is so good! Ann is clearly missing out." The laid-back redhead said, leisurely sipping on her fancy caffeinated drink near the window. "You both have such boring jobs though. No offense."

I rolled my eyes, "None taken."

She received a call a moment ago that her class appointment was rescheduled and so with a lot of time to kill she decides to hang out with me. In addition, Mayriel called a day off that alleviates me some of the stress awaiting my punishment for being late, which left me with Jason giving me a faint smirk.

Katreena is also the only customer in this place so there's no harm in dillydallying from time to time. It is a slow day anyways.

Speaking of my coworker, he isn't his "charming" self today. I've gotten used by his usual antics by now that, in one way, I notice that he is currently avoiding me. No direct contact, no cheesy greetings, no visible harassments. That's a good sign though. But I feel something seem kind of off.

"This is cute. I thought of looking for a bandage in my room but I forgot to do it. Where did you find this?" My attention was snapped short and I turned to Katreena holding my left hand, tracing her thumb over my wrist covered with the flashy bandage I put after the early incident this morning.

The yellow bandage is relatively more like a safeguard to prevent from possible trouble from happening in the future like avoiding panic concerning the nature of the strange disappearance of the wound.

Deep breaths.

I sighed an audible breath. It is very much overwhelming and I still feel uneasy if I think more about it. My head is filled with superstitious guesses, and assumptions but it all leads to a dead-end. But thanks to the bandage with the silly smiley face, it is a good concealment until further notice.

"Oh, y-yeah. Just some guy gave it to me."

In few brief seconds, I finally heard what I had said, and slapped my hands over my mouth. Realizing that I slipped, I'm now mentally preparing myself for the expected hundred-dollar question from my nosy best friend.

I jumped as she slammed her hands down on the table and pulled herself up ready to fire an interrogation,

"What guy?" She said in her most intimidating and serious tone.

I could only think of one logical way by trying to swerve the conversation on a lame excuse, but I was saved by an unanticipated Jason calling my name. Katreena groaned as she can't do anything about it and signalled that she's letting me go. Well, for now. She'll squeeze the information out of me later.

While I ploddingly walked my way to the back room, I watched Jason's movements carefully transferring the cheesecake baked in a pressed-crumbed Oreos cookies shell on a large plate from the cool rack. Afterwards, he reached up for the upper drawer and took a jar filled with what looks like Polvoron wrapped in shiny red wrappers. The sight of the dainty dessert and candy made my mouth water.

Inimically, he finally acknowledged my presence and stared at me for a moment.

"Is there something you wanted me to do?" I asked, albeit a bit weirded out by the fact that he's wearing a serious expression and not the usual smug look on his face for a change.

"Nothing.." He said in a low voice. "I mean. . .I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look today."

Ah, and he's back. I must have look at it the wrong way. The Jason I know wouldn't miss an opportunity to flirt with me. I never get a break from him for always checking my butt as well. He is annoying like that.

"No need. I made sure I looked at a mirror and put some cream to cover my blemishes." I bantered.

"Still, you're always easy on the eyes." He chuckled, "Could you design a tag showing the prices of these? And put them on display later."

I grinned, feeling a little flattered at his passably genuine compliment, "Sure thing."

Jason Carlyle, he is actually a pretty big deal. His father is a CEO of a big company and just because they have loads of money he thought he can get away with anything. Except for two tight lawsuits. Humiliating an underpaid journalist and punching a son of another powerful man in a private nightclub was his own undoing. That's why he ended up here in this part of the city. He was given the disciplinary measure to work here by his father for cleaning up the mess that he made. A rich typical playboy who's on a time-out. And I'm pretty sure he's seeing two other women at the same time right now or so that's what he always brags about to me. There are some days we get along and some days I just can't stand him. But what all it is worth I consider him as a friend, well, depending on the terms we're in.

Today, we're good.

I walked to Mayriel's desk, and handpicked some coloring materials and pieces of white cardboards. Then I carried on to my subtle workspace. Laying them around in an orderly manner, I begin to casually label and doodle what was fairly asked of me to do. A little calligraphy and elegant flowers here and there should just about does it.


"A customer?" I glanced at the window of the door to see a silhouette of a man. "Jason, there's an awaiting cus---"

"Yeah, I know." I glanced behind me to the one who spoke.

He stared at me again for the longest time yet, but I was the first one to break eye contact. I duck my head and pretended I was still working with the price tags even though I am already done. I can still feel his eyes on me until I heard him go outside and consequently attending the regular.

What the heck was that?

Those cryptic golden eyes was like speaking in an another foreign language. He never gave me this kind of scrutiny before.

What is he trying to say to me?

"Are you done?"


As I turned around to face him, he chortled, "I'm sorry that I startled you, Vyera. I meant to ask if you need any help in carrying those?"

"Oh.. Oh! No, no. It's okay. I-I got it." I mentally scolded myself for stuttering.  "You finished fast. What did the customer want?"

"It was nothing. He just asked for something."

"What was it?"

"Doesn't matter." He shrugged his shoulder. "Also, your friend there looks like she'll hurt me if I don't let you go anytime soon. I don't doubt she will hesitate to throw a table at me. I think she doesn't like me."

I playfully flaunted an eyeroll, "Jason, I also don't like you the first time we met."

"Is that so?" He smirked. "So that means you like me now, Miss Claire."

Here we go again.

Just when I would sass my way out of an unlikely prospect of a flirting session, it was sudden, but he looked at me with downcast eyes that I have never seen before.

Like he is. . .

"Listen, Vyera. I won't hold you here for too long. You can get the extra hours off so that your friend would stop looking at me like she would kill just to get you back. I am not even holding you hostage. You work here for heaven's sake!" He stopped and crossed his arms. "I think what I am trying to say than what I was blabbling about is that I am-m. . .s-sorry."

...he's sorry.

"I know it was the day before yesterday. But I really am sorry." He glanced at my wrist.

"Oh no, no. I am okay now, but.." I smiled. "I would like if you respect my boundaries and keep your hands at bay, hm."

"Y-Yeah. Sorry again." He scratched the back of his head.

"Whoa, man! The great Jason Carlyle just apologized to me 3 times in a day." I snickered. "How are you holding up there, buddy?"

"Shut up." He looked away with visible flushed ears. How cute. I didn't think this day would come where I could witnessed an unexpected adorable and caring side from Jason the Terrible.

I threw my apron and cap inside my locker, and called out to Katreena that we're leaving. I waved at the man left behind the counter before closing the door, "I'll give you my thanks tomorrow. See you."

On the foggy glass window, I saw a glimpse of a genuine smile on his handsome features of a face. I do find that jerk, let's just say, well-favored. I wouldn't tell him that though.
