"B-but he's in prison?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he can't escape"


You're phone went off, you go pick it up. You already know who it is so you put it on speaker phone.

"Aah, see you managed to avoid the bomb, now now, hey Oka senpai, can you hear me! I gather you can! Hehe, you betrayed me for that witch, but don't worry! I'll get rid of her! She'll suffer!"

Oka suddenly snatched the phone off you.

"O-over my dead body!"

You heard him chuckle down the phone, it's actually sickening
"Really, well you know, maybe that's for the best, if I can't have Oka senpai no one can!"

You suddenly hear a rustle at the door, Oka grabs your arm.

"Well, see you soon, and by that I mean very soon, hahahahaha!"

He hung up.

You heard creaking in the hall.

You grab a pan from the kitchen.

"On the count of three, we open the door"


This is it, what happens next could effectively end you.


Who knows what could happen.


You open the door


"Huh, um sweetie what are you doing?  hi Oka, how's it been while I've been gone, be honest with me, you been doing the dirty haven't you"


"W-what exactly do you mean"

You quickly whisper to Oka what he meant

"Ooh, oh, n-no we haven't"

"Aww, shame, I was wondering who's seme and who's Uke"

"Dad can you go please!!!"

"You've not told me why you just ran at me with a pan screaming"

"ooh, well......"

"W-we thought you were someone else"

"Okay, but who"


"A burgular!"

"Ooh, well that's understandable I guess"

He walks upstairs

"well, see you later, I've got hella bad jet lag"

"'Hella bad'" you giggle

As soon as he's gone you quickly go into the kitchen.

"W-what do we do"

"I-I don't know, but" you pull out some kitchen knifes

"Something tells me we're going to need this"

Then, there's a knock at the door.

You go to it, holding one of the knifes, you open it.


"Come on! We don't have much time!" She ran in


She runs in your kitchen and rummages through your draws.

"Seriously, you have literally no knifes!"

"W-well actually" Oka pointed at the knifes on the table.

"Okay, grab one, we need to go"

"Why are you even here?!"

Ayano turned to you

"...I suppose I should explain, Taro Yamada is trying to kill you both"

"Yeah.....we know, that doesn't explain why you're here"

"Oh, well, someone sent me, listen he's going to be here any minute, it's not only you he's after"

"Who else?"

"Well, me for starters, there's the school nurse, and....."

"And who"

"Info chan"

"I-info chan?" Oka asked

"Come on!"

There was suddenly a big crash, the front door was broken down.

"Guess who's here~!"

"...out the back, now!"

Ayano quickly ran a and busted the back door.

"Couldn't you just open it!"

"Come on!"

You sigh, you grab Okas arm and start running.

"w-wait! What about Mr Saitou!?"

"My dad can take care of himself! Let's go!"

You hear Taro run in as you are about to leave.


You quickly throw a pan and it hits him in the face.

"That should slow him down! Let's go!" You and Oka run out the door

"Oh, you'll regret that"

You run to Ayano

"Where now?!"


"Please tell me you thought this through"



Taro is running over

"You thought you could escape?! Hahaha!"

She turned to a car and noticed the keys were inside

"In! Now!"

She smashed the window and jumped in

"Let's go!"

you quickly open the door, you and Oka get in

"Not so fast!" Taro was about to slash the tyres when Ayano put her foot down on the pedal and sped off.

But he grabbed the bonnet.

He managed to open the boot.


Ayano threw a gun at you

"Now! Shoot!"

You grab the gun and get ready to shoot.

Taro grabbed Okas arm, you quickly shoot him in the hand.

"Aah!" He let go and fell out of the back

you quickly close the boot.

Oka Higgs you

Ayano keeps driving the car as fast as possible.

You drive to the hospital and run in, you go in to see your old school nurse flirting with a man with a broken arm.

"Come on let's go"

"Aww, but I was having a lovely discussion with, what was your name again? Bob?"


"You know why let's go!"

You all get back in the car and speed off, until it gets dark.

"Guess we should stop here"
Ayano swirved onto a field.

"You guys should sleep, I'll stay on guard."

Sure as heck, ten minutes later she was sleeping like a baby.

You can't though.

Oka is a sleep leaning on your shoulder. The nurse is asleep in the boot, she's snoring, it's pretty annoying.

You hear your phone vibrate and answer it.


"Hello, so, I'm gathering you sent Ayano?"

Info chan giggled

"Maybe, she's already involved now anyway, but let me just make this clear she gets hurt Taro won't be the only thing that you'll need to worry about"

"Got it"

"Okay, I hope you're having fun, if you wreck the car you have to pay for repairs"

"Why did I know that was you?"

"Because you know me"

She chuckles down the phone.

"Well, believe it or not even I need sleep, I'll be in contact soon"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

She hung up, you sigh stroking Okas hair.

Then, you realise you have a voice mail.

"Hi Megami! How's if going! I hope you know I'm coming soon"

You hear Taro grit his teeth

"And when I do, ooh, I'm gonna rip you to pieces!"
