The next week you go into school, you get told you are allowed your job back as the student council president, you are actually not sure but decide to take it, you had to do a little speech in front of the school, everyone seemed to treat you the same as before, as if what happened with Rio had never happened.

On the way out you bump into Oka and Ayano talking to each over. You walk over and join them hastily.

"How's it going"

"H-hi Meg chan, it's going great"

".........good I guess" the other girl mumbled

"Hey Ayano, I don't see you talking to a lot of people"

"......is that so........"

"Hey guys~!" Taro walked over to you.

You see Ayanos face go a bright shade of pink, you stare at her confusedly.

"I-I have to go....." She quickly ran off

"Huh? What's up with her?" Taro asked

"Huh, Meg chan are you okay?"

You realise you've been staring into space

"yeah, I'm fine." You smile .

Now you have power back, you can possibly use it to help catch Ayano. But was it really right to presume it was her, she could have actually just found the knife and gone in that toilet by chance, no, it had to be her.

You tell the staff to start getting cameras installed emediatly, you even offer some from your farthermost business. You then suggest security checks. Everyone seems extremely confused to why, Ronshaku seemed pissed that they found her cigarettes. You had to be careful though, you think they sort of figured it was to do with the murders though, so they didn't argue.

You go to class half asleep, you'd been up all night trying to figure out a motive for all this killing. You had one idea it particularly seemed to make sense, what if Ayano had gone yandere, and Taro was her senpai...

That's silly though, right? They were only in those manga and anime Pippi had shoved in your face in first year.

"M-Meg chan" Oka quickly nudges you to get your attention, the entire class is looking at you.

"Well miss Sakou, what is the answer?"


"Uh, um, 7, no 8 no-"

"7 was correct" they all turned around again.

Oka pokes your arm again. She showed you the two pages of work you were meant to do. You quickly copy most of it, changing some of the answers so they didn't look the same, though really it was because they were wrong but you didn't say that.

"Thanks" you quickly whisper

She smiled "no problem"

You felt your face blushing, Okas smile was cute.

But then you saw her looking at the side of your book confusedly, you look to see, you've been scribbling in the corner about the whole murder thing, you quickly scribble over it

After you and Oka both go onto the roof, you see Mai and Midori cuddled up on one of the benches, at least they weren't eating each overs faces today, you don't like seeing other people make out because it felt extremely awkward.

You Sit on a bench next to Oka, and guess who comes running over....

Taro Fucking Yamada

There is nothing wrong with this guy, except every time you and Oka talk he seems to show up, like really.

"Hey guys! Ooh do you have bento boxes, so do I, hehe~! Mind if I join you" you nod, you guess you do feel sorry for him, he's not really got a lot of friends other than that Budo and well....

He sits himself down next to Oka and starts blabbing on about something, you don't really listen, nor care. You notice Odayaka walking over to you, she's really nice actually, she brings everyone cake all the time.

"Hi guys ~!"

"Hi~!" Senpai yelled whilst chewing food.

"Um....I was wondering, would you maybe come talk with me, in private senpai?"

"Sure" he nodded standing up and walking off. They go down the stairs.

"I Wonder what that was abou-"


You hear someone yell, it sounded like Taro. Pretty much everyone gets up and runs down the stairs, in the corridor, Odayaka had been stabbed in the neck, Ayano and Taro were both covered in blood and Ayano had a knife in her hand.

One of the teachers quickly apprehended her.

"I-it wasn't me!"

"Be quiet! We need to call the police!"

"I-I swear! This isn't the last you'll see of me!"  She said being dragged into a police van.

The whole school was crowded around the gate. You sigh, everyone seems, shocked, as you would imagine, you were just relieved that it was over, finally. Now there would be no more deaths.

You get to go home early, you and Oka walk home together, you don't speak but you feel comfort from each overs presence. You decide, it time you got something off your chest.



You take in a deep breath.

"I-I'm.....glad to have you as a friend"

"T-thank you, I'm glad to have you too. I-I gotta go this way now, see you"

As she walks away you quickly run up to her and gently tug her sleeve.

"N-no, that's not what I was gonna say, O-Oka, I-I" you take in a deep breath "I think I love you!"

To be continued....btw this is me trying to make a good cliffhanger, oh also LOOK AT THIS I FOUND!!!

The ship actually exists!!!

Also I'm gonna do another book soon but I don't know what ship, any ideas?
