30- Some encounters are hard.

Zoya came back to her seat after a meeting with the boss about the event and she was very exausted.
She stretched and yawned as soon as she got to her seat.
"Want some iced Americano?" SoJoon asked leaning on her table.
Zoya took a deep breath thinking of it.
The ice which she needed with her favourite flavoured coffee and some-
"Do you want or not?" Joon asked interrupting her dreams.
"Yes please Joonie. But a decaf" Zoya said.
Joon smiled wide and replied
"Sure Noona"
('Noona' is a word most often used to address older sister or whom they are close to.)
Zoya smiled back.
"And I want a c-"
"Coffee Latte? I know." Joon said interrupting SiHye.
"For you Joonie? " Zoya asked.
Joon thought for a long time while Zoya and SiHye were staring at him.
"I'll figure it out soon" He said scratching his head.

As soon as Joon left, SiHye sprang into her seat next to Zoya smiling wide.
Zoya looked at her.
"Joonie is so cute" SiHye said.
Zoya sighed. "Why don't you tell him that you like him?" Zoya shot up.
"I'm not sure about my feelings." SiHye pouted.
"Aish, This girl." Zoya sighed.
"By the way Zoya-ssi, How did you sleep last night? " Si Hye asked coming closer to Zoya.
Zoya immediately remembered Aditya.
"What do you mean? " Zoya asked looking at her in the corner of her eyes.
"You and Aditya, Bed time stories, Blushing..." Si Hye smiled wide.
"Where you over hearing? " Zoya asked.
"Not entirely but a little. My room is next to yours Zoya-ssi."
Zoya looked at her.
After a brief staring contest SiHye finally commented.
"You should keep it low when you do anything with Aditya in the future at home."
Zoya gasped and pushed Si Hye away.
"You are really hoping for it, Aren't you? " Zoya asked.
Si Hye laughed looking at an Embarresd Zoya.

"Are you sure that he is going to come here? " Aditya asked Yash.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. He said in the office cafeteria." Yash replied.
"A coffee Latte" The waitress called out.
Aditya and Joon picked the same cup.
Joon looked at Aditya and bowed to him with a smile.
"Hello Aditya-ssi" SoJoon said.
"Oh, Hi So Joon." Aditya replied shaking his hands.
"So how is Korea? Are you comfortable? " Joon asked.
"Yeah, The place is very pleasant and comfortable."
"Very nice to hear that."
"Sir, Your Iced Americano, Coffee latte and iced tea." The waitress gave the parcel to Joon.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe this is yours." Joon said and gave the coffee latte to Aditya which he was going to take by mistake.
"It's fine."
"But, What makes you both here? " Joon asked.
"We came to meet your boss, He said he is going to come but it's getting kind of late." Yash replied.
"oh that, The boss might be stuck in a meeting with the CEO. It's so sudden so no one knows when he would come back." Joon replied.
Aditya and Yeah nodded.
"Don't worry, He'll come. Oh he is here"
The boss entered the cafeteria.
He looked exhausted.
Joon bowed to him and smiled widely.
"Good morning."
"Sir are you alright?" Joon asked looking at his condition and tiredness.
The boss took a deep breath to reply.
"I think so." The boss replied.
"Should I get anything for you? "
"It's fine you seem to be taking something already."
"Yeah, It's for Noona and Si Hye."
The boss smiled and let him go.
The boss ordered and looked beside him to see Aditya and Yash who were staring at him already with eagle eyes.
The boss was startled to look at them.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you wait for a long time?"

"Waah, The office is really pretty! " Yash said.
The boss, Who was guiding them nodded and walked ahead.
"Our manager-nim designed this office and she takes care of it properly." The boss said with a proud daddy like smile.
"Ah, Who is the manager?" Yash asked.
"You'll see soon."

"Thank you so much Joonie! " Zoya said as she sipped her iced Americano.
"Anytime, Here coffee latte." Joon said and was handing it to Si Hye.
"hmm." Si Hye replied but didn't take her eyes from the computer screen nor did she move an inch.
"Si Hye-ssi, Take it soon" Joon said. Si Hye kept her eyes glued to the screen.
He held it and stood beside her.
He let a brief sigh out looking at her.
Si Hye noticed it and stood up to take it from him.
"Aah, Finally." So Joon said as she took it from him.

"Oh, OH, OH GOSH!" Zoya exclaimed.
Joon and Si Hye looked at her.
Zoya had spilled some of her iced Americano on her white top while she attempted to take her file which had fallen down.
"OMG. Zoya-ssi you should change." Si Hye said.
Joon took the file and the remaining cup from Zoya to get up.
"Yeah, I guess." Zoya replied.
"You didn't have to be in such a hurry." Joon said.
"It's okay, You could wear my clothes." Joon offered.
Zoya and SiHye looked at him in shock.
"Did I say something wrong?" Joon asked studying their expressions.
"No, It's fine Joonie. It's ju-"
"It's not." Joon said hesitantly.
"Well, You know, It's a white top and..." He started.
They looked confused.
Joon leaned closer to Zoya and whispered.
His ears were turning red for some reason.
"I could see through those damp clothes." He said.
Joon slightly looked down.
Zoya and Si Hye also did.
"Oh. I have to change." Zoya said.
Joon nodded and got his clothes.
"Here." He handed over his shirt to Zoya.
"How do you have clothes at office? Do you always have extra ones?" Si Hye asked him.
"No, I wore them yesterday and I sent them for cleaning. It came today so I decided to keep it in office." He said.
"oh, OK change fast." Si Hye said and sent Zoya.

Zoya came out wearing Joon's clothes.
Surprisingly, It suited her.
It wasn't too big but was loose and comfortable.
It fit her well and complimented her looks.
It also suited for the office environment.
"Waah, Daebak. " Si Hye exclaimed.
"It's not bad." Zoya said.
"Yeah, It looks good on you." Joon said which shook Si Hye and Zoya again.
Joon rarely gives such compliments or he would be too shy to give such complements.
Yet again, Joon noticed their expressions.
"The truth has to be told out one day. " Joon said.
Si Hye and Zoya cracked up listening to it.
"Thank you so much Joonie." Zoya said.
"It's okay, I happened to have extra ones so I offered."
"Oh Wow Joo-"
"This is our manager-nim. " The boss said blasting through the door.
Aditya and Yash followed him and Yash was shocked to see Zoya.
"Oh my God Zoya! " Yash said and hugged her, Pushing Aditya and the boss away.
Zoya hugged him back.
She was confused too.
Few years ago she worked under him and now he is her client.
Should she call him 'Sir' or 'Yash' or 'Client'?
Never mind, She called him 'Sir' anyway.
"Hi sir." She said.
"Sir? Again? You could call me Yash, Zoya." Yash said.
Zoya smiled.
Yash turned and there stood Aditya, Glaring at him as if Yash did something that he shouldn't have done in his entire life.
Yash moved away from Zoya looking at that stare.
"Wow! So you all know each other. Aditya-ssi and Yash-ssi, This is Zoya who is the manager and this is Min So Joon and park Si Hye, The assistants." The boss introduced.
"And this is Adi-"
"Aditya, Game designer." Zoya interrupted the boss and said.
"Great so you know each other." The boss exclaimed.
"Yeah. " Aditya said and went to Zoya.
She lifted her hand for a hand shake but Aditya pulled her hand in for a hug.
Zoya was startled by the sudden hug from Aditya.
Zoya hugged him back for a few seconds but he withdrew sooner.
He just went back to Yash and plastered  a smile across his face.
Zoya sensed that something was wrong and turned to Si Hye.
Si Hye was fangirling looking At Aditya and Zoya.

"I'll inform about some procedures to you Zoya-ssi for this project." The boss said to Zoya.
Zoya nodded and stated to listen to Him.
A few seconds later, Her eyes automaticalky went to Aditya, She saw him going out of the room without looking turning to look at her even once.
Zoya went back to her work without hesitating.

"Adi, What happened?  Aren't you happy to see Zoya after years?" Yash asked as they were heading to their accommodation.
"I don't know if I should be happy or heartbroken." Aditya replied.
"Why, Is something wrong? "
"Did you notice her clothes? Min so Joon wore it yesterday to the airport and she is wearing it today."
Yash was puzzled.
"So? They might have similar looking clothes." Yash said.
"That's what I thought. But after I hugged her I sensed a boyish scent."
Yash looked confused but still tried to rub those thoughts off his mind.
"Nah, I don't think she would be in a relationship or anything. You are not having a clear mind." Yash tried to console.
"Let's see." Aditya said and looked out through the window.

"I don't want to loose Zoya, Again"

🐥 You have read till here so might as well give you a glimpse of the next chapter 🐥

"We have decided to go meet the designer ourselves. So Zoya has to accompany them."
"Along with Aditya-ssi?"
"Any doubts?"

Thank you for reading! Please don't forget to comment. I honestly love to read all of your comments and to reply to them.
Stay healthy and happy!
Hakuna Matata
