'The first couple safe, in no particular order, is.... Paige and Finn.' We smile slightly, clapping as they sit down.

'The next couple staying in the villa is.... Saoirse and Callum. Take a seat.' I breathe a deep sigh of relief, kissing him quickly as we sit back down. 'I hate this so much.' I whisper, barely audible as I look at the floor. There was only Mike, Leanne, Sophie, Connor, Nas and Siannise left. At least one of them was going home.

'The third couple saves by the public is.... Leanne and Mike.' We all clap, bittersweet for the last two couples.

'Only one more couple has been saved by the public. The final safe couple is.... Siannise and Nas.' Everyone looked shocked, especially Siannise and Nas. 'Well done, take a seat.'

That left Connor and Sophie.

'Sophie and Connor, you have received the fewest votes from the public. And both of you are vulnerable. But, only one of you will leave the villa tonight.' My jaw drops as there's a couple of gasps.

'And that decision is down to your fellow islanders.' My heart falls to the pit of my stomach, my head falling into my hands.

We had to pick between Sophie. And Connor.

'Sophie and Connor come and join me.' I shake my head.

'Safe couples, you now must decide who gets to stay on the island, and who gets dumped tonight.' I close my eyes again. 'Oh my god.' 'You must save either Sophie or Connor.'

We get given a few minutes to make our decision and Luke squared, Jess and Rebecca don't get to join in the vote.

'We all love both of them.' Nas shakes his head. 'Either way this villa loses.' I add, not sure at all what to do. 'All the boys are gonna wanna save Connor, all the girls will wanna save Sophie. So. How. How do we make this decision?' I finish, shaking my head.

This was so shit.

'I don't think I can let him go honestly. He's like a brother.' Callum says. 'But, I don't think he could stay here without her. He wouldn't want to get to know anyone else. So if we save him, would it be pointless?'

I try to be reasonable as nobody else seems to be talking.

'I agree.' Paige, Siannise and Nas nod at me. 'He's head over heels for Sophie.'

'I think Soph would have a better time in here.' Finn starts. 'But if we sent Connor home would she get to know anyone else?' Callum fights for Connor.

'I think if we saved Connor, he'd just be thinking about her all the time.' Siannise adds. 'See I don't know. I don't think he would.' I close my eyes.

'You're just saying that because he's your mate.' I shake my head.

'I can't, I can't send Sophie home.' I place my forehead in my palm. 'It's impossible. Impossible decision. Sophie's like my sister.' Nas agrees.

'We just need to make sure we're making the right decision for the right reasons.' Leanne whispers. 'I know it's hard because we don't wanna send anyone home but we haven't got a choice now.' Siannise says and we all nod. 'Who do we pick?' 'I actually can't call it.'

'I'm gonna be sick.' I sit back, holding my head.

'I know I'm shaking.' Callum and Leanne sigh too.

'I feel like we've just gotta vote.' Mike sighs and we all agree. 'Yeah. Just vote. Hold one finger for Sophie, two for Connor.' Everyone nods at me.

'3,2,1.' Callum and Finn pick Connor whereas the rest of us pick Sophie, Callum's face dropping. 'Okay. That's it. We've just gotta do it, or we'll be here all night.' Paige sighs, everyone nodding.

We move to sit back in out places.

'Okay Islanders. That's time. I know that this is really tough. But you now need to give your decision.'

We all turn to Mike.

None of the rest of us could bare to do it.

'This has been the hardest decision for us. Because we love both Connor and Sophie. Not just as friends. But as family.' I grab Callum's hand as he lays his head on my shoulder.

'Seeing either of them go's gonna be a massive blow for us. We've decided to save this islander, because they're an amazing person. They bring a lot of positive energy to the villa, we feel like if they were to stay that they would make the most of the opportunity.'

'Who would you like to save? Sophie or Connor?' My heart clenches.

'The islander we would like to save, is...... Sophie.' Everyone cracks, all of us devastated.

'Congratulations Sophie. Connor I'm so sorry. You're time on Love Island is over. You've got 30 minutes to pack up and say your goodbyes.' Callum rushes straight over to give him a hug and I hug Sophie quickly.

'I'm so so sorry Connor.' I bite my lip. 'I don't want you to go.' I frown, we were so close. We all were. This was awful. 'You ok?' He nods. 'Yeah I'm good, I'm good.' We head back over to Sophie and she hugs Connor.

We head back up and into the dressing room, all of us packing his stuff up as he chats to Sophie.

'She won't walk. He'll tell her to stay.' Paige whispers. 'No. If you don't walk after your twin.' I add. 'Nah. She won't.' Siannise nods. They re appear and we all say goodbye, Paige and I cuddling as we clap him goodbye.

Then Soph breaks down.

I can tell Callum's annoyed at us, he really wanted to keep Connor.

I take Sophie a tea up to the dressing room. Giving her a cup as she starts crying. 'Awh babe.' I cuddle her.

'Are you sad because you're gonna miss him?' I whisper. 'It's just such a shit situation. I just don't know what to do. Because I feel like, if he got picked, he'd have left with me.' I sit beside her.

'That's why he wasn't picked Soph. You're lucky you've met him. You've got him, you know he's waiting.' She nods. 'It's just so shit.' She cries as I rub her back. 'It is. It's really shit. You never have to put makeup on again.' She manages a slight laugh as Paige joins us.

'I think. You didn't come in with each other, you need to enjoy yourself and enjoy your time.' I tell her, Paige nodding too.

'You can starfish tonight.' Paige says. 'I don't wanna starfish.' 'Okay, then get in with me and Callum.' She laughs slightly.

'I think fresh set of PJ's, lashes off, hair up.' Paige says and I nod. 'And listen. We'll cook you whatever breakfast you want.' I add as she pouts at me. 'Can I have french plaits?' I laugh. 'You can have french plaits every damn day.' She smiles.

'I love you girls, so much.' She pulls us both into hugs. 'We love you more.' We group cuddle, then we all get ready for bed, Callum and Sophie already asleep when the rest of us get in.
