'Hey babe!' I hug Paige as soon as I find her, sat alone on the couch outside the dressing room.

'Oh hey!' She was upset. I could tell.

'Did you talk to Finn? I could tell you weren't happy when I left?' She turns to me.

'You're such a gem. It's unreal. Yeah, we had a bit of an argument, I don't even wanna_' She looks really upset.

'You don't need to, it's fine.' I pull her into a hug. 'How was your date!?' She perks up a bit. 'Mate.' I mumble, just incase anyone's listening. 'Fucking hell. I-' I open and close my mouth about 5 times.

'Oh my god. Sursh!' She sits up.

'Is he your type?' She whispers and I nod. 'He literally is me, but a boy version.' I cover my mouth. 'Oh, Sursh.' She widens her eyes.

'He was like such a gentleman. And he kept giving me loads of compliments. I was laughing the whole time. I think, it's made me doubt myself, I don't know if I've put myself in a situation where I'm in too deep though.' I bite my nail as her mouth drops. 'I'm gonna have to sleep on it. Like serious.' I shake my head as she smiles.

'I tell you what, I've not seen you like this, the whole time we've been in this villa.' She tells me, still whispering.

'Really?' My eyes widen and she nods. 'Shit.'

'But we need to go and chat with Siannise, see how her and Luke T went.' I drag her upstairs, finding all the girls sat on the day beds.

'There you are sexy lady! We thought we lost ya!' Sophie laughs. 'Ahh, no just needed a hoodie!' I shrug my shoulders around, cozy in my oversized Purpose Tour hoodie.

I didn't even realise hahahahahah.

Lol. Help.

'So. How was it!?' I ask Siannise. 'He literally sounded so good for you! Like honestly! I could hear laughter, compliments, champagne flowing. And oh my god what was that cuddle at the start!?' I gasp and she grins.

'You know what, I'm actually proper feeling him Sursh.' I squeal. 'Ahhh yeahhhh!!' I hug her. 'He was defo feeling you too, I could tell.' I nod and the girls all coo.

'Right, so now. It's operation Siannuke.' I wiggle my eyebrows and the girls all laugh loudly, attracting the boys' attention.

'Right, I'm gonna go grab Callum quick, I'll see you all in a min.' I wave, hurrying off.

'Hiya!' I hug him. 'Hi. You alright.' He asks me, kissing my cheek. 'Yeah, you? Do you wanna go sit somewhere?' I ask him and he nods, both of us heading into the living room.

'So how was the date?' He asks and I think about it.

What do I say?

'It was alright, not bad. He's a really nice guy. He'll be good in here.' I nod, starting off kind of calm.

But I was panicking.

'Do you like him?' He looks nervous.

'I'm not gonna lie, he is my type. And I'm gonna be completely honest, I do like him a little bit. But I don't think it's strong enough for me to act on it, if that makes sense. Because, we're doing so well.' He nods. 'Yeah, yeah I get ya.'

'Like I don't want to lie to you, I don't want to lie to him. I just think, yeah I do like him, he's my type. But, I'm not actively looking.' I fumble my way through the conversation.

'No. I appreciate that. I appreciate you telling me straight away.' He nods, smiling slightly. 'Okay good. No reason to worry. I'm good.' I grin, I was lying to myself a little bit, but I could keep that to myself.

'And like, I'm not in here to lie, to muck around, I'm being serious. I do think though, having that little bit of something for a second did kind of scare me a little bit.' He frowns at me.

'How? What do you mean?' I sigh. 'I really really like where we're going and everything, but I've just. It's only just hit me kind of the magnitude of how I feel. Like I do really really like you, I've just. I've been here before, thinking I'm with someone good, trusting them and then got so hurt. And I just can't do that again.' I tell him and he nods.

'Yeah. I understand. I'm not here to muck around. I'm not that guy.'

'I'm not gonna hurt ya.'

I smile at his smile. 'Sounds good to me.' I grin.

'Come here, idiot.' He pulls me into a long kiss, both of us grinning. 'What are you doing to me? I was having heart palpitations after you left.' He says and I laugh. 'Awe, really!?' 'Yeah! I'd have been gutted if you said you wanted to get to know him.' I laugh, suppressing my inner feelings.

'Nah, we're alright.'

It was true. I did feel happy.

I felt happy with Luke too, don't get me wrong. But was it really worth the risk, getting to know him when I don't really know him? I'd been with Callum for two and a bit weeks now. Though it felt like months.

I was starting to trust him. And I think that was what scared me, but if I wasn't open to trying to trust him, nothing would ever happen.

So I did it, I made a choice in the moment. I chose Callum like he chose me over Eve, over Rebecca. He'd proven himself.

And I was finally happy to say that.

I just hoped I wouldn't regret it.
