Well... This Is Awkward...

I awoke yet again in the middle if the night. (Seriously i have got to start taking some sleeping pills or something!) Well tonight I had a good reason to be awake, Leon was making so much noise, even if my eyes weren't open (too much work.) I knew it was him because I could no longer feel his warmth. He must have found a squirrel to play with.

 As I felt the cold washer over me, I shivered feeling sore all over. Cutting through a rose bush probable wasn't one of my best ideas. What's worse the arm that caught under Trevor’s bed now was killing me. (Crap I must've pulled something at least. Sleeping on it probably doesn't help.) I attempted to move, but failed. (Too... tired ... to ....move) I'm pathetic. I thought I heard someone chuckle before I dozed off, but being me, I didn't do anything about it. One thing I clearly remember hearing was the wagging of one happy dog and smell of a dead animal.

When I finally opened my eyes and decided to wake up, it wasn't by choice either. At least, the sun was shining this time. Leon had continuously been licking my face until I had to shove him off. He left me alone for a bit after that. I rolled onto my back and put my week arm on my belly. For a few minutes, I just laid there looking up at the ceiling, feeling myself soak up the sun. I missed times like this just being able to relax and forget about the world.

Soon my quiet moment was interrupted, when a big, fuzzy nose blocked my sight and I was covered in dog saliva once again.

"Okay. Okay. Down boy I'm getting up." My eyes widened as I shot up remembering what had been in his mouth a few short hours ago. Not two feet away from me was his half eaten friend. (Yuck! disgusting) "Oh G-d! Ew Leon! You nasty dog!" The dog just barked happily. I was gonna whack the dog over the head, but after looking into those crystal blue eyes, I had grown a soft spot for him and just lightly put my head against his. "You silly dog," I sighed. Out of my curiosity, I closed my eyes and listened. 

I heard varies things, the sound of birds and small critters, Leon's panting, my own heart beat, but none of these things seemed out of the ordinary, so I kept listening. Just when I was about to give up I heard it, a small whisper. (Wow that’s a shocker just when I’m about to give up something amazing happens.) I didn't dare open my eyes to see if anyone was there I just kept focusing on the whisper and soon it got louder and louder. Muffled words became actual sentences.

"Hello? Did you hear me? I said I was hungry feed me!" My hazel, brown eyes shot open. Leon had been barking at me the whole time. I could feel a grin grow on my face. (Holy Crap!! I did it!! I AM AWESOME!!! SUPER POWERS ROCK!) I flung my arms up with joy! Being that there always has to be something that has to go wrong, my bad arm flung into the side of the gazebo.

"OW!! SHIT OW, OW G-D DAMN IT!!!" I continued to curse as I crouched down and cradled my arm into my chest. If I didn't do something bad to it before I definitely did now. I shut my eyes tightly forcing myself not to let tears come out. Leon came closer to me, I knew this because he tried to lick me, but the thought of the dead animal in his mouth caused me to push him away. I sat there for a few minutes trying to calm myself down.

"Hey, um I know your hurt and all, but can we get some food," the dog barked. I just glared."Please..." he said tilting his head. I've played that trick on people so many times that I was unaffected. However, I had finally calmed down and I was kinda hungry myself.

"Whatever get me outta here and we can get some grub." I said pushing myself up with my good hand.

"Yahoo fooooood!" he howled. We walked for a while before I could recognize the back of the house. During that time I asked questions about dogs in general to Leon, he's pretty smart for his species.

Since I was too lazy to find a back entrance, so I just walked around to the front to notice a black limo parked near the door. Instead, of knocking I put my ear up to the door to hear people arguing, sure it was a little muffled but the things I did hear brought a huge smile on my face.

"You made her sleep where!?!" an extremely angry women shouted.

"This is not how we raised you to act!" A man said with disappointment. (He he he... Trevor's parents are pissed! Karma's a bitch ain't it!) I couldn't really hear anything after that, so I leaned my head closer into the door. Big mistake...

" I got it already! I'll Go find h-" Just then the door flung open and Trevor couldn't finish his sentence because I had accidently tackled him and was now sitting on his chest. An infamous grin formed on his face. "Easy there tiger, not in front of the parents." I glared and jumped off of him to see two pairs of eyes staring at me. A blue pair belonged to a woman with fire colored hair. She was wearing a bright red dress that looked a little too fancy for the morning. The owner of a green pair of eyes was a man with sleek black hair, currently wearing a three piece suit, which yet again looked too spiffy for the morning. The funniest part to me was that none of them looked a day over 35.(Gee... How typical....)

"Um... Hi..." I said sheepishly...(Well this is awkward...)


So Thats chapter Six. Also today I woke up and checked quizilla i have over a 1000 view and i was like freaking out and then i got a banner from some one and was like I'M LOVED it's not really what i pictured the charcters to be but it was still nice to get something! I am so happy right now! what would make this day even better is if you guys rated and commented as well thanks! STAY Awesome! * Fun Fact: Chinese Crested dogs can get acne
