I'm No Superman

My eyes tightened and moaned. I was about to wake up and for the first time in a while I really didn’t want to. Like usual my ears started working before my eyes did. I rolled on my back and tried to listen for something.

“Its amazing doctor Cox, things that would take weeks to heal are practically gone!” A man whispered.

“Lassie I’ve got eyes I can see she is healing faster than she’s supposed to. What I can’t figure out is why she’s still unconscious it’s been two days.” It was odd how the doctor referred to what I think is another male doctor as a girl name,(not to mention it was a girl name for dogs.) and yet, I was somehow okay with it.

It wasn’t surprising that I was healing faster than normal people. It’s like a bonus to the whole super powers thing. The only problem is that I sometimes absorb a person’s pain and I haven’t learned to control it.

My eyes shot open. I stared at two men one with a white coat and another with blue scrubs. Shit! I’m in a hospital! I was practically surrounded by my own kryptonite. (Ironic I know, since I wanted to be a doctor and all…)

“Hey look at that she woke up!” The man in the blue scrubs spoke. (Also, I’m pretty sure he was the one referred to as a girl.) I took a look around. The room was painted in robin egg blue and there were daisies to the right of me on what seemed to be a night stand. The last thing I took note of was my own appearance. Both my hands were covered in gauze. My right hand was obviously sprained and I was probably acting a little mellow dramatic when I thought it could be anything worse. (It’s not my fault I have a low thresh hold for pain.) My left hand was a blush red and through my uncovered fingers I realized that my hand was badly burned. (Shit I really did a number to myself, it’s no wonder I slept so long I over worked myself.) I yawned and rubbed my eyes sleepily. ( Maybe if I sleep a little longer I could heal completely.) I quickly shook that thought away. (No. I can’t stay here any longer. Otherwise I might do something stupid or worse.) I started getting out of bed and a chill ran up my spine. I looked down to see I was wearing one of those weird gowns.

 (Oh crap wears my bag, my box, oh my G-d oh my G-d where’s my screwdriver!?!) (Okay Oz chill out for a second breath) “Where are my clothes?” I said coolly.

The doctor with curly golden hair now spoke. “Your stuff is with the boy who brought you in. I believe he went to the cafeteria and should be back momentarily.” Seeing that there were only two doctors here I assumed this one was Doctor Cox. (Cox, Cox… That sounds so familiar…)

“Oh,” I said without any emotion. “So when can I go home?” (*sigh Home, if only I had one…)

“Soon hopefully, we just have to look at your blood work and if everything checks out, you’ll be free to go by tomorrow. (Tomorrow! Now that I’m awake anything could trigger my curse.) (No, no, chill it’s just twenty four hours you got this!)

“Yea I got this,” I whispered encouragingly.

“Excuse me you got what?” The guy in blue scrubs questioned.

“Oh… Nothing,” I said smiling sweetly. Just then a nurse came in.

“Doctor Cox, Mr. Phillip’s liver is failing. They need you down in the ICU.” The women spoke franticly and Doctor Cox nodded. He whistled and blue scrubs guy turned his head toward the doctor.

“Newbie come!” The blue scrubs followed Doctor Cox like a lost puppy and I couldn’t help but smile. Before all three people left the guy in blue scrubs told me to enjoy my stay and that he’d check on me later.

I stayed in bed for a few minutes just in case anyone else would want to visit me. (HA. Me having visitors, oh I crack myself up.) When no one showed I pulled of the covers a jumped out of bed. I had noticed before that there was a blue robe neatly folded on one of the guest chairs. (Oh you hospital people you are so kind for giving this to your patients so that we don’t have to feel awkward when we want to take a stroll.)  Unfortunately, I forgot to take account the IV attached to my arm so when I ran to get the robe I was attacked by the pole that was holding up my IV bag.

“Ow,” I mumbled as I pushed myself up from the floor. I put on the robe and poked my head through the door. It took me about two seconds to realize that nobody would care if I snuck out because they were all too busy checking on other patients and going over paper work. My stomach grumbled and I knew where my next destination was.(To FOOD!)

~~~~~~~~~~Hospital Cafeteria~~~~~~~~~~ Trevor’s POV:

 As I sat at one of the empty tables I thought of two things. One, hospital food isn’t that awful and humans complain too much. And the scene I saw in the woods. One minute I’m walking in some woods and the next I see I what I thought was just a normal, well sort of normal, girl stab a man. It was remarkable how such a delicate girl can be so vicious.

The image of the sword kept reappearing in my head. The handle had been the same color as the screwdriver, a cool blue that matched the sky, just as the sun goes down and the moon starts rising. I remembered seeing the letters J I N X X beautifully engraved into the actual sword, but I couldn’t understand what a jinx had to with Oz or why it was misspelled. Yet, as I sit here, none of that seems to matter because all I can see is just a plain screwdriver. I tried everything to get its true form out. However, nothing seemed to work. I’d try breaking it, but who knows what she’d do to me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I smelt a familiar scent come from the entrance of the cafeteria. I couldn’t help, but smile she was walking around like she owned the place. It was good to see she was feeling better. I watched her as she headed for the food line. To my disappointment however, two women got in my way. They were both wearing scrubs so they either had been nurses or doctors.

“Hi there mind if we join you?” One of the women spoke. She was wearing pink scrubs and her brunet hair was clipped up. Her friend had dark hair that flowed neatly on her shoulders. She was wearing purple scrubs.

“Sure,” I said flashing a smile. To Oz and the people who actually know me I’m an arrogant bastard, to the rest of the world I’m prince charming. I thought for a moment about what Oz would think of me she had met the nice guy version. Oh well already screwed that up.

For the next few minutes the ladies were trying to flirt with me. Did I seriously look that old I mean I just turned sixteen, yet I could go to any club without questioning. Ah it’s good to be young and attractive. I smiled at my own remark and pretended to care what the people in front of me were saying. Every so often I would look up to see Oz she was at the end of the line looking for a seat. It puzzled me that every time a sick person walked passed her she would stop and look at the ground. She seemed to be concentrating on something. She had finally found a spot and was sitting at an empty table in the back corner. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to leave.

I cleared my throat, “excuse me ladies, but I have a friend to visit, it was nice to meet you.” They were upset that I was going, but I didn’t care I cleaned up my stuff and walked across the room. She didn’t realize I sat down and just looked at her food singing.

“I can’t do this all on my own no, no I’m no superman.”

“Do you always sing to your food before you eat it?” She looked up at me a little startled, yet a little relieved.

“Shut up I’m bored…” I raised an eyebrow. Time for some mind reading, it was always interesting seeing what she was really thinking. I laughed loudly.

“What?” she sounded defensive as usual.

“You like to pretend your food is crying for help before you eat it! HAHAHA”


HI Sorry it took so long for the chapter to come out I'm just hopeless when it comes to meeting my dead lines. This was the first time I wrote in some one else's POV besides Oz it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be. I felt at some points i was getting out of character, but I don't think i did too bad antyways STAY AWESOME! Vote/Rate and Comment! Fun Fact: The Fact: Cocoanut water can be used (in emergancies) as a substitute for blood plasma. <-- food and medicine fact in one. *I finally reached over 15 thousand words! \(^___^)/ **I also mentioned a Whole lot of scrubs I LOVE THAT SHOW! if you don't know what that is I feel bad for you and your assignment for the week is to watch at least three episodes of scrubs they're all on youtube so there is no excuse for not watching them.
