[36] Zabuza's Defeat... or Not

Megumi pov

"Such confidence but, do you stand a chance?" Zabuza taunted.

"What are you doing?! This fight was over the moment I got caught!! Our duty is Tazuna-san, did you forget?!"

"Anything to say to that, Tazuna-san?" we all turned looking towards the old man.

"I planted this seed myself. I'm not going to say that I desire to live so much that I'd stop you. Gomen ne, fight as much as you want." we smirked.

"Pfft. Hear that, Naruto?" Sasuke grinned.

"Are you guys ready?" Zabuza started to laugh. His laugh alone told me where this was going. I was right of course. He went on about his past and how to even be considered a ninja back in his time one person had to kill everyone else. 

He was in the middle of his story, so when he attacked Sasuke and stomped on him I wasn't expecting it. 


"Die." Zabuza and I uttered at the same time. He looked up confused just to find me in front of him. I quickly cut through the clone splashing water on Sasuke and myself. I kneeled helping him to sit up. I also patted his back as he coughed out some blood.

"Brat really is quick." Zabuza huffed as he created another clone. I shifted ready to jump and fight him again when 

"Shadow clone jutsu!!" and a dozen Naruto's dived onto Zabuza. They dog piled on him holding him down for a few moments until Zabuza yelled out in annoyance and spun sending all the shadow clones flying.

"Sasuke!" one of the Naruto's yelled as he threw a windmill shuriken at Sasuke which he caught. As he did he gave me a quick glance before he rolled a bit away from me.

"Evil wind shuriken! Shadow windmill!!" Sasuke jumped, throwing the Shuriken at Zabuza. It went passed the clone heading for the real one. 

"I see, you're aiming for the real me, but-"  as clone Zabuza had his back turned I sped to behind him.

"Pay attention." his eyes widened and he spun around. Too late though, he was already turning to water.

"Another one in the shuriken's shadow?!" Zabuza's yells had me looking up to where his real body stood. "But, still not enough!" he jumped over the shuriken.

I smirked.

A puff of smoke behind Zabuza happened and out of it came Naruto who quickly threw a kunai at the missing mist ninja. Unless Zabuza was willing to get stabbed he'd have to dodge the kunai aiming for his eye. Which he did, by releasing the water prison. Still, the kunai grazed his cheek. Obviously upset that a genin outsmarted him Zabuza moved to attack Naruto.

He was met with a force though. Kakashi stopped the demon windmill shuriken and I caught Naruto before he fell into the water, quickly getting us both out of there.

Once out of there Kakashi and Zabuza began to fight again. As with fights involving the sharingan, Kakashi managed to predict Zabuza's next move making it before him which surprised and shocked Zabuza. So much so he froze up when Kakashi finished the move making the water dragon attack hit dead on.

I quickly placed a stone wall in front of us to prevent us from getting swept away by the jutsu. When the wall was down we saw that Zabuza was pinned to the tree, Kakashi standing above it ready to finish Zabuza off.

"It's over." Right before Kakashi could finish him senbon needles stabbed Zabuza and he slumped to the ground unmoving.

"Hehe, you're right. He's dead." A hunter ninja appeared to be around our ages his mask blocking his face from us but...his chakra was here from the start of the fight.

Was he simply waiting for an opening? I narrowed my eyes,  watching his every move. Kakashi jumped from the tree, kneeling so he could double check Zabuza. 

"Thank you very much. I have been searching for the opportunity to kill Zabuza for a long time."

"That mask... Hidden Mist Hunter, huh..?"

"Impressive. You're correct."

"Hunter nin?"

"Mm, My job is to hunt down the missing ninjas of my village."

"I don't care about that!!" Naruto began to scream "He took down Zabuza so easily while we struggled!! And by a kid too!! We look stupid!! How can I understand that?!" he was frustrated.

"I know how you feel, but this is also the truth..." Kakashi patted Naruto's head "In this world, there are kids younger than you, but stronger than me. They might even me a bit older than you." he glanced to me for a second.

"Your battle is over now. And I must dispose of this body. Farewell." the hunter bowed to us  before he lifted Zabuza into his arms and took his body away. I relaxed as he left only for my subconscious to slap sense into me.

He took the body without disposing of it right then and there!! Shit! Dammit! They were working together!!

"Haa...let's go. We have to get Tazuna home." I halted my berating to look at Kakashi.

"Hahah! Arigatou na! Come over to my house and relax for a while!!" I sighed walking over to Kakashi right as he dropped.

"Ah.. I thought I got better at this?"

"Mm. You didn't faint. That's progress." I

"Is he okay?" Tazuna asked.

"Overworked his body. Naruto create a clone to help. Sasuke Sakura, still guard Tazuna." I made a clone alongside Naruto expect mine went to the back to fill in Naruto's spot. "Let's go.


"Is he going to be alright?" Tazuna's daughter Tsunami asked.

"Mhm. He'll be fine. Once he rests for the week." She nodded.

"Hey sensei..." I didn't hear what Sakura or the others spoke of since I opted to leaving the room and roaming the house. I made two clones one to search inside with me one for outside. I myself went up to the roof.

"HAAAHH!!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!!?" Naruto's voice screamed so loud birds flew away. Sighing I jumped off the roof and entered the room through the window.

"Why are you all screaming?"

"You knew didn't you?" aniki turned to face me

"Hm? Nani?"

"That Zabuza is still alive?"

"Hai. I knew. I was stupid for not realizing it until they left but, that hunter works for or with Zabuza."

"You knew?! Anee!!" Naruto gripped his hair whining "How could you do this to me?!" I chuckled.

"Gomen, why do you think I've been all around the house? To ensure your all safe."

"Are we?" Sasuke frowned looking around and seeming ready to get back into a fight.

"We are." then I grinned "You, understand what that means right?" at first the gennin before me looked confused but then Naruto and Sasuke caught on and groaned.

"Training." aniki chuckled. 

"Huh? Training? What's a little bit of training going to do against an enemy even you struggled against?!" Sakura yelled.

" A little training can go a long way, Sakura." I answered 

"Besides, you guys are growing fast. I'm kinda proud." aniki gave a closed eye smile. Naruto blushed and grinned happy at the praise as Sasuke huffed and turned away trying to hide how he felt.

"I am too! We've got about a week before Zabuza can move again."

"So we're training until then? Sounds fun!"

"No it doesn't!" we turned at the sound of the new voice and saw a kid standing there

"Oh!! Inari!! Where have you been?!"

"Welcome back jiji!!"

"Inari say hello. They're the people who protected your grandpa."

"Okaa...they're all going to die." I blinked. Wow, what a kid.

"HA?! What'd you say?!" of course Naruto makes a noise first. "Oi! Listen!! I'm a superhero who will one day be an incredible ninja called a Hokage!! I don't know who this Gato guy is but he's nothing against me!!" I looked away to hide my giggles at Naruto's speech.

"Pfft. There's no such thing as a hero." Inari glared at us as he walked out the room, his mother apologizing for him as did Tazuna after they left.

 Kid who hurt you...? Such sad eyes...

I didn't need to leave the room like Naruto did to hear, Inari's sad cries. Once Naruto came back I gave him a knowing look as all he did was walk to me and sit down beside me quietly.

"Right. First thing tomorrow. Training starts. Get all the rest you can." I instructed. 

