[10] Kushina is, huh?

Third pov

"Welcome back Kakashi. How was the mission?" Minato asked smiling as he looked between his student and the papers he was busy signing.

"Mission was a success. She's in the interrogation unit with Yamanaka-san and Ibiki."

"I see, I'll check with them later to see if they have made any progress." Kakashi nodded he turned about to leave when he stopped.

"Ano...sensei...why is Megumi in the office?" Kakashi blinked now seeing his sound asleep sister.

"Ah. Right about that. Kushina is sick and she went to the doctors today so I volunteered to watch Megumi-chan."

"Oh? Is she okay?"

"Mhm! She's just been sleeping and getting some rest. She managed some energy today to go and get checked out. Anyway on another note...Megumi-chan's birthday is coming up, any plans?"

"Sensei, I still have a few more months before it's June." Kakashi sweated dropped.

"It's never too early to make plans!" Minato smiled.


"Hai. Hai. I'll stop. Well you still have a few more stops to make so leave Megumi-chan with me. And I'm almost finished so you can come by for dinner too if you'd like."

"Hai, sensei." Kakashi bent over the crib reaching down to give Megumi a silent kiss of 'See you later'  before he left. Minato could only smile at the sight.

I should start making her gift to thank her for this...but should it be a special weapon or a necklace...? Minato hummed deep in thought but hands still moving as he signed some papers on his desk.

Being Hokage is tiring... He wept quietly shrieking with all his might in the back of his mind.


"Kushina. We're home~!" Minato announced his and Megumi's arrival in their home.

"Kaa-sa!!" Megumi cheered out also. Wanting to see her red haired mother who she hasn't seen all day.

Kushina came out of the kitchen a happy but nervous aura around her. She fidgeted where she stood constantly looking between her husband and the floor.

"Ah, um...okairi, ya know...um... I have news..." she fidgeted.

Seeing how nervous she was made Minato frown. He gently set Megumi down on the couch then turned to face Kushina.

"Kushina...what happened?" He took a worried step forward before Kushina looked up at him with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"Minato...I'm pregnant." Minato froze.


"I'm pregnant!" She laughed.

"I...I'm gonna be a dad..?"

"I'm gonna be a mom, ya know!?"

"I'm gonna be a dad..." Minato's shocked face slowly began to morph into a happy one "I'm gonna be a dad!" He laughed cheering

"And I'm gonna be a mom ya know!" Kushina laughed with him. Minato laughed more running up and giving Kushina a hug before he spun her around inciting more laughter from his wife.

"I'm gonna be a dad!!"

"And I'm gonna be a mom, ya know!!"

"Mei!!" Megumi cheered also. The two laughed, with  Kushina bouncing over and lifting Megumi up into her arms.

"That's right Mei-chan! You're gonna be a aneki! A nee-chan now!"

"Nee-cha!!" Minato laughed joining the hug.

"I'm gonna be a dad!!"


Dinner had started and excitement was coursing through the Namikaze household. Minato had a smile on his face, Kushina had a smile on hers, and she was glowing with that extra happiness, Megumi doesn't know what's going on fully all she know is she's going to be a big sister and that was enough for her. The only one not excited was Kakashi who sat on the chair completely and utterly confused by the aura surrounding the three of his makeshift family.

"Sensei...why are you glowing?" Kakashi sweated dropped having to squint his eyes in order to be able to see passed the sunshine Minato was emitting.

"Ah, in all the excitement I forgot to tell you! Kushina is pregnant!" Kakashi hummed nodding.

"I see..." he turned back to continue feeding Megumi when he froze eyes, widening as the news finally settled in his mind.

He spun so fast Minato swore his student got whiplash.

"Eh!? Since when!? Nanda!?" The teen was shook.

Out of all the reasons he came up with for his sensei to be shining so brightly. This was the last one he'd have thought to be the answer.

"Yep! I'm already a month along! Mei-chan is excited too, right Mei-chan!" Kushina glowed even more than Minato temporarily blinding him.

"Kaa-sa! Mei-cha is nee-cha!" Megumi beamed also. This put the icing on the cake. She had added onto Kushina's light officially blinding the silver haired teen.

Still as he watched them be happy he had to give them a smile.

"Congratulations sensei, Kushina-san." The couple smiled at Kakashi and dinner went on with the entire house now filled with excited chatter.


"Do you think they will be a boy or a girl!?" Kushina asked after dinner.

"Hm..boy!" Minato nodded.

"What about you Kakashi?"

"I think you might have a boy as well, but we'll never know until later." He shrugged.

"Maybe we should start buying baby clothes for him.."

"I think we should set the room up. Hmm I'm going to have to take a day off..."

"Ohh! I should buy lots of blue clothes! That way. Even if they turn out to be a girl, she'll have pretty blue clothes!"


"Prehaps I should get one of my men to buy a crib, no two cribs! That way I can have one for them in my office too!"

"Huh?! Sensei..."

"Or! We can take the crib already in your office and buy a bigger one to fit both our baby and Mei-chan!"

"Ho~! That does sound like a great idea!"

"Ah. I have to tell Mikoto! Ohh! I bet our baby, Sasuke-kun and Mei-chan will be the best of friends growing up!"

"Sensei, Kushina-san! Shouldn't you be monitoring your health first before you begin thinking about all of this?" Kakashi sweat dropped pausing the far ahead ramblings of them.

"He's right. We have to make sure you're eating healthy and getting lots of rest!" Minato nodded.

"Of course! I have a pregnant friend! I know that I need to take care of myself!" Kushina huffed but the scowl on her face didn't last long.

"We still have eight months to go but I'm just so excited to meet you!" Kushina touched her stomach a gentle smile on her face making the occupants in the room smile as well.

"Me joo!" Megumi added wobbling over and hugging her red haired mother.

Kakashi stared watching the two snuggle each other. Seems he has to work harder now. He has two precious cargo to make sure is more safe than they were before, especially with Kushina holding the nine tailed demon fox, the Kyuubi.


I don't know why. But this chapter was so precious it had me smiling!

Okay I'm gonna go now...
