High School Crush ( Season 2 of Mystreet; Episode 1)

" Are you sure you don't want to walk with me to school Kacey?"

" N-No- I mean yes, yes I'm sure, I don't want people to think your lame for walking to school with your lame younger brother."

Alex laughed." I'm so proud you've gotten your self-confidence from me, not to worry, everyone already thinks I'm lame... but seriously, I'm meeting up with Aphmau in a few minutes seeing as we're already walking together, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you tagged along."

" Really, it's fine Lex, I'll just ask Dad to drive me... don't forget your eclairs by the way."

" Right, thanks, Aphmau would probably murder me for promising to bring her some eclairs and then not living up to my promise... listen, Kacey, don't be afraid to talk to me at school... or anyone, I get that I'm not the best person to be giving this advice, but I don't want you to be too afraid and end up missing opportunities to make some great friends."

" I-I'll try, see you around?"

" Definitally, see ya at school!" The sophomore turned around, grabbed a plastic container filled with eclairs she'd baked with one of her best friends a few days before, and raced out the front door." Aph! I brought eclairs"

The small Hispanic girl turned to see her much taller friend running over." Lex! Thank you so much! How was your summer?"

" Pretty good! What about you?"

" You call getting a summer working at Starlight Wonderland 'pretty good'!? I still can't believe you managed to get a job there!"

" Me neither, again, I'm sorry I couldn't manage to get you tickets but the island was already really crowded, the remaining places for people to stay were either reserved or specifically for staff members, plus I kind of wish I'd been able to see my friends more over the summer, but back to my question, what about you?"

" Really good, I've gotten to play video games pretty much all summer!"

The taller, freckled, girl sighed knowingly." Of course, I wouldn't have guessed otherwise, are you excited about this whole Mentor thing Teony's set up?"

" To be honest, I'm more nervous than excited, I'm honestly surprised you found time to be a mentor as well as do everything else you're signed up for."

Again, Alex laughed." I probably don't have the time, but that doesn't stop me from trying... although I am a little worried that it'll clash with my new role as captain of the basketball team this morning... speaking of which, now that we're at school..." she looked up at the building in front of them." I think I'll head into the gym and set up, so that once the newer students get here I'll have enough time to at least help a few."

" Good luck, I'll see you around."

" Right! Now go help a Freshman!"


" Well I suppose that there are two types of people."

" Alright, I helped a freshman... I think... can we just chill with the mentoring for now? It's the first day."

" Three, make that three types of people."

" Sorry if I'm late for the meetup!" There was a crash as Alex ran into one of the empty desks." I tried helping three freshmen, I got them all to their homeroom, of course, but I am a bit worried I didn't make a good enough impression due to how hasty I was."

" Four, four types, alright ladies we can take a break until lunchtime."


" Aww..."

" Woo-hoo!"

" Great, cool... shoot gotta head back to the basketball booth! I'll see all of you as soon as possible! Got things to do!"

" Alex!" the girl turned back to her friends." Don't push yourself too hard."

" I won't! Don't worry!"

A/N: For about the 100th time, I apologize for the short chapter, although having said that after writing yesterday how short this book felt so far, I checked Quotev and apparently season 1 alone was 50 pages, meaning if all the seasons ( including Falcon Claw University) are of equal length, then this book should be around 150 pages, which would be about three-eights the amount of Sweetheart, which is almost 400 pages ( 378 to be exact) so I'd say that's pretty good... At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!
