Art Buddies! ( Season 1 of Phoenix Drop High; Episode 6)

Art Class ( V )

     " Good morning you two!" Garroth called to Aphmau and Laurence, having spotted them mid-conversation with his peach-haired friend.

     " Hello!" Alex smiled.

     " Morning Garroth! Morning Alex!"

     " M-Morning!" Aphmau stuttered.

     " Hey Aphmau, h-how was your weekend?"

     " Oh! It was good, I got to go to the park with these two cool guys and one really cool girl," she laughed a bit.

     " That's sweet," Garroth commented.

     Alex smiled brightly." I could say the same."

     " How 'bout yours?"

     " I went to the park too with this beautiful girl, so, it went pretty fantastic," the blond said.

     As per usual, Aphmau squeaked.

     Laurence smiled."Too bad you missed walking with her this morning."

     " What?"

     " I just walked with that beautiful girl this morning to school."

     " Oh you did?" Garroth asked." Well, maybe I'll have to walk her to school next time."

     Aphmau laughed nervously." Or maybe she can just walk herself?"

     " I'm sure she can, it's just maybe I'd like to get to know her more."

     The Hispanic girl squeaked again before continuing to speak." So, classes! I really should get to mine."

     " Right, so what class do you have again?" Laurence asked her, continuing the conversation they'd been having before Garroth and Alex had walked over.

     " Uhh... I have Art 101."

     " Oh really?" Garroth and Laurence both spoke simultaneously." Me too."

     Alex double-checked her schedule before speaking." Same here, actually!"

     " We have the same class together!?" Aphmau asked happily.

     " That's awesome!" Laurence exclaimed.

     Garroth grinned." Yeah!"

     Alex didn't say anything, but simply gave a happy smile.

     " We should take a picture!" The shortest of the group offered.

     " Picture?" Both of the boys asked.

     " Mhm! To celebrate us as Art buddies!"

     " Alex is quite camera shy," Garroth pointed out.

     The freckled girl shrugged." He's not wrong."

     " Don't worry, it'll be fine! Come here!... Perfect! Thank you guys so much!" Aphmau exclaimed.

     The bell rang.

     " Ah, we should get to class."

     Aphmau giggled." I'm so excited! I love art!"

     " Really? So you... art a lot?"

     " Uhh, well, I draw mostly, umm... so..." She stuttered nervously.

     " Bet you're pretty good at it," Laurence said.

     " N-not really, I kind of just doodle a lot, I did it when I was in homeschool so..."

     " Still, that's more than I can do," Garroth spoke up." I'm absolutely rubbish at art. I still remember when I tried to sculpture for the first time"

     " Oh yeah! You made a pretty good ashtray! I was impressed!"

     " It was a vase." He muttered.

     " At least it turned out to be something," Alex offered.

     " You can say that because you weren't there to see it."

     " You bring up a good point."

     Garroth sighed." I can't believe you two talked me into this."

     " You didn't have to take art with us," Laurence argued." It's your fault for being such a good friend."

     "... thanks?"

     Aphmau turned toward the other two." So why are you guys taking art?"

     The brunette answered first." Because of my sister, she's kinda really artsy and said I had to take some kind of art class if I was going to be her brother. Cadenza can be a little dramatic."

     " True, but lots of our classmates find her cute."

     " Hey! She's my sister!"

     " Although she does have a really nice voice," Alex pointed out." As for why I'm taking art, it's a bit simpler of a reason, that reason being that I just have an interest in art. Which should be expected considering I'm in Creative Writing and theater already, plus I have some experience in poetry and playing musical instruments."

     " Wow, and you still have time to go to the park and such?"

     Alex laughed." Barely, when planning out my schedule each year I always make sure I have one free day a week for things like that, and these two always end up finding out and dragging my places on those days."

     " Well come on, we should get going..." Laurence said, turning to Aphmau." You should stay close to me."

     " W-what!?"

     " Don't want you getting lost on your way to class again, do we? You still don't know your way around here yet, do you?"

     " Well no... but I'm getting better! I can just- I can get to lunch just fine!" She laughed nervously.

     " So you're saying you can find the largest room in the center of the school?" Garroth asked.

     " I really like lunch..." the Hispanic girl muttered in defense.

     " Heh, you know, I used to get lost all the time in these halls."

     " Really!?"

     " Oh yeah, in my first year, I went to the wrong homeroom for an entire week."

     Alex let out a laugh." I remember that happening! You texted me that Friday telling me all about how embarrassed you were!"

     " What!?" Aphmau asked loudly." You stayed in the wrong homeroom for a week straight!?"

     " Yeah, like Alex said, I was really embarrassed. I didn't want to bring any attention to myself so I would just keep my head down and wait for the first bell."

     " What!? Really!? What about the- What about the homeroom teacher!? Didn't he care that you were in the wrong class!?"

     " Mr. Castor?" Laurence asked." Nah, he didn't seem to mind at all... actually I'm not sure he even noticed me."

     " Hmm."

     " Hmm, maybe we'll both walk you there," Garroth decided.

     " Hey!" Laurence said quickly." I haven't gotten lost once since then!"

     " Right, right, of course you haven't."

     " Maybe," Alex suggested, looping one arm through Aphmau's," If you both would stop forgetting my existence, you'd remember that I already know this school like the back of my hand due to you two and my sister attending here last year AND I would also like to get to know my new friend as well."

     Both of her older friends smiled, lightly patted her on the shoulder, and continued walking to class.

     " So how's the soccer team looking this year Laurence?" Garroth asked his friend.

     Aphmau's eyes widened." You play soccer, Laurence!?"

     " Ugh, they're a mess," the boy explained." We'll be lucky if we can make it through the season in one piece."

     " Sounds like it might be the captain's fault there."

     " Oh ha ha, let's blame it on the new captain, but we lost all of our best players, honestly I'll be happy if we can just beat O'Khasis Prep this year."

     " Maybe try to be more realistic, we've lost to them six years running, maybe I should've went there instead."

     " Wait, what?" Aphmau interjected." Laurence, soccer?"

     The boy smiled." Sure do, in fact, you're looking at the captain of the team."

     " Wow! A captain!?" Aphmau asked.

     " You should come to a game sometime."

     " Looking to add another fangirl to your cheering section, Laurence?" Garroth asked with a laugh.

     " N-No, it's not like that! I mean it! It would be nice to know Aphmau is in the stands cheering me on."

     " Yeah... umm..." Aphmau stuttered." That sounds like it could be fun."

     " Really!? Great! I'll get you a schedule-"

     " Oh look!" Garroth interrupted, racing ahead of the others down the hall." Here we are at last!"


     As soon as the bell rang, their teacher began speaking." Good morning students and welcome to Art 101! I'll be your art teacher, now today we're going to learn all about conveying realism through an art piece by basing it off of a subject in front of the artist, now although this may seem exceedingly difficult for your first day it is more of just a test to see that level your art skills are at currently. So do we have any volunteers to be our first drawing subject of the year?"

     " Oh! Me!" Aphmau volunteered almost immediately.

     " You!?"

     " Well, and here I thought everyone would be too shy, but you seem rather outgoing, are you sure you want everyone to draw you? Some people aren't too pleased with others perspectives of them."

     She laughed lightly." I don't mind, everyone has different views and I'd like to embrace them."

     " Very well, come on up and pose! Now students you have one hour to draw this beautiful young lady, again, this is just a test to see where your skills are so don't feel too rushed to do well, ready... go!"


     " Alright students, pencils down, leave your drawings at my desk before you go and we'll go over them next class, thank you young lady for being so courageous."

     " No problem!"

     " Oh, as for your submissions for the work, if you can just submit a drawing next class so I can see where you are, you can pick anything to draw."

     " Awesome! See you later!" Aphmau ran over to her friends." Hey, can I see your drawings?"

     " Oh... umm... sure," Laurence said, handing her his sheet of paper.

     " Wow!"

     " Yeah, it's nothing crazy but I tried."

     " It looks beautiful!" The Hispanic girl exclaimed." Garroth, Alex, can I see yours?"

     " Well, it's just a basic sketch considering the amount of time we were given," Alex handed her drawing to her new friend," I didn't have enough time to finish all of the shading or add any small details I'm afraid."

     " Wow, how long have you been drawing?"

     The freckled girl's face turned red with embarrassment." Almost my whole life, I've been practicing on improving my art for almost as long as I can remember. It's a bit complicated as to why I've been at it for so long, but I do try my best on it."

     " Well it's really paying off, Garroth, can I see yours?"

     " No..."

     " Oh come on!"

     " It's really bad."

     " Please?"

     He sighed and handed Aphmau his drawing, and as soon as Laurence saw it he began to laugh, before quickly getting hit in the back of the head by Alex.

     " This is... Garroth, it's beautiful."

     " Really?"

     " Yes it is, I do think it needs some work but... I love it."

     " Th-thank you."

     " Hey, maybe you and I should practice some time, I actually do think I have a few pointers for you."

     " Th-that sounds great."

A/N: There we go! As promised, another chapter, and there WILL be one tomorrow as well. Also, fun story while I was writing the first of the two scenes in art class, I, having taken three years of art classes now, which was as long as I could take Art for an elective, was extremely confused at what art teacher would start their class off with drawing another student, during every single art class I've taken, including this year when I'm taking advanced art, we started off with the Elements of Art ( Line, Color, Shape, Value, Form, Space, and Texture) and went on from there. At any rate, I hope at least one person somewhat enjoyed this chapter, if anyone comments it'd make my day, and I hope everyone reading this has a great day!

For those interested, here is the link to the Original Book:

Also For Those Interested, The Link To The Minecraft Diaries Story:
