Part 3

A Week Later

You still haven't talked to Nolan since that day. You both still glance at each other when the other isn't looking. He doesn't know about you always looking out for him. Mason and Corey told you about how Gabe and Nolan had started blocking the exits to corner Liam into changing. You didn't know what to think about Nolan anymore, He's changed and you don't know if its a good change.

You and Mason have been looking for Liam since he was supposed to meet up with you. You noticed a crowd of students in a classroom and tell Mason to come with you to check it. "Hey, Hey let him go!" Mason shouts as he is held back by some guys. "Liam, are you okay?" You ask as you shove through people getting looks from Mason and others. They didn't know about the times you went shopping with Lydia on Black Friday it was terrifying.

Liam gives you a subtle nod and you take that and relax knowing that he was gonna be okay. "Are you just going to let us do this to you?" Nolan asked angrily. Gabe doesn't give him time to reply as he punches Liam again. You see Mason fighting to get out of the people's arms and the look Nolan shared with Gabe didn't go unnoticed either. Nolan picks Liam up and grabs his face. "You know you can take us all you have to do is change," Nolan tells him aggressively.

You see Liam struggling but wait to see for sure if he needs help. "The sun," Liam says determinedly. "What?" Nolan questioned him. You hear Liam breathing heavily and say "The sun, the moon, the truth." "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Nolan questions again but Liam again doesn't answer as Gabe pushes Nolan back and punches Liam again. People scream and jump back as Liam falls to the ground.

You step forward about to intervene when Liam gives you a look to back off as his eyes start to change. He growls in pain as he fights the transition. "You're fighting it," Nolan says as Liam growls again. "But you can't hold back forever." He states. You see your science teacher join the crowd of teenagers. Mason looks over at her and pleads "Do something." She looks over at Liam shaking in anger and covered in his own blood. "Sometimes it's best to let them work things out on their own." She tells Mason while she backs away.

Gabe grabs a fistful of Liam's hair and shoves his head up so that everyone can see his face. Mason is still trying to get out of the people's grasp. Gabe rears back and slams his knee into Liam's face. Nolan and Gabe start kicking Liam while he curls up to block most of the hits. Mason is still trying to get away from them. You stand there shocked at what Nolan has done to your best friend. "Nolan, Stop this nonsense Please!" You plead for them to stop and run up to Nolan and start at pulling him away.

It starts to work for a second but he shoves you back and you fall to the ground hitting something sharp on the way down. (I'm uncreative at the moment on how it happens) Nolan looks guilty for a second about shoving you before he goes back to kicking Liam. You see Liam spitting up blood and start crawling toward him. Gabe grabs Liam's shirt and rears back about to throw one last punch. You look at Nolan the whole time Gabe is about to punch Liam hoping he would look at you.

"What the hell is going on." Coach Finstock shouts as Corey and him shove through the crowd. He grabs Gabe and yells "Back Off!" then proceeds to grab Nolan. "Get to the principle's office NOW!" He tells them. They walk out as Coach looks around the classroom. "What the hell is this?" He asks nobody in particular.

Mason looks down at you and Liam. Liam is groaning in pain while spitting up blood as it goes all over his face. You are bleeding on your side from hitting something sharp. "Get Out All Of You, I Can't Stand to Look At Your Faces!!" Coach yells at everybody. They hurry out of the classroom scared most likely from Coach, nobody likes getting him mad. All that's left in the room is you, Mason, Corey, Coach, and Liam. Coach crouches down to Liam while he is still coughing up blood.

He looks over at you and you nod. "I'm okay, Coach I can handle it." you joke with a small grin. He cracks a small smile which is rare since you never see him smile. He looks at Mason and urges him and Corey to come to help Liam up. "Come on, come on, Let's go," Coach says as he helps you stand. Coach walks away as you lean on Corey for support.

"I can't believe he did that," Mason says holding Liam up. "Be Clark Kent right?" Liam asks him. "Yeah, Clark Kent," Mason tells him relieved a bit. They hug and look over to you. "Y/n are you okay? You're bleeding." Mason asks as he looks you over. "I'll be fine just go take Liam to get cleaned up, maybe take him home. I'll go to the nurse." You tell Mason with a small grin. You lean forward and give Liam a hug. "Be safe, alright." You tell him as you walk off.

You put pressure on your side as you slowly walk down the hallway to the exit. You weren't going to the nurse you were going to see if Deaton could fix you up, you didn't want anybody knowing you got hurt. As you were walking you start leaning on the wall for support. You park away from Liam and Mason so they were going a different way than you.

You hear someone walking down the hallway behind you. You keep walking without looking back as you know people stay for studying at the library or Lacrosse practice. Coach let you skip workouts for today since the fight. "Y/n?" You hear the person question. You turn around slowly and see Nolan looking confused.

He probably thought you would still be with Liam. "What Nolan?" You ask with a sigh. "What are you still doing here?" He asks then notices the blood on your hands. "What happened?" He questions again with a sincerity and worry tone. "This happened when you thought beating the shit out of my best friend was more important than anything in the world, Nolan, when you shoved me I must have hit something. I'm heading home so I can patch it up and hope that it's not to bad." You inform him.

He looks horrified that he had hurt you but you don't care anymore. You just want to go home and hopefully sleep off the events that happened today. "Bye, Nolan." You tell him as you slowly start walking away. He looks devastated before he walks over to you. He wraps your arm around his shoulder and starts helping you walk. You glance at him and think 'maybe he hasn't completely changed'

You both make it to your blue Ford Mustang V6 and you reach to grab your bag when it gets lifted off your shoulder. Nolan got your keys out of your bag and unlocked your car. "I'll drive you home and help you inside." He tells you as he helps you get into the passenger seat. He closes your door once you have your seatbelt on. He gets into the driver's seat and puts his seatbelt on. "You okay, Are you feeling dizzy or think you're about to pass out?" He asked you as he starts your car. "It's not too much blood, so I should be okay." You tell him.

The car ride so far has been quiet. He hasn't said anything but to ask if you are okay. You would tell him that you're fine each time even though you are starting to get tired. "Nolan, why are you doing this, I thought you stopped talking to me?" You asked him with a frown. "You thought I wasn't talking to you?" Nolan asked you with an even bigger frown than yours. "Well, yeah I mean you didn't speak to me and when you would see me, you turn the other way so, I put together that you were ignoring me." You told him while looking down at your lap playing with your hands.

Nolan looks at you with a downcast expression. "I wouldn't ever ignore you Y/n, I li- I'm dealing with some things at the moment and I don't want you to get involved and end up hurt," He tells you as he turns down the road your home. You stay quiet thinking about what he said. "What if I end up hurt anyway?" You ask him quietly. He looks over at you then back at the road as he pulls into your driveway. Nolan helps you inside and into your kitchen for the first aid kit. "I'm gonna need a bath cloth," You say as you look at the gash on your side. (A/n: Is that right? I call it a rag so...)

(Skip the whole medical stuff because I never paid attention in class for that)

Soon enough you were all bandaged up as Nolan helps you to your bedroom. You see Nolan looking around your room in wonder as he takes note of all the band posters and paintings hanging on your wall. "You like (favorite band) too?" He asks you in amazement. "Yeah I have all of their vinyl's among all of my others," You tell him with a small smile. "T-t-hat is so cool!" He tells you after he looks at your shelf full of records.

He clears his throat and looks to you while saying "I g-g-uess I should get going, See you later Y/n." He turns around and is about to walk out of the ajar door (sorry I had to. lol) "Nolan, I know you think me staying away is gonna somehow protect me, but in the end, we're both gonna end up hurt." You tell him with a sad smile. He looks at you for a moment before looking down. "I know." He says as he walks away without a look back toward you. You lay down on your bed thinking about what all happened today and didn't realize you were falling asleep.

A/n: I updated finally, I feel like this one might have been the longest out of the three. I also know that there weren't many cute moments but with this episode, I didn't know how to interpret that I guess. I have been having (Terrible grammar) Writer's block as well as computer issues. Anywho tell me what you think about this one. I'm thinking about making another one-shot book for all of the Teen Wolf characters.

Word Count: 1947
