Part 2

You had been overhearing about the rumors about Nolan being crazy and a freak but it didn't trouble you at all. You had also discovered that he had stabbed Corey with a pen in the library. You had believed Corey when he and Mason had told you but to you, Nolan appeared too sweet to do that to someone unless he was ordered to. You had decided that you were going to try to speak to him. You had sneaked into Coach's office to see when Nolan would be free for you to talk to him.

You had finally located Nolan at his locker after about ten minutes. You see people walking around whispering ''freak'' under their breath. As you're walking toward him you see one of the soccer players shove him forward. You start walking faster to reach him before someone else can do something. Soon you are directly behind him and you hear him saying ''Everything will be okay, just get through the rest of the day.''

You slowly reach forward and touch his shoulder. He tenses up not knowing who it is. As soon as he turns around you look at him kindly. "Nolan, Can I talk to you?" You questioned him. He looked at you shocked but had told you "O-o-ka-y."

  As you're leading him outside, you see people openly stare at the both of you. They knew that you were friends with Corey and Mason. You stop once you think that the both of you are far enough away from people. "Nolan, are you okay because I heard about what happened at the library?" You questioned him.  He glances at you then gazes down at the ground. He finally looks back at you with sad eyes. "I ha-had to do it Y/N, I had to, you don't understand," Nolan says frantically.

    "Nolan, you may think that I wouldn't understand but if you explain to me what is happening then I might be able to help." You tell him with a tender smile. He looks at you with a horror-stricken look on his face. "I'm sor-r-ry Y/n, I just can't t-t-tell you yet." He tells you while his face still has that same expression. You look at him once more before saying 'okay' and walking away from him. You had decided to wait until he decides that it is okay for him to tell you.  

Right before you walk inside you turn your head to look at Nolan who has a crestfallen look on his face. You glance away and go inside to the library to study. You think to yourself 'What will he not tell you?'

A/n: I decided to do a part 2!!!! I hope that yall like it because I have more ideas coming through so I might make this into a imagine book/ story. Comment if you like it or if you have any questions or if you want me to keep going. 

