Chapter 24: The Wicked Witch

Valerie’s POV:
            Candy smiled sweetly and waved.
            “Hi!” she squeaked. Oh my God her voice… it was so high. She sounded like she had been inhaling helium.
            “Hi Candy,” Liam said, getting off the ground. He walked over to her and shook her hand, “Nice to meet you.”
            Candy’s expression changed when Liam shook her hand. She bit her lip and looked him over like she was mentally undressing him. The other girls noticed this too and we exchanged glances.
            Each of the others shook her hand and she gave them the same look. When Harry shook her hand, I could hear Holly growl next to me.
            “Um, Niall,” Liam said, “Could we talk to you for a moment?” Niall nodded and the boys all walked into the kitchen. When they were out of sight, Candy stopped smiling and glared at Holly Perrie, and me.
            “So,” she said, “Three fourths of the 1D girlfriends. I gotta say, you lot look better in the pictures.”
            Oh no she didn’t…
Louis’s POV:
            Okay, the boys and I aren’t blind. The way Candy looked at us, she looked like she was undressing each of us mentally. Talk about uncomfortable…
            “Um, Niall,” Liam said, “Could we talk to you for a moment?” Niall nodded and we all walked into the kitchen. I stayed near the doorway and leaned on the wall.
            “Niall,” Liam started, “Do you like Candy? And no, I don’t mean the food…”
            “Kind of,” Niall replied. He spaced out and stared at nothing for a moment. Harry and I exchanged glances. This can’t end well.
            “Have you asked her out yet?” Zayn asked.  Niall shook his head.
            I heard voices from the living room and tried to listen to what the girls were saying.
            “You really think I’m here for the leprechaun?” Candy said. I could barely hear her, but I know I heard that right, “Not a chance.”
            “If you hurt him Candy I swear to God I’ll murder you,” Holly said. I’ll second that…
            “Ditto,” Valerie said, her voice still hoarse.
            “Same here,” Perrie said, “I can’t imagine how someone as sweet as Niall could hang out with a witch like you.” Candy scoffed.
            “Oh please,” Candy said, “I’ve already got him wrapped around my finger.” I couldn’t argue with that. Niall really liked her already, and he’s only known her for a day.
            I waved over to Harry and motioned for him join me at the door. He walked over to me.
            “Exactly how bitchy is she?” he asked.
            “Very,” I said, “How much does he like her?”
            “A lot,” he said, “This isn’t going to end well. She’ll hurt him.” I nodded.
            “You know,” Candy continued, “I don’t see why Louis, Harry, and Zayn like you girls. I mean, Louis’s probably with you Valerie because he feels sorry for you, with your past and all. Holly, are you sure you’re not with Harry for the fame? And Perrie, God, how can Zayn like someone as ugly as you?” My blood boiled at her words.
            “She didn’t…” Harry gasped. He was pissed off, and frankly, so was I. I glanced over to the others. Zayn was clenching his fists. He must have heard Candy. Liam was looking between Harry, Zayn, and I, waiting for our reactions to Candy’s words. Niall on the other hand, was oblivious to what Candy had said; he was daydreaming.
            Liam nodded and motioned for the three of us to go into the living room. Zayn, Harry, and I walked through the doorway and found Holly trying to lunge at Candy, Perrie and Valerie trying to hold her back. I crossed my arms.
            “Candy,” Zayn said. Candy turned to look at us. She smiled sweetly and waved.
            “Hi guys!” she chirped.
            “Oh cut the crap,” I said, “We’re not deaf.” She stopped smiling and shrugged.
            “It’s true,” she said, “You lads deserve much better.” We were about to say something when Niall and Liam walked back into the room.
            “Nialler!” Candy squealed. I covered my ears. Good God, how could Niall stand that voice? Niall smiled and motioned for Candy to follow him outside. They both walked to the door and Niall turned back to us.
            “We’ll be out for a while,” he said, “See you guys later.” He and Candy walked outside. Valerie and Perrie let go of Holly and she stumbled forward.
            “Why didn’t you let me at her?” Holly whined. Harry chuckled, walked over to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist.
            “Trust me,” he said, “It’s probably better that you didn’t fight her. You could have gotten hurt.”
            Valerie stood up and coughed. She walked over to the door and put her ear against it.
            “Louis,” she whispered, “They’re still out there.” I joined her near the door and leaned against it.
            “Why don’t we go back to the club Ni?” Candy asked. I heard Niall chuckle.
            “Sure,” he said. There was a pause, “Candy, you wanna go out to dinner tomorrow?” Please say no, please say no…
            “I’d love to!” Candy squealed. Valerie and I glanced at each other and I knew we were thinking the same thing.
            She’s going to crush him.
