Chapter 19: Ticklish

Valerie’s POV:
            “No. Way,” I squealed. It was the next day and Holly and I were hanging out in my room. Holly just told me about her and Harry’s date.
            “Yes way,” she said, “He’s taking me out at four, and I was hoping you could help me?” I looked at the time; it was one o’clock now.
            “I would,” I said, “But I think I know someone who can help you more.” I pulled out my phone and texted Perrie.

Me: Mind coming over? Holly needs to get ready for her date! ;)

            Within seconds, Perrie replied.

Perrie: Harry asked her out!?! OMG, yes! I’ll be over in a little bit!

            “Perrie’s coming over to help,” I said, “Did Harry say where he was taking you?” Holly shook her head, “I’ll be right back.”
            “Where are you going?” Holly asked.
            “To get some information out of my brother,” I said before I left the room. I walked downstairs and into the living room, where Harry and Liam were watching TV. I sat next to Harry and stared at him, knowing this would make him uncomfortable. He glanced over at me and raised an eyebrow.
            “Valerie, why are you staring at me?”
            “Where are you taking Holly today?” I asked. Harry rolled his eyes.
            “Not saying,” he said in a sing-song voice. I poked his side and he jumped.
            “Tell me,” I said. Harry just shook his head. I looked over at Liam, “Liam, do you know if Harry is still ticklish?” Liam smiled and nodded. I turned back to Harry, whose eyes were wide.
            “Tell me,” I said.
            “No,” he said, scooting to the other side of the couch, away from me. The door opened and Perrie walked in.
            “Hey guys, where’s- what’s going on?” she said, looking between Harry and me.
            “Valerie’s trying to get the location of his and Holly’s date out of Harry,” Liam explained, “You may want to go upstairs and wait for this to play out.” Perrie nodded and went upstairs.
            “Harold, tell me where you’re taking her,” I said. Harry shook his head and I lunged at him. I started tickling him and he started laughing uncontrollably.
            “Tell me Harold!”
            “Valerie, cut it out”
            “Not until you tell me!”
            “What’s going on?” Louis asked, running into the room. Liam explained to him while I kept tickling Harry.
            “Tell me!”
            “Louis, could you help me?” I asked. Louis smirked and walked up to Harry and I. He bent over and whispered into Harry’s ear.
            “Harold, if you don’t tell Valerie where you’re taking Holly, I will straighten your hair and pour a bottle of syrup into it,” Louis sneered. Harry’s eyes widened but he didn't give up. I tickled him more and he kept laughing.
            “Niall, Zayn, and I will also add our own pranks,” Liam added.
            “Okay! Fine! Stop tickling me Valerie!” Harry said. I stopped tickling him and he was able to breathe normally without laughing, “You know the winter festival the city holds every year from the day after Christmas until New Year’s Day?” I had no idea what he was talking about, but Louis and Liam nodded, “I’m taking her there, okay?”
            “Is the festival outside?” I asked, and Harry nodded, “That’s all I needed to know, thank you!” I got up and walked to Louis, “Thanks for the help.”
            “Anything for you babe,” he said. Babe, I like that. I gave him a quick kiss and ran back up the stairs into my room. Holly and Perrie were both sitting on my bed, talking, when I walked through the door.
            “Perrie, she’s gonna have to wear something warm,” I said. Perrie nodded, got up, and walked to my closet.
            Two hours later and after working on Holly’s hair, clothes, and make up, we were done.
            “Alright,” Perrie said, clapping her hands, “We’re done!” She turned Holly to look at the mirror behind my bed. Holly looked at herself and smiled.
            “Perrie, you’re a miracle worker!” she said.
            “That’s what I said when she helped me before mine and Louis’s first date,” I said, “And you look amazing Holly. I think Harry will have a hard time keeping his hands to himself.” Holly blushed furiously and Perrie laughed.
            “It’s three forty five,” Perrie said, “I’m going to go and find Zayn, okay?” We both nodded. Perrie walked up to Holly and hugged her, “Good luck!” She then walked out the door.
            “I’m going to go find Louis then,” I said, “If Harry tries pulling anything, you let me know and I’ll kick his ass for you, okay?’” Holly rolled her eyes and giggled, “Seriously though, good luck tonight!” I walked out of the room and downstairs into the living room. Louis, Niall, and Liam were watching the television. I sat next to Louis and leaned on his shoulder. He put his arm around me.
            “Hey love,” he said.
            “Hello,” I said.
            “You and Perrie done getting Holly ready?”
            “Yep.” Niall sighed and looked down at the ground. I glanced up at Louis and raised an eyebrow, but he just shrugged.
            “What’s wrong Niall?” I asked. He looked up.
            “It’s nothing really,” he said, “Um, I’m going to go and make sure Darcy has enough food.” He got up and the three of us watched as he sulked into the kitchen.
            “Did I miss something?” I asked. Liam sighed and leaned forward.
            “Niall’s just feeling alone,” he said, “Now that Harry and Holly are going out on a date, and we all know they’re going to be an item, he knows that he’s the only single one in the group.”
            “Oh.” I looked back at the kitchen and through the doorway I saw Niall petting Darcy, who was up on the counter. He was feeding her pieces of her food and watching as she purred and walked back and forth in front of him.  He smiled, sadly, and continued petting her.
