The Stone Army

Hey Guys Hope you enjoy this chapter.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was asleep peacefully having a nice dream, when suddenly I was awoken by the sound of ringing. When I woke up I looked around and noticed the rest of the team had woken up aswell, and they looked just as miserable as I did.

In the room Cole had woken up and smacked his head on the bunk above him, Jay had rolled off of the top bunk, Kai threw a rock that he had at the alarm clock to get it to stop ringing but it hit the alarm on to the record player, so the alarm was amplified even louder.

"uhggh" all of us groaned and held our hands over our ears, well all except Zane who was still asleep.

Lloyd then sat up and used his energy blast to destroy the alarm clock. " Thanks Lloyd" I said as I patted him on the shoulder.

seeing as Lloyd and I were late comers as you would say, we didn't own a bunk bed so we had our own beds on the floor.

"ughh is it Wednesday already?" Lloyd asks.

"sunrise exercise, i hate sunrise exercise" I say.

Sensei Wu then walks through the door finishing a cup full of tea." good morning, morning, morning up, up its a new day students. before we begin sunrise exercise I noticed the dragon made another mess outside, it looks like a two person job" he says as he walks back out laughing.

"uhh what was that sensei I couldn't hear you" Cole says as the rest of the team all say something at the same time as they all walk off to change into their uniforms.

"Lloyd, (Y/N) haha im sure you got this" Jay says to us as he and the rest of the team run towards the door.

" uhg you might have been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller but im grown up now, that's not fair" Lloyd says

"yeah, and why do I have to help, why cant one of you do it instead?"  I ask.

the ninja sigh and turn around." you guys are right we need to settle this like men with a game of rock, paper, clam"

"well since you guys said like men, im going to leave you to it, since im no man" I say as I start to leave the room.

"ah ah ah, I don't think so, your part of this team too you know" Cole says as he grabs my arm stopping me from leaving the room.

" sigh fine" I grumble as I walk back and stand within the circle that they formed.

everyone puts there hands in and draws paper, apart from Lloyd. "haha paper beats rock" Jay says

"how does paper beat rock?" Lloyd sighs in defeat.

Time skip to when Nya shows up~

we all hear an alarm as Lloyd is talking about his past, and Nya climbs down the anchor telling us that the museum of history wanted to see us, so we all gear up and run to the museum.

when we arrive at the museum the manager informs us about what has been happening and about what we need to do, we all walk to the gift shop and when we open the door we are met with a whole load of mini statues that have glowing green eyes and are bouncing around.

" the toxicity in the venom has somehow bought our merchandise to life, its so unruly I just didn't know who else to call" the manager informs us.

one of the statues jumps on Zanes had and punches him in the face, so he throws it on the floor.

" we've got this covered" I say

" I think we can handle a few toys" Jay continues for me.

" and please would you contain the fighting to the gift shop, the doors to the new exhibit  will be open soon thank you" the manager says as he closes the doors, leaving us in the room with all of the statues.

the statues jump down and start to attack each of us, Cole, Kai and I run forward to attack some of them but they tip over a gumball machine causing all of the gumballs to roll onto the floor and us to slip and fall.

the statues all start to laugh, so Kai does spinjitzu as the rest of us except Lloyd, sensei and i do the same.

"Ninja go!" they all yell as they do spinjitzu and destroy the statues, along with the entire gift shop.

"uhh oops" Zane says.

we hear the door open and see Wu run out so we all run after him. when we catch up to Wu we see him talking to a woman.

we walk up to them and Wu introduces her as Misako, Lloyds mother. we all gasp and Lloyd walks up behind us.

"My mother?" he asks.

Misako smiles "Lloyd? my little boy, your so much bigger then I remember" she says to him.

" yeah well I-its been a long time" he says angrily back to her.

"I didn't want us to meet like this, i have a reason why ive been away..." Misako starts.

"well I don't wanna hear it" Lloyd says not letting her finish as he walks off.

"Lloyd wait" Misako calls "please". All we do is watch as Lloyd walks off and closes the door.


We walk out of the room as Misako calls Lloyds name trying to find him.

we walk in to Misako speaking.

" Long before time had a name Ninjago was created by the first spinjitzu master"

"yeah yeah, we've heard this story a hundred times" Lloyd interrupts.

"But you've only heard half of it, In Ninjago there has always been balance between good and evil, so you know about how the first spinjitzu master created ninjago but what if I were to tell you, in order for there to be light there must be shadow and within shadow there is darkness. The blackest of darkness that ever existed from the very beginning, an evil spirit called the overlord"

" Did you know about this sensei?" I ask.

" I had hoped that if I kept this secret, that name would never be spoken again" sensei tells us.

Misako continues " the balance was at stake and their battle would have gone on for eternity. each side powerful, neither could conquer the other until the overlord created his indestructible warriors the stone army. The spinjitzu master did all he could, but he knew he would soon be defeated, so instead of losing the war he divided ninjago in two, and lucky for us since then there has been no trace of the over lord or his stone army. until my recent discovery."

" so that's why the battle has yet to be decided, it was never finished" Kai states.

"but where is this dark island? ive never heard of it." Cole asks.

" it disappeared I presume, but the legend states that so long as the balance between good and evil remains even the overlord should remain trapped from this world" Misako says to us.

" I have always feared your fathers ambition would ultimately lead to a shift in the balance, that is why he must be stopped" she tells Lloyd.

"we have each felt the power of the first spinjitzu master, passed onto us in the form of the elemental weapons, but now that power has been inhabited by the green ninja, which is why only Lloyd can defeat ultimate evil or else all of ninjago will fall prey to its darkness" Wu speaks.

Misako speaks to Lloyd telling him that leaving him was hard and that it was all for the sake of ninjago, and that she was which Lloyd nodded to.

Misako speaks but she never gets to finish as a massive stone warrior crashes through the door.

"WOAH EXCUSE ME!! will some body please tell me WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?" Jay shouts

"the stone warrior" Misako tells us

" the devourers venom has awakened him" Zane informs us.

" uhgg great Kai take care of him" Cole commands

" uhh me?" Kai says unsure. "ok block head take this " Kai says as he runs towards the warrior.

He tries to attack it but he is thrown to the ground and his sword shatters, he is then grabbed by his foot and held upside down.

"the over lord created his stone army from an indestructible material only found on the dark island" Misako tells us.

"great you could have mentioned that earlier" kai says as he is thrown across the room.

"Lloyd use your powers" sensei says.

Lloyd then begins to build up his energy and shoots the stone warrior, we all cheer thinking that we had defeated the warrior but we were wrong. As we look at the green flame we see somethingand the stone warrior stands in the door way.

 "uhh wait a minute, how are we suppost to destroy this thing?" I ask

"you cant" Misako says as her and Lloyd back up.

we look at them, but then turn around to see the stone warrior stepping on the fire to put it out.

Cole, Jay, Zane and I all rush forwards with our weapons and attack the stone warrior, Cole and I run forwards together and use our weapons to hit the stone warrior but we are both kicked back by the warrior and end up on the other side of the bottomless pit.

Jay is thrown back also and almost falls down the pit but Wu saves him just before that could happen, we watch as Zane jumps and kicks the warrior but it fails and he ends up face planting the stone warrior and on the floor. The stone warrior advances on all of us and tosses everyone in the room through the door way into the other room and we all hit the wall.

"uhgg ow" I say as I get up with Kai's help.

"this is going to be a lot harder then a bunch of bobble heads fellas" Cole yells.

"Then its a good thing were in a museum" Jay says.

"why is that?" Misako asks as the stone warrior breaks through the wall.

"because were all about to become history. RUN!!!" Jay shouts

we all run through the history museum with the giant stone warrior chasing us, we turned left in to a room with a large corridor.

"the guys got a pair of sneakers on him, pick up the pace. GO.GO.GO" Lloyd yells to us as we all run alot faster.

As we got out of the corridor we came across some stairs and ran up them, into the main part of the museum where the ninja held the doors shut, but realised that it wasn't going to hold the stone warrior, he broke a hole in the door, and the ninja backed up as he yelled looking at us.

the stone warrior then took a few steps back and then started to ram the door down with its shoulder.

" ehh this thing is unstoppable" I yell

" indestructible to be precise" Zane corrects

"that door aint going to hold him forever" Kai points out.

"the we'll settle this like men, with rock, paper, clam. Loser has to face him, so the rest can escape." Jay says as he holds his hand in the middle.

the rest of us put our hands in the middle and Lloyd was about to but jay stopped him.

"ah ah not you chosen one" he says to Lloyd.

"on three, one two..." Cole says but never finishes as Lloyd interrupts.

"wait a minute, that's it" he says

"whats it?" Wu asks.

" if you guys can keep him busy I think I know how to stop him" Lloyd tells us all.

" I say we give the kid a shot" Cole says

"your just saying that because your too afraid to face him" Jay counters

" do you wanna face it?" Cole asks Jay as the warrior bashes on the door harder.

" I say we give the kid a shot" jay says copying Cole as we watch Lloyd run towards a vent, Misako wishes him luck and he thanks her.

we walk towards sensei and Misako to think of a plan as to how we are going to distract it.

Mini timeskip~

the stone warrior managed to smash the door down and was now inside the room we are currently in, as it walks into the room it looks around as if its confused because it cant see us anywhere, only were all on the floor above giving each other hand signals, when the stone warrior is underneath the giant skeleton hanging on the ceiling Cole jumps out and  cuts all of the ropes holding the skeleton up, and the skeleton lands on top of the stone warrior.

"woah direct hit haha" Jay calls as we walk out of hiding and slide down a skeleton of a dinosaur. We walk up to the skeleton pieces and cole asks if we got him. His question is immediately answered when the stone warriors hand comes shooting out of the pile of bones.

" hes still here!" I shout.
" do you think Lloyd is ready with his plan?" Zane asks

" I hope so" Cole says as he runs out of the room along with the rest of us, Misako trips up, and says how she may not be a ninja but she can look out for her self and she slides down a banner that is hanging on the wall, she then beckons us all to follow so we too slide down the banners and continue to run but as we get close to Misako the stone warrior jumps down and we all go flying out of the way.

once all of us are up and we've made sure each person is alright we run to where Misako went and found her and Lloyd near the bottomless pit where it looks like part of the floor was ripped open.

"stay with us, help us fight the good fight" Wu offers Misako

"if that's ok with my son" she says looking back to Lloyd.

"hey the more the merrier" he says back smiling as he and Misako embrace in a hug. We all smile and head back to the bounty with our new member.

hope you all enjoyed the chapter, it took forever to write, see you next time bros
