Wolverines?- lloyd

Ok this is weird... How am I updating this much? Maybe its just because I'm so excited to get this book done. That's probably what it is. Ok enough chit-chat, last request and then it's time for the "I dos"

"Hey y/n? You decent?" You quickly put your nightgown on over your head and dashed to the door, swinging it open to see Lloyd's smiling face. "Hello my beautiful boyfriend of mine," You murmur, wrapping your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. "Hello to you too. I'm glad you're feeling better.'

"So what'cha need?"

"So the guys wanna do 'Scary Movie Night,' and since you're part of the team now, I wanted you to come with. That okay with you?" Nodding, you take Lloyd by the hand as you dashed out to the living room, where everyone was  huddled around the television, anticipating for the movie to start. "Come Lloyd! Y/n! It's gonna start soon! Get your asses over here if you're gonna watch it with us!" You ignored Kai's fierce orders, and plopped on the floor in front of the couch, Lloyd falling right beside you. 

And it turned out the movie was pretty good. Well, what you saw of it. You probably missed at least the last half an hour of it, but it was about some werewolf attack or something, you don't know anymore. It's just you thought you didn't fall asleep, but you did.

But let's not worry about that. You swore you saw the ending, it's just you forgot what happened. You went back to you bedroom to get ready to go to bed, when you heard Lloyd knock on your door for the second time that night. "Hold on Lloyd-" you started but you swung open the door before you could get to it, but what scared you was that it WASN'T Lloyd. I mean, yeah in a way it was him, but if you put him on werewolf steroids. "Oh dear God-" He bashed into your room and grabbed you and-

You woke up at home.

It was all a dream.

Woo-hoo FINALLY done with suggestions! Yay!!!!!!
