I Dare You...

(not proofread)
Triiiiiiiinnng' the alarm rang. With loose hands I switched it off. I woke up with eyes closed and walked towards the bathroom, and as usual, I brushed my teeth with my half closed eyes. I got ready for the school. Mom always dropped me, Harry and Joe to school, as our school was on the way to her office. Now, we had a new member with us, Casper. We had started with our school a week ago. I called Harry, to ask if they were ready. He said they were waiting downstairs. Mom and me, rushed downstairs. We got into the car and mom dropped us to the school.

We met Emma and Laura on our usual meeting corner- a huge tree surrounded by a short wall, where we all used to sit and gossip till the bell for the first period, rung. The bell rung and we headed towards our classes. First period, Mrs. Martin's horrifying Maths period. I hated this period the most. Not only the period but also the subject. Casper and I entered the class. All the benches, except the benches in the front were full. I never liked sitting in the front, because whenever I sat in front I was clearly visible to the teachers and they asked tonnes of questions.
Mrs. Martin was the most annoying person on the earth. She just loved me. I wasn't a studious girl in the class, nor did I like Maths and also I hated Mrs Martin. Her face was so nauseating, so horrible. She had little hair on her face, her eyes half closed, her nose pointed and her hair messy. She walked like a zombie and taught like a woman who has not slept for years. But her voice was full of energy. No one can ever believe that this voice belonged to her. Her bad breath, oh my gosh! It literally felt she hasn't brushed for years and she had this most terrible habit of forgetting.
She would always tell me to take some notebooks, test papers and stuff with her when the period ended and on the way she would jabber a lot. I always had to tolerate her bad breath and agree with everything she said, helplessly. And on top of it, today I was sitting in the front row. We both took our seats and there enters the most annoying person on the globe.

I am sure she'll question me today. At least she used to forget about me when I was out of her sight. But now I am sitting right in front of her. Oh god! Save me.

"Miss Gupta? Where were you? I didn't see you from so many days" a voice struck my ears as I looked up to see Mrs Martin glaring at me. Yesterday was the day when I bunked the class. I was sitting in the toilet without any reason just to avoid Mrs Martin because day before yesterday she told me that I was the one who had to take some things of her to the staff room that too with her. I didn't want to breathe the foul smell of her mouth. So to avoid her I bunked yesterday's class and now she was glaring at me like I hadn't attended her class from the first day. "I am asking you Miss Gupta!" She said again as I didn't answer her. I stood up,"But I-I was present from the first day. I did not miss any of your lectures." I fumbled a bit. Casper looked raising his eyebrows at me. He was controlling his laughter. I was able to see his expressions change from the corner of my eyes. "Shut up Casper!" I hissed pinching his hand and looking down. "Ouch!" He exclaimed. "But what did I do?" He whispered.
"Stop laughing" I hissed again. Mrs Martin noticed our behaviour and said, "You both look cute together" "What?" We both said in one voice. She smiled at us and turned towards the blackboard. I sat down with a confused expression on my face.
The bell rang and it was the end of the period. I as usual wanted to run because I didn't want to miss my second period as it was my favourite subject, History because of Mrs Martin as I always had to. I always used to get late to my history class. I loved History class and also I loved Mr Walter. He was so amazing in his teaching that he used to take us back in the olden days. I rushed out of the class, running towards the History class, that's when Casper called me,"Hey Myra, wait! I-" "I'll see you at lunch Casper. Bye" I cut his sentence off and without waiting for him to say bye I rushed towards History class and I heard Casper's voice fading,"Bye! See you!"


Emma and I entered the cafeteria and saw Laura, Joe, Harry and Casper sitting on the table in the corner of the cafeteria. Emma sat down next to Harry, obviously and I next to Casper, I had no option anyways. Casper started narrating the story of our Maths class to others.
"You know guys? She just loves Myra. Myra was telling me to shut up and I was like what did I do and Mrs Martin found this stuff cute! Can you even imagine? What's cute in that?" He exclaimed. "In fact, She said we both looked cute together. She's crazy" I chuckled. All started laughing.

We had our lunch and we were chit- chatting finding nothing else to do as we ate too fast. Everyday we had a competition. The one who is last to finish, gets a dare which has to be completed or else he has to complete everybody's homework in the group. Today it was me who had to complete the dare because I was the one who finished the food last. Actually it was Casper but he stuffed the last piece of his burgerin his mouth, which was very huge and he wasn't able to eat it and he felt very embarrassed. So he rushed to the washroom.

"So, you'll have to do whatever we tell you to do."Joe said with a challenging look on his face. I was so scared of this challenging face because when his lips get twitched up in a long smirk, his dare can even kill you. "I'll HAVE to. I have no choice, have I?" I asked Joe. "No. You DO NOT" Emma exclaimed. "Okay. So Myra" Harry said, "You know Mike?-" "Oh no! Harry you are not going to give me a dare in which I have to face the people who have a crush on me. Please!" I pleaded.

Mike was a guy who was mad behind me as I was a cheerleader. He had proposed me 7 times through letters, through messages and even face to face. But I always refused because I wasn't interested in him even a bit. That's why, one day I was so irritated by his constant proposals that I actually slapped him in a party and insulted him in front of all the classmates. That's why he left the football team as I was the best friend of Harry, who was the captain and Harry needed him because Mike was a good player. Now his place was taken by Casper, anyways. Mike is still so mad behind me, even if he has left the football team. He doesn't talk to me because I pay him no mind, though he used to send me greetings at my house even after I insulted him, but it had stopped after so many days and I didn't want to start it over again.

"So,I dare you to speak to him. At least say 'hi'" Harry snapped his fingers in front of my eyes bringing me back to my senses. "What?" I stood up."Harry, you know it'll start over again. It's going to ruin my life if I do this right now." I said with a an angry cum fearful face. "You have to do this" Joe said with that irritating smirk on his face. I thought for a while. "Myra, go. We don't have whole day. Just 20 minutes left for the bell to ring" Laura chuckled.

You can handle it. You can do it Myra, You can do it. Otherwise you'll have to do the homework of everyone.

I stood up. I turned back to look around to see where Mike was sitting. That's when I saw him walking in my direction, though he wasn't looking at me.

This is a chance, Myra go. You can do it. You are a great drama queen. Go Myra Go!

I cheered myself and took a bold step towards him. We confronted each other and I intentionally collided with him, "Oh I'm sorry, M-Mi-Mike" I fumbled. "No It's... It's completely okay" he fumbled too,"Are you fine?" He asked. "Ye.. Yes" I replied, "I'm fi...fine." "No, Myra. Are you rea... really fine?" He asked me again. "Wait, what do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "You talked to me" he said with a bit of excitement in his voice.

"It was just a stupid dare. If she had not completed this dare she would have had to complete everybody's homework in the group. Do not pay attention to such negligible things. If you trouble her again, you'll see the results." A fierce voice fell on my ears and a warm hand wrapped my wrist and I felt someone pulling me away from Mike. I was soon out of the cafeteria. I didn't notice who it was. I saw myself in an isolated corner and those warm hands pushed me against the wall and I looked up. It was Casper. He looked straight in my eyes but this time it was his angry eyes. He clenched his jaw.
"Have you gone mad, Myra?" Anger was gushing out from his eyes. "You know this can ruin your whole life. He had stopped talking to you. Everything was over and now you go and talk to him to start it all over again. You can't use him as a pastime because if you do, he'll use you. He might seem as an innocent boy but he is an aggressive one. He might take revenge of this. You understand?" He gritted through his teeth.

"Bu...But the ho... homework -"I stammered.
"Let the homework go to hell. I would have helped you with it. Your life is more important, remember he was also a football player. He is also a popular kid. Do you think he must not have done it with other girls? He has done. But he wanted you desperately. You know it very well, he is a player. You insulted him and still he is so shameless, trying to act smart in front of you. He is showing off his innocent side to you, which he doesn't have though, and you think he is madly in love with you. He left the football team because he was getting bored, not because you insulted him. He takes a revenge of whoever insults him and that's why he is still so sweet with you. I hope you are getting my point." He was trying hard to explain me.
"Yeah. I get you" I replied. "But how do you know all this stuff?"
"He came to New York 2years ago, right?"
"Before that, he lived in London and he was my friend. I know everything about him. Same thing happened with a girl in my class. He used her by giving her a drink in a party and she went unconscious because he had mixed something in it and he did this because she insulted him. He took his revenge."
My jaw dropping to the earth and my eyes widening to the size of saucers, I looked at Casper. He shrugged and as usual stood with his hands in the pocket and a little smirk on his face.



Seriously, Myra is so innocent. What do you think? Will Mike take any revenge?

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